Example sentences of "[coord] others have " in BNC.

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1 If the other or others had not occurred , then if c had also not occurred , e would n't have .
2 The argument is that we or others have made mistakes in the past or would make them in circumstances which , so far as we can tell , are not relevantly different from our present circumstances .
3 It was situated in an old house , a three-storey building which the students and others had the run of , more or less .
4 In earlier work , he and others had established that the cortical-evoked potential , and also direct cortical stimulation , had to persist for several hundred milliseconds before subjects reported feeling anything .
5 Britain 's role in the world , which had generated a series of transient late-imperial crises between 1956 to 1982 , remained decidedly obscure , as Dean Acheson , Nicholas Henderson , and others had long forecast .
6 Durkheim and others had emphasized to Eliot connections between primitive rituals like the intichiuma and more developed religions such as Christianity .
7 At a number of points , Ian Paisley and others had tried very hard to create a new party which would embrace all traditional unionists .
8 Some men had books which dealt with events in which Zuwaya had played some part , and others had seen them .
9 Additionally , William Sherard had sent seeds from Rome and others had come from the Oxford Garden and from Scotland .
10 Among them was John Ingram , who said that he and others had been drinking with Drew at 1.35pm that lunchtime , and that Drew had mentioned going to Cross Street to get a paper .
11 Then Mr Lewis began to report certain remarks his lordship and others had made at dinner on that first evening after his arrival .
12 In spite of the interest which Kraepelin and others had taken in them , strange mental states produced by drugs did not help much towards understanding the causes of or finding treatments for insanity .
13 On the contrary , Chinese horological techniques did not advance , and when the Jesuits brought their clocks to China in the sixteenth century the inventions of Su Sung and others had long been forgotten .
14 The council and others had objected to the proposed development and the council had refused planning permission on the ground that the proposals would result in an intensification of air pollution in an area where the level of existing pollution was high and would create additional health hazards to residents of the area .
15 ‘ I can deeply appreciate the complainant 's disappointment at the outcome of the inquiry after the council and others had objected to the proposed development .
16 This is symptomatic of much more important weaknesses — Charles did not as Gale states ‘ hypothesise a glacial period in the distant past ’ as a stop gap for ignorance — James Smith of Jordanhill and others had already shown that there was good evidence for a cold period on actual fossils .
17 Special mention made of Johnathan Fuller and Lynn Whybourn who had assisted with services at Newton Valence , Helena Hunt and others had helped at Lord Mayor Treloar Hospital , Alton and Pam Smith who had played regularly at Bramdean .
18 ( Eliot and others had also assaulted the Speaker ; on the propriety of a prosecution in this respect , the House reserved its opinion . )
19 Relate spokeswoman Zelda West-Meads said last night that her charity and others had received letters pledging continued support from the princess .
20 But the Scots have always had a deep-rooted sense of inferiority about the English : it was born out of the defeat of the '45 and the surrender of 1707 and , as Boswell and others had observed with chagrin and sometimes rage , the condescension and contempt of the English towards the Scots and their impossible tongue .
21 Junack told me that he personally had received orders from Commander Lehmann to scuttle the ship by placing explosive charges in the cooling water intakes and to open the seacocks , and that he and others had done this ; and this was confirmed by an engine-room rating named Werner Lust who stayed on in England after his release as a prisoner-of-war .
22 The imperialist politicians who , at the turn of the century , seemed to be carrying all before them , turned out to be far less powerful than Hobson and others had feared .
23 Due to its dismantling at Barry and other locations , several components had gone missing and these needed movement and others had to be manufactured from new .
24 To avoid similar disqualifications railway companies and others had ‘ most unwillingly ’ been obliged to lower occupational pensions , either at their own instigation or following requests from employees .
25 Elsewhere in the Old Master section a group of rare School of Fontainebleau prints by Davent , Fantuzzi and others had only mixed success due to strong estimates .
26 Until last month the horrors of Philip Morris , Merck and others had served other sectors well .
27 When Jarvis came to take over the house , although a good many people had been inside it and others had lived in it , the chair and the stool were still in the bellringer 's room .
28 United States trade associations such as CBEMA ( hardware ) and ADAPSO ( software ) and others had worried that some foreign nations might impose usage-related charges on data transmission ; West Germany was suspect in this regard .
29 Though funds were never sufficient to solve the problems completely , some farmers were resettled on better land purchased by the TA and others had their farms re-equipped .
30 I was in no doubt that my lover had talent , but I had no doubt , too , that he would have remained either in relative obscurity or at the mercy of the likes of M. Chaillot and others had he not come across me .
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