Example sentences of "[coord] [art] latter " in BNC.

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1 The prognathous condition often involves an inclination of the occipital foramen or the latter may retain its transverse position owing to an elongation of the ventral region of the head .
2 The multiple orgasm in the woman and rapid recovery of erection after ejaculation in the man were " discovered " by popular writers a few years ago and plugged relentlessly ; yet in the woman one violent orgasm may outweigh several minor ones or the latter may not even be invariably desired , while in the man a rapid re-erection is often physically impossible ( in the more virile youngster it usually takes half to three-quarters of an hour , in the older man anything up to 24 , but there is wide variation between individuals and in differently stimulating situations ) .
3 He remembers sitting on a hard seat , among a hundred other candidates in a large , impressively ancient room , scribbling a General Essay paper for three hours on EITHER Political Necessity OR ‘ Enrichissez-vous ! ’ not at all sure what the examiners would be looking for in the answers — their ideas or his ideas , or the former subtly disguised as the latter , or the latter masquerading as the former .
4 Majd al-Din Muhammad ( Molla Musannifek ) , or the latter 's death date , which is given as 875/1470–1 , must be treated with caution .
5 The framework for the investigation of ‘ sensory coding ’ was established in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries , when the business of explaining perception was transformed into the more specific project of correlating the physical properties of perceived objects and events with patterns of activity in the nervous system and the latter with the subjective properties of the experience :
6 But the former will only switch at a relatively low speed ( 42MHz ) , and the latter produce complex , power-hungry circuits .
7 In the RUC the former is known as community relations and the latter neighbourhood policing although in many other forces both go under the rubric of community policing .
8 The Secretary of State for Health reviews proposals to promote efficiency with each Regional Health Authority chairman and the latter then meets the chairmen of the District Health Authorities to implement the policies , covering specific spending and manpower targets .
9 By the end of the year , Biya felt strong enough to force a showdown with Ahidjo and the latter lost the position of party chairman while still abroad .
10 Donald Campbell raised both land and water speed marks during 1964 , the former to 403.1mph in July and the latter to 276.3mph on New Years Eve .
11 There are ‘ thin film ’ and ‘ thick film ’ materials , the former being generally described as intumescent paint and the latter as intumescent mastics .
12 Traditionally , the barn was a building for housing and threshing the corn and pulse crops grown on the farm , the former category comprising wheat , oats , barley and rye , and the latter including peas and beans .
13 There are still professional watermen in the Tideway and still Phelpses on the river , but the former are a dying breed and the latter are amateur competitors .
14 Windmills and tidal barrages ( and perhaps wave power ) are regarded as having promise even if the former do spoil landscapes and the latter ruin the mudflats on which ducks and wading birds feed .
15 Any chance of the former had been negated by Britain 's failure to topple Nasser at Suez ; and the latter was unlikely for some years because the aircraft did not , as yet , exist ; and the RAF had no real enthusiasm for providing the necessary money to buy them out of Air votes , which they quite naturally wanted to use for combat and not transport aircraft .
16 The former represents the once-for-all giving of spiritual life , and the latter the regular repetition of the saving events of the cross and resurrection .
17 If the unlawful act is arson ( criminal damage by fire ) , the fault element will be intention or Caldwell recklessness , and the latter does not require any subjective awareness on the defendant 's part .
18 They had grown tomatoes in peat compost alongside plants grown in coir compost ( coconut fibre ) and the latter were very unsatisfactory .
19 Traditional chemical analysis and the measurement of specific gravity are not much used nowadays , as the former is destructive of the object and the latter is useful only when dealing with an alloy of two metals of greatly differing specific gravities ; in effect this restricts its utility to alloys made of gold and one other metal .
20 For instance , coins of the tribe of the Carnutes inscribed with the name ‘ Yllycci ’ were present , whereas those with ‘ Giamilos ’ were absent ; the inference is that the former were produced before 52BC and the latter after that date .
21 Both Revans and Douglas-Smith welcomed the offers made by Jacques , and the latter endorsed the position of the District as the providing body , an important indication of support for the WEA as the attitude of the resident tutor was crucial in the operation of any scheme involving co-operation between the University and the District .
22 When Kalm visited Miller , they discussed cultivation of trees , particularly conifers , and he was told that at Woburn larches had been planted ‘ some in good soil , some in meagre ’ and the latter ‘ looked very lively , while the former looked quite drooping , as though they were obliged reluctantly to force themselves to grow ’ .
23 John Deverall ( 1979 ) , in a fascinating but as yet unpublished dissertation on the ‘ Public Medium/Private Process ’ dichotomy , draws our attention to authors such as Richard Sennett ( 1974 ) and Iris Murdoch ( 1970 ) , the former deploring the cult of the individual in modern society and the latter arguing fiercely for the arts as ‘ unselfing ’ .
24 Emotions occur in response to actual happenings ; they occur also in response to imagined happenings ; and the latter emotions are real , happening in the present , even though they are called up by unreal situations .
25 The report rejected the idea of two distinct groups of children , the handicapped and the non-handicapped , of whom the former had special education and the latter just education .
26 The furniture is neither splendid nor plentiful ; as for the carpets and the curtains , the former are threadbare and the latter faded .
27 It appeared that the former was hung up on sadomasochism and the latter high on sex , leaving little for Fonda and Hopper to do but punctuate every word with ‘ man ’ .
28 Arab nationalism came within an ace of overthrowing King Husayn in Jordan , and the latter 's acceptance of UNRWA 's resettlement programme , which also implied agreement with Israel over the Jordan waters , might have tipped the scales against him .
29 They are , first , that it should be possible to distinguish different forms of latent inhibition based on associative and non-associative mechanisms , the former being short-lived and the latter more nearly permanent .
30 Tension was exacerbated by the cold-war rhetoric which both President Reagan and Mrs Thatcher consciously adopted , with the former referring to the ‘ Evil Empire ’ in Eastern Europe and the latter revelling in the ‘ Iron Maiden ’ label which the Russians themselves had affixed to her .
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