Example sentences of "[coord] the development " in BNC.

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1 Even if historians are specifically interested in form , it is likely to be the history of forms , or the development of styles which will have attracted their attention .
2 They uneasy structure militated against spontaneity or the development of real humour — the show looked uncomfortable and so did Normski .
3 But even before the uprisings of 1956 , Nikita Khrushchev had come to the conclusion that such overt exploitation could no longer be justified in the interests of the USSR or the development of the region as a whole .
4 Its too early to say which bits these will be , says Guglielmi , but the most obvious choices , he suggests , are the big functional blocks such as graphics subsystems or the development environment .
5 Its too early to say which bits these will be , says Guglielmi , but the most obvious choices , he suggests , are the big functional blocks such as graphics subsystems or the development environment .
6 Its too early to say which bits these will be , says Guglielmi , but the most obvious choices , he suggests , are the big functional blocks such as graphics subsystems or the development environment .
7 This helps clients learn to understand more about the processes involved in , for example , stress , or having a panic attack , or the development and maintenance of phobic anxiety , or the uses and abuses of tranquillizers .
8 While concerns have , from time to time , been expressed over the feasibility of a model which mixes commercial banking with the traditionally riskier investment banking , German fears have been allayed without recourse to anti-insider dealing legislation or the development of a sophisticated statute-backed Chinese Wall network .
9 Structural innovation means the introduction of new credit instruments or the development of new kinds of business by banks , such as the invention by Citibank of Certificates of Deposit in 1965 or the introduction of Money Market Funds and NOW accounts by Merrill Lynch in the mid-1970s .
10 In the higher orders the fluting tends to become obscured by flattening of the wing-membrane or the development of secondary curvatures imposed by mechanical considerations .
11 Not all the views may be as pleasurable as that of North Oxfordshire but the history of at least part of the English landscape can be seen from all of them whether it be the story of the development of a north London suburb , seen by a student from a garret window in Stoke Newington , the growth of a medieval town viewed by a young man from the upper windows of an eighteenth-century house in the centre of Lichfield , Staffordshire , or the development of a Cambridgeshire village in front of an ageing civil servant from a study in a 1960s neo-Georgian estate house .
12 Whatever the relative merits of encouraging teacher development or the development of the whole school , the ultimate goal remains the same : the improvement of opportunities for learning among pupils .
13 A World Health Organisation document ‘ European paper on nursing ’ states that ‘ limiting the choices open to people and nurses or the development of their competence in decision-making obstructs the achievement of Health for All ’ .
14 New problems may take the form of crises , such as sudden and/or final loss of ability to walk , or the development of pressure sores .
15 Moreover , the involvement of the P3A + subunit in the pathogenesis or the development of MG is unknown .
16 In the post-colonial state this phenomenon is usually referred to as ‘ national integration ’ or the development of an administrative ‘ capability ’ ( a prerequisite of integration ) .
17 At present , we do not know how smoking might promote either gall stone formation or the development of symptoms .
18 Past tense , on the other hand , is generally used for describing situations or narrating events outside the work(s) you are discussing , such as those of national or cultural history or the development of literary traditions .
19 Chinese influence on all aspects of Japanese society and politics was immense , and while this did not preclude friction between the two countries , nor the development of indigenous Japanese cultural traits , many of the institutions , ideas and attitudes important to Japanese history owe a great deal to China .
20 In his analysis of the popular culture which appeared among the promoters of the Pro-Life Campaign , set up to achieve a constitutional ban on abortion in the Republic in 1983 , O'Carroll pin-points certain characteristics , which can be abbreviated here : a monolithic and absolute view of the world , with its accompanying intolerance , derived in part from the direct consultation of clerics and politicians on public moral issues and the subsequent failure to develop an ethos of public debate ; a localized belief system , rooted in family and communal authority and issuing in a spirit of absolute conformity ; sexual prudery , a product partly of the inheritance problem ; and the development of acute anxiety when such beliefs — inhering partly as they do in their practice and shaping of society — are threatened .
21 The growth of the catholic social movements and activity of Roman catholics in trade unions and politics was rooted in this dramatic revival , which gave rise to Catholic Action and the development of catholic social studies groups around the world .
23 With the advent of digital computers and the development of information theory in the 1940s and 1950s , this job was interpreted as being that of finding out how the nervous system ‘ encoded ’ reality in a digital form .
24 Since 1933 , and the development of recording , there has been an immense range of both well- and little-known music on which to build all kinds of ballet ( see page 56 ) .
25 Critics say that the real battle against drugs can only be won by international co-ordination and the development of a long-term growth strategy .
26 ‘ Yet with the right kind of controls , and the development of proper management for the species , the caiman could be conserved and still create income for local people and foreign exchange for the government . ’
27 Daresbury Laboratory , near Runcorn , Cheshire , has Europe 's largest and Britain 's only source of synchrotron radiation ( SRS ) — vital to the study of protein crystals and the development of drugs to combat diseases such as Aids .
28 This poem foreshadows the method of the later , greater poetry of The Waste Land in trying to hold the most primitive and most developed in one by letting the former show through the latter and the development of one out of the other be seen .
29 In July 1931 he declared that he could not ‘ work with anyone except on the ground that he believes in the guarding of our home market and the development of our Imperial market as absolute essentials ’ .
30 In late November of that year , the first tenants moved into the building and the development almost immediately became the only award-winning refurbishment scheme in the Department of the Environment Housing Awards for 19891 , despite tough competition from more than four hundred entries .
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