Example sentences of "[coord] therefore did " in BNC.

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1 The most infuriating charge was that the health service was different from business and therefore did not need the benefit of the techniques that had been developed in business and industry .
2 It is the equivalent of a British government refusing to appear for questions in the House saying that it had been elected and therefore did not need to defend its decisions before parliament .
3 She writes that it was ‘ one of the best , but it did not suit John , as he was accustomed to follow his whims , and invent or discover for himself , and therefore did not like the regimentation of doing things at a given time .
4 She attended the English Church until Lowe was dismissed and then tactfully discovered she had her own chaplain and therefore did not need to attend either of the rival churches .
5 But yesterday the company said the Raffles cigarettes sold in the shop were £2.02 , not £1.98 , and therefore did not add up to £17.47 , implying that the two men changed the display price to suit their story .
6 It was felt that many indirect tax practitioners , and in particular those dealing with VAT , were former employees of Customs & Excise and therefore did not have a professional body to provide them with recognition , training and quality standards .
7 But its political interests would have been — and were — better served by a lower growth-rate ; for this was less damaging to non-monopoly capital and the working class , and therefore did not provoke such hostility to monopoly capital .
8 Unix Labs maintains that 32V was a limited publication , further restricted by contractual restraints and subject to limited publication law and therefore did not require a copyright notice .
9 USL maintains that 32V was a limited publication , further restricted by contractual restraints and subject to limited publication law and therefore did not require a copyright notice .
10 He was lying on his back , resting his head in his clasped palms , because his borrowed boots were hurting , and therefore did n't see the look of explosive anger suffusing the Old Stager 's face .
11 Several historians for instance have challenged Shorter 's notion of the emancipating effect of women 's work and have shown that even during industrialisation , it was performed in the context of the family economy and therefore did not necessarily free women from the control of either their families or traditional values .
12 Walter Ash Clara knew quite well who Walter Ash was , and therefore did not flash this letter around the classroom , as she knew he was not a great prestige catch ; on the contrary , he had a reputation for being rather a bore .
13 De Havilland , a British company , designed and built the first passenger jet airplane , but it did not analyze what the market needed and therefore did not identify two key factors .
14 By a notice of appeal dated 25 February 1992 the creditors appealed on the ground , inter alia , that the service of a statutory demand was not the bringing of an action and therefore did not contravene section 69 of the Solicitors Act 1974 .
15 He regretted that as teachers of the deaf they were inadequately trained , underpaid and overworked and therefore did not stay in the profession .
16 She complained that it was not feminine — a woman should show off her waist — and therefore did not convey the right image .
17 Similarly in Newell v. Hicks ( 1983 D.C. ) a false statement offering to supply a free gift with a purchase of goods ( when in fact it was not free ) was held not to fall within section 14 because it was a statement relating to the supply of goods and therefore did not relate to the provision of services or facilities .
18 She was pleased that Faye drank it that way , since without food value it would n't affect her blood sugar level or insulin intake and therefore did n't have to be regulated in quantity and timing .
19 The main flaw in this argument is that though Christ was fully human he was also fully God and therefore did not sin .
20 The hon. Member for Holborn and St. Pancras ( Mr. Dobson ) had some difficulty about attributing this and therefore did not say that that eminent legislation was passed by a Liberal Government .
21 On Dec. 5 Japan extended a grant-in-aid worth 4,876 million yen which officials said had been promised in 1988 and therefore did not affect Japan 's temporary ban on economic co-operation .
22 The situation has been further complicated by the fact that she did not belong to any structures and therefore did not benefit from the discipline , counseling and collectivity of the Mass Democratic Movement .
23 Some sections incubated with EGF monoclonal antibody and EGF peptide showed minimal staining in the cytoplasm but this was less than grade 1 in our grading system and therefore did not interferewith our quantitation .
24 He found that the squatters ' actions were not foreseeable in this sense and therefore did amount to a novus actus interveniens .
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