Example sentences of "[coord] a fifth " in BNC.

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1 It could buy this lolly … five chews … or a fifth of a Mars bar
2 Israeli troops killed four Palestinians yesterday and a fifth was beaten to death by fellow Arabs for alleged collaboration with Israel , Reuter reports .
3 Now , nearly the whole output of houses is built under contract to local authorities and the remainder — between a tenth and a fifth of the whole — are built by licence to individual order .
4 What seem to be four candlesticks — designed in the same sugary style — stand guard around it and a fifth , a little distance from the main confectionary , is crowned with a gilded figure .
5 The 1990 Broadcasting Act means that three new independent radio services and a fifth television channel will be set up during the next Parliament .
6 As well as the extreme distress and loss of life this condition can cause , the hospital costs of dealing with the fractures are some £160 million a year , and a fifth of orthopaedic beds are occupied by such cases .
7 A fourth day would be used for outreach work , to include training other organisations , home visits and issue-based talks to other groups ; and a fifth day would concentrate on pro-active rather than reactive social policy work ( see Chapter 8 for an expansion of these concepts ) .
8 Bullets for those that could n't keep up and a fifth of a loaf a day for those that could .
9 The Civil Justice Review found that a third of banks and building societies , and a fifth of local authorities , did not enquire about the debtor 's circumstances before the hearing .
10 Most of these future buy-in managers are currently in their forties , although 23 percent are in their thirties and a fifth are over 50 .
11 January sees the start of a fourth series , and a fifth will be filmed in the spring .
12 Lloyd Walker is poised to replace Lynagh and a fifth replacement could be called if Michael Brial 's injury does not clear up quickly .
13 A quarter of non-executives believed they should have the last word on mergers ( 10% of chief executives agreed ) and a fifth ( compared with 3% of the bosses ) thought they should approve major borrowings and loans .
14 G-ARJU has two separate seats behind the front pair and a fifth one at the back .
15 One petitioner wants a grant to repair the leaky roof of his house , another a grant to clear the stream running past his farm , another wants a Council job and a fourth and a fifth want help with social welfare applications .
16 In November 1294 a tenth was demanded of them in the shires , a sixth in the boroughs ; in December 1295 an eleventh and a seventh were sought ; a year later , in December 1296 , a twelfth and an eighth ; in July 1297 an eighth and a fifth , although this grant was not in fact raised .
17 Later that month an ambiguous assembly in the king 's chamber granted a subsidy of one eighth and a fifth and a wool prise of 8000 sacks in return for a royal promise to confirm the charters .
18 Hindu society in traditional India was divided into five main strata : four varnas or castes , and a fifth group , the outcaste , whose members were known as untouchables .
19 Partly because of the reliance of many older married women on their husband 's state pension contributions , the proportion staying in the labour market beyond the age of 60 has remained fairly high ( between a quarter and a fifth , compared with 8 per cent of men working beyond the age of 65 ) .
20 There was considerable destruction in Afghanistan itself : between a quarter and a fifth of the population became refugees , perhaps a million Afghans died , and a series of civil and military objects including roads , bridges and airfields were destroyed .
21 Art came second , with more space devoted to it than either maths or language ; it accounted for just over a quarter of all curriculum-specific work areas for younger pupils , and a fifth of those for older pupils .
22 Caspar and Fenella had to explain it four times , and a fifth for Flaherty , who was still recovering from his overindulgence in the matter of the mulled wine .
23 And then the third and then the third and a fourth and a fifth and so on all the way through .
24 All the above chords , if transposed a fifth lower , are suitable for the viola , and , if transposed an octave and a fifth lower , for the cello also .
25 The three great grain stations were La Chapelle-lntérieure , La Plaine-Saint-Denis , and Saint Ouen-les-Docks , which between them received a quarter of all the grain and a fifth of all the flour brought into Paris by train .
26 For example , a third of the population of the London Borough of Brent has a head of household born in the New Commonwealth , as does a quarter of the London Borough of Ealing , and a fifth of Leicester and of Slough .
27 Voluntary schools in England account for about a third of primary schools and a fifth of secondary schools ( see Figure 6.9 ) .
28 And a fifth of businesses with turnover of up to £1m said they had no firm of lawyers with whom they deal with on a regular basis at all .
29 A quiet swear word now serves instead of a punch-up with one of her woods , while she had encouraging finishes such as a fourth equal in the Players ' Championship at Tytherington and a fifth place in the recent Gislaved Ladies ' Open in Sweden .
30 Following a three-day meeting in London on Sept. 24-26 , the Sino-British Liaison Group ( JLG ) announced that Hong Kong 's Court of Final Appeal , which in 1993 would replace the Privy Council in London , would be composed of the Chief Justice , three Hong Kong-based judges and a fifth member to be invited alternately from two panels — Panel A , containing retired and serving Court of Appeal judges in Hong Kong , and Panel B , made up of retired judges from other common law jurisdictions .
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