Example sentences of "[coord] opportunity for " in BNC.

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1 In general , further energies went into consolidation , as the struggle for day-to-day survival offered little time or opportunity for political mobilisation .
2 It is therefore the one example found in the UK which follows Ansoff 's recommendation that organisations should maintain separate units to monitor the environment for ‘ weak signals of threats or opportunities for the organization to consider ’ [ Ansoff ( 1975 ) ] .
3 But it must be repeated that this extensive social penetration by Iranians does not seem to have destroyed local autonomy or opportunities for office-holding by locals : thus the Amyzon inscription mentioned above certainly honours Iranians , but one of the archontes ( magistrates ) , has a Karian name ( Panamyes ) and so does Hyssollos the ‘ Treasurer of the Gods ’ and the ‘ mountain guard ’ Paes sun of Panamyes .
4 Management accounts , trade secrets of the business , plans or opportunities for the future can not be released without the approval of the vendor .
5 Jackson and Robinson in a research project Pupils and Staff in Residence ( 7 ) published in 1979 ( although the work was done between 1971 and 1974 ) found a gap between pupil-expectation of hostels and subsequent reality ; students complained of lack of family atmosphere and opportunity for involvement in decision-taking .
6 We aim to create a first-class education system for all , not just by providing adequate public funding , but also through reforms which increase choice and opportunity for each citizen .
7 We will invest in the network of community services — health , housing , crime prevention , social security , arts and sport — to improve quality , choice and opportunity for everyone .
8 Despite his best efforts to concentrate power effectively within his own hands , the emphasis on local authority implicit in a system purporting to operate through the traditional rulers of a primitive country , which possessed nothing approaching a unitary state co-extensive with its official boundaries , inevitably meant that power would drain away from the centre towards the local administrator , who alone could claim the special knowledge of local conditions , and opportunity for intimate supervision , on which Indirect Rule implicitly depended .
9 Optional pub lunch and opportunity for farmhouse tea afterwards .
10 Spain 's dominant classes were therefore permitted the time and opportunity for marshalling their powerful opposition to the very measures that were intended to weaken them .
11 Again the questions of early education and opportunity for sexual learning arise .
12 Paradoxically , however , as well as becoming the classical place of banishment , Siberia was also fast developing into a haven and a land of freedom and opportunity for the steadily increasing numbers of refugees fleeing from the oppressive social , economic and political policies of St Petersburg .
13 Intensification and specialization in agriculture , especially in the vineyards , gave rise to commercial exchange and opportunity for profit and saving .
14 This independence and opportunity for large profit must have been the most important distinction between riches and grinding poverty and must have played a greater part in creating the economic hierarchy of rural society than any other factor .
15 All video and audio exercises require an oral or written response , and opportunity for grammar and vocabulary practice .
16 Does the Minister accept that there is a real need and opportunity for bold and radical measures ?
17 The Conservative party believes in choice and opportunity for people in terms of how they spend their money and their time .
18 On the right of trade unionists to join a trade union of their choice , the hon. Gentleman seems to have forgotten that even Bill Morris , the general secretary-elect of the trade union that sponsors the hon. Gentleman , has said : ’ today when we are about choice and opportunity for the individual there is no choice in this matter or opportunity within them ’ .
19 The Home Ownership and Opportunity for People Everywhere ( Hope ) programme was set to be expanded , but overall the proposed expenditure on " choice " was to be an estimated $16,000 million in fiscal 1992 , approximately $3,700 million less than in the current fiscal year .
20 Bearing in mind the well-documented history on the question of having a fully-licensed establishment within our village the Chairman of the Council has asked me to request a postponement of any final decision in order to give time and opportunity for full consultation and for any resulting meaningful comments to be submitted .
21 Symbol is part of the language of drama : " The way in which the teacher draws attention to the symbol ( gesture , word , object etc. ) generates a collective meaning and also gives time and opportunity for the participant to endow that symbol with his or her individual meaning . "
22 Children are not at increased psychiatric risk if their mother goes out to work , for instance , providing the alternative day care arrangements are of good quality , ensuring continuity of caretaking , adequate love and attention and opportunity for play and conversation .
23 Given this scenario one would have thought that it was clear for all to see that what is required are urgent steps to reduce the time , and opportunity for offending , between being apprehended for an offence and having that offence dealt with by the courts .
24 It was certainly and opportunity for the churches together to look at the world situation in conversation together and thus , to deepen the faith which have to proclaim at arriving at a common understanding of the situation .
25 Ever-changing bulges and deficits in different age groups — such as the shortage of school-leavers which Britain is about to experience — will present problems and opportunities for businesses , Mr Hobbs said .
26 The overtime and opportunities for easing which court duty affords is often not compensation enough for the stress it involves .
27 They want to live in socially responsible communities communities where care and opportunity , protection from poverty and crime and pollution , access to transport , housing and education , equal treatment and opportunities for women and men are rights of citizenship and not dependent on individual wealth .
28 When I talk about positions and opportunities for pictures I do n't suggest that you can plan them all .
29 Moreover , family life and stable partnerships are broken with the destruction of homes , and opportunities for sex education are lost with the disruption of schools .
30 Where Conservatives seek to enhance a sense of and opportunities for the discharge of civic obligations , the SLD has stressed empowerment , to use the jargon word , as I suppose we must .
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