Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] come " in BNC.

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1 These ministers had mostly either left the west of Scotland because they could not reconcile their consciences to episcopacy when it was restored there , or had come to Ulster to evangelise and serve the Scots settlers .
2 Blake suspected that he was not the first person who had asked himself that question or had come to the same irrational conclusion .
3 The nineteen ports owned by the British Transport Docks Board were basically old railway ports and had come into Government control with the nationalization of the railways in 1946 .
4 This had been carried out inside the health department and had come up with findings that were easily predictable .
5 Or perhaps he had heard rumours of my goings-on , and had come personally to find out ‘ what Kirkup 's up to now ’ — the traditional BC phrase wherever they have the misfortune to discover my presence .
6 After all they had been force-fed about the godliness of the Khomeini regime , here was Reagan as a ‘ man of God ’ ( North 's words ) who had gone away for a ‘ whole weekend ’ to pray about the Frankfurt meeting and had come up all by himself with an inscription for a Bible to be given to the Iranians .
7 He was now being repatriated from Germany via Britain , and had come to Edinburgh to visit his aunt , my mother-in-law .
8 Blackadder was fifty-four and had come to editing Ash out of pique .
9 He was , however , full of enthusiasm for the resumption of operations as soon as possible and had come up with a new idea .
10 one of Mrs Tibbs 's boarders , ‘ an Irishman recently imported ’ who was ‘ in a perfectly wild state ; and had come over to England to be an apothecary , a clerk in a government office , an actor , a reporter , or anything else that turned up — he was not particular ’ .
11 The Shillington family was originally from England and had come to Ireland about 1658 .
12 Kelly was used to Dennis 's sarcasm and had come to pity his jealousy of her .
13 But the insert cap had stuck to the outer cap of the bottle and had come off — so instead of adding just a couple of drops , half the contents of the bottle went in .
14 Cynical almost to a man , they expected the worst , and had come to write their stories of poor abused children , evil parents , and the things that ‘ incomers ’ get up to in remote islands .
15 These troops , clearly oblivious to danger , were at first thought to be a Dutch contingent , and had come so close that the Bren gunner could fire only two magazines before grenades knocked out his weapon .
16 I am told that other people have had similar experiences but are not prepared to enlarge on their stories ; perhaps they had seen a ghost of a long-gone railwayman who had worked in the area years ago and had come back to his earthly place of employment !
17 Missy had heard their engines long before a human ear could pick up the first faint sound and had come to tell her .
18 When still unmarried , she met a penniless and obviously sick Frenchman who had lived in the South Seas and had come to Koraloona to paint .
19 I had seen the island where time begins , and had come to the sorry realization that the Pacific , the vastest of all oceans , is a far more complicated entity — if indeed it could ever be regarded as such — than it was possible to imagine .
20 She had , however , seen others like them , and had come to fear them .
21 Perhaps he had discovered a seam — did you have a seam of garnet ? — and had come back secretly to exploit it , and …
22 While he had been kicking his heels yesterday he had spent an hour in a tiny bookshop in Curzon Street and had come away with a paperback edition of the Parsons Rosenberg and the Seamus Heaney and Ted Hughes 's anthology .
23 ( Like many British design engineers at the time — and unlike Continental or American ones — he had no university training and had come up through the usual apprenticeship route with evening and part-time study . )
24 Lucy was involved in a study of cetaceans and had come along in the hope of seeing at least some porpoises .
25 He had lived in Stepney for most of his life and had come to South London to work for Joe Maitland when the warehouse opened two years ago .
26 In the space of a few years the word ‘ hooligan ’ had outstripped its humble local origins and its specific reference to London gang life ( it had also begun to lose its capital ‘ H ’ ) and had come to be understood and feared as a much more general affliction among the nation 's youth .
27 Then , of course , the other side was his interest in Child Education , and he had been more or less in the outset of the exciting development which had been going on in Vienna , and had come back with all kinds of ideas .
28 One was new and had come instead of his uncle who was ill , but the guards would not let him in because they did not know him by sight and they nearly threw him into the ditch before they would even let him go home .
29 Mayorazgos had spread geographically outwards from Castile , socially downwards from the great houses — hence the creation of small ‘ abusive ’ entails by non-nobles — and had come to include movables — jewels , relics , and pictures .
30 By the time Durkheim came to write Two Laws of Penal Evolu-tion , he had modified his theory about the decline in importance of the conscience collective ( a phrase he ceased to use ) and had come to believe that collective sentiments were a crucial factor in any society .
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