Example sentences of "[coord] send me " in BNC.

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1 An ‘ undred years ago they would ‘ ave ‘ anged me on the spot or sent me off to Australia , so I ca n't complain .
2 they sent me erm or sent me a load a load of material with it .
3 ‘ He 's a good boy , he 's done nothing , they 've taken him away , I know he always comes home or sends me word if he 's going to be kept . ’
4 And send me greate crymes to investygate :
5 The old girl should do her duty and send me a postcard if she can take the time off from her toy-boys .
6 I would be grateful if you could look into the matter and send me the duplicate Agreement as soon as possible , as I have your copy of the tape ( VM on IBM at 1600 bpi ) ready to despatch to you on return of the documents .
7 They 'd be sorry for me , they 'd give me whisky and aspirins and send me to a psychiatrist .
8 Their company seemed to drain me and send me into a state of nervous exhaustion after even a short while .
9 Please accept my application and enrol me as a member of The Literary Guild and send me the introductory books whose numbers I have printed in the boxes provided .
10 Please accept my application and enrol me into Quality Paperbacks Direct , and send me the five introductory books whose numbers I have printed in the boxes provided .
11 She did not look up as Clara entered the room , but said , " I put down large , and they go and send me outsize " .
12 ‘ Perhaps you could give me one of these coins and send me away with a beating ?
13 And send me Taggy ! ’ called the old lady after her .
14 But you pat me on the bottom and send me home , and hope I 'll ‘ keep in touch ’ !
15 So I wrote " your " slippers , she 'll read " your " slippers and send me mine " .
16 You want to psycho-analyse me and send me home with all my little idiosyncrasies ironed out ! ’
17 So if we got erm yeah , so , yeah that I 'll , I 'll erm I 'll get Brenda to go get me a rec erm , a menu and send me it .
18 1991 , 27 1042 ) , prompted a childhood memory and sent me rummaging at the top of the house for 300 Things a bright boy can do , a book presented to me by some relative ca 1928 .
19 What if , like my poor neighbour , I was to be so riddled with cancer , that after cutting me open , they just sewed me up and sent me home ?
20 And she reeled off several names and exact addresses and sent me on my way : Kerr ( ‘ Everyone is related to Kerrs ’ ) , MacMillan , Mackinnon , Lowe .
21 It certainly relit an old flame of interest within me , and sent me off in two different directions at once .
22 They looked me over , said that they did n't know what it was and sent me home .
23 So basically what happens is Mike Rutherford will ring me up after they 've done the album and sent me a tape .
24 When I came round they gave me a large tot of whisky , another injection of morphia and sent me off to Imtarfa , as drunk as a lord .
25 Isobel read it and sent me to Professor MacFee — an English Professor — with it , and they both helped me to send it to a publisher in London .
26 Or , rather , that was my excuse to myself when the letter first arrived and sent me sailing up on to Cloud Nine .
27 I croaked out , which hospital , but she had n't a clue and sent me up to ask somebody called Coleman . "
28 Say she had a win on the bingo and sent me my fare — God knows she 'd never have the money else .
29 And sent me down to down to er down to what 's the name of the place now ?
30 But my ex heard about this and sent me two letters , full of how much he cares for me and that the break-up was his fault .
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