Example sentences of "[coord] [noun sg] brought " in BNC.

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1 The term programming is used for long term changes in the body 's structure , physiology , or metabolism brought about by environmental influences acting at critical stages of early life .
2 Or there may be ideological elements worth teasing out , either in the object of study ( in the social activity or institution brought into purview ) or in the corpus of knowledge itself .
3 And informed Ulster security sources say there is no evidence that the fatal shots have been fired by a specially trained marksman or mercenary brought in by the IRA or that only one or two men has carried out all the attacks .
4 The rigour and honesty brought to the task will put students of church growth in Dr McGavran 's debt .
5 The first non-core subjects to have prescribed ATs and PS brought into effect will be geography and history — in key stages 1–3 from September 1991 .
6 A coach was stopping — it had German writing along the side , and it was one of those elegant ones with smoked glass that have loos and videos and champagne brought in ice-buckets like on Concorde .
7 Jacob 's taking advantage of his father 's blindness and frailty , and his deceiving him at one of the most solemn moments of his life , are reminiscent of the shame and humiliation brought to Noah by his son Ham .
8 More important in producing new forms of urban life was the general prosperity of the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries , coupled with new ideas of social life and architecture brought in from abroad .
9 Timber was carted up , a tough job for any horse , and ore brought down to the Paddy End Mill in the same manner .
10 The aggression may spring from the threat to my inner peace and well-being brought on by the anxiety which I impose unconsciously on the situation .
11 According to Atwater , at the time There was nothing new as such about grass roots lobbying , but the sophistication and skill brought to this tactic by the Reaganites in the new conditions of the 1980s was a development of great significance .
12 The video identifies four types of stress : stress through clients ; stress through organisations ; personal stress ; and stress brought about by fellow staff .
13 Recognising that some form of help is required by these fish as they are invariably suffering from stress , damaged fins and shock brought about by different water conditions , and not wanting to use anything alien to their systems , I felt that herbs would be gentler and less likely to result in any problems with breeding the fish later .
14 Public expenditure must be savagely reduced , business had to be liberated from the web of state and federal regulations and stability brought about in the monetary system .
15 The Tidy Britain Group was busy most of the weekend recycling paper and glass brought along to the site by visitors .
16 It is a dynamic system of continuous progressive changes due to external environmental conditions and to the processes of synthesis and decay brought about by the living organisms within the soil itself .
17 But knowing , as I did , that there was little to return to in England , and buoyed up by the sense of adventure and risk brought on by the thought of joining the Legion , I knew I would be staying .
18 The information would be formally reported to an appropriate service committee or board , along with a progress report briefly showing land and property brought back into use each year .
19 Beneath the chandeliers only the Louis XVI table , the Queen in zinc ( for patriotic reasons ) , a few objects in electro-metal such as Fame Scattering Petals on Shakespeare 's Tomb , with the heads of certain men of letters , and a few stuffed birds in the rubble of plaster and brickwork brought down by the sepoy cannons , remained .
20 Corbett then cleaned his boots , washed , changed his tunic and ravenously ate the bread and cheese brought up on a platter by an aged lay sister .
21 Economic hardship , the death and destruction brought by war , and a lack of faith in themselves , all made the task of reconstruction a formidable one for Germans .
22 His work has been translated into over twenty languages and is a prime example of the brilliance and fecundity brought to the English novel by writers who have landed on these shores .
23 It was near enough to high water when I landed , which meant that the dinghy would be roughly at the tide-limit , in that no-man 's land of weed and wrack brought in by the tide , and left to mark high water .
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