Example sentences of "[coord] a moment " in BNC.

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1 The sentences must have a rise and full , an ability to flow onwards with pauses for breath , like full stops , or a moment 's silence for the onlookers to assess what has just been stated and to understand its purpose and place in the design before the dance continues .
2 I could see the room beginning to spin as though I had had a dreadful shock or a moment of unbearable fear .
3 Erika was ready for a treat and a moment later , surrounded by a forest of plants which gave the café an Amazonian aspect , they were seated and ordering coffee and cakes .
4 Over the top , I hear you say , and so it is — splendidly over the top and a moment that will remind you , adrift in the endless hours of pseudo-realism , that the screen does after all have transformative powers .
5 She was too late however , as he was already at the door and a moment later , without a further word , he was gone .
6 ‘ A tār horn , ’ he said , and a moment later added , ‘ that 's how the hunters carry their gunpowder : fill it up , stuff the top with a birch-bark bung and tie it to their rifle straps . ’
7 When you later screen a second replay on your colour television , it 's likely that you will be even more pleased with your efforts : the colours , the movement , the thrill of seeing and hearing the sights and sounds of the place where you live and of the people who live there ; it 's all magic , and a moment to be savoured .
8 It bounced away and he chased it , and a moment later he bumped into the dark , smelly shape of a tramp .
9 Nicky was half aware of the Mercedes that approached them , and a moment later he screeched his warning to Lou , watching frozen , and horrified , as the great car drove up onto the pavement and bore down upon them .
10 He dived under the fence and a moment later the ducks began waddling through the tunnel and into the garden .
11 Robins duly promised , and a moment later we were on our way in Mollie 's Ford 8 .
12 And a moment later any extraneous thoughts were driven from his mind — for he saw his first alien prisoner : a mottled green froglike biped of lustrous hue , being frogmarched in chains .
13 After reversing one move his feet slipped , followed rapidly by his hands , and a moment later he landed on top of me with a crash of flailing limbs and a clatter of runners .
14 She said nothing and a moment or two of silence fell on them like one of the Moor 's deadly mists .
15 He caught the words — " Never been near a Shape " — and a moment later Cowslip replied , " Well , it makes no difference from our point of view . "
16 While the hall echoes with laughter and stamping feet , Sara saw her mother whispering in her father 's ear , and a moment later she was beckoned to their presence .
17 The formal shouts of challenge and reply were made between the guards on the watchtowers and the approaching horsemen , and a moment later there were hooves clattering in the yard .
18 She crawled along to it , and a moment later they were face to face through a large chink , Tristram grinning , his teeth white and his face sun-darkened , and the sight of him made her feel safe and loved again , as if she had arrived home .
19 The seal dived away and a moment later two seals appeared together in the water and swam away together .
20 A train hooted and a moment later flashed past with a shriek .
21 Greeting us sleepily , they began immediately to cast off The engine started and a moment later we were pulling away from the other barges in a wash of white water .
22 And a moment ago I had in front of me the relevant paper .
23 Simultaneously they turned to face one another and a moment later they were locked in an embrace .
24 Whatever the truth of the affair , the consequence was that Pierre Nizan was immediately transferred from Perigueux to Choisy-Baches in the suburbs of Paris , a demotion which signalled a halt to his professional career and a moment of crisis in his personal and family life .
25 Outside on the terrace he waved and called to the children , and a moment later they arrived panting and breathless at the top of the broad flight of marble steps .
26 From her hut she heard him call to the Moi and her sons , and a moment later they all plunged naked into the river .
27 Glancing over her shoulder she saw him fumbling frantically to hide the pencil and paper he had been using , and a moment later Jacques Devraux ducked under the hut 's front flap .
28 But the swirling breeze was at the hunters ' backs , and the big bull suddenly lifted his muzzle to scent in their direction , and a moment later the whole herd was running towards the shelter of the trees .
29 A knock on the door broke the heavy silence and a moment later Nicholson 's secretary entered with a tray of tea and coffee , which she distributed before leaving once more .
30 She called to Plummer that his breakfast was ready and a moment later he ambled in , followed by Hitch .
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