Example sentences of "[coord] [vb mod] give " in BNC.

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1 ( ii ) Pupils should consider the notion of appropriateness to situation , topic , purpose and language mode and the fact that inappropriate language use can be a source of humour ( either intentional or unintentional ) or may give the impression that the speaker or writer is pompous or inept or impertinent or rude .
2 Females that have struggled to obtain enough food throughout the winter and emerge in spring in poor condition , may fail to conceive , or may give birth to a weak and sickly kid .
3 Should a situation arise which , in the view of one side , represents a threat to peace or a violation of peace , or may give rise to dangerous international complications , then both sides shall contact each other immediately and strive to … achieve understanding on the measures appropriate to improve or overcome the situation .
4 The Tribunal may reserve its judgement or may give its decision after a retirement before the close of the meeting .
5 No court can or should give him direction on such a matter .
6 No court can or should give him direction upon such a matter .
7 In other proceedings , however , the limitation period of six years gives , or should give , the local authority ample time to sue even after an appeal against their demand .
8 A clause such as the following will be included : To the best of the Managers ' knowledge , information and belief no event has occurred or is likely to occur which will or could give rise to any claim under the warranties or indemnities given or to be given under or pursuant to the Sale and Purchase Agreement .
9 Of course , there may be those who would argue that the entrenchment of the middle ground in power would be a good thing that would lead to moderate government and stable policies , but let them not argue that it would also be fair or would give the majority of people what they wanted of government .
10 According to this view , de Gaulle was calculating that his resignation would produce a groundswell of popular annoyance with the parties or would give the politicians an opportunity to display their full incompetence — either of which outcomes would lead to de Gaulle 's rapid reinstatement , this time with a popular mandate to create the kind of constitution that he favoured .
11 These pass on tips about jobs or lodgings , or can give a firm base of support once a migrant has crossed the border .
12 Many of them offer a mail-order service or can give you details of your local stockist .
13 In cases involving accidents at work , and in factory cases in particular , your own client or a close work colleague may be able to ask around to see if anybody actually saw the accident itself or can give background information about events leading up to the accident .
14 and let's give them some encouragement by awarding them the goal of the week … it was their first against Wycombe Wanderers on Tuesday night scored by centre forward Chris Pike … we want more
15 Hefter and May give us no reason to modify this statement .
16 This breaks the cohesion and may give individuals time to reconsider .
17 But if there is no molecular symmetry other than the plane , the x and y axes are not uniquely determined by the symmetry and in-plane vibrations and may give a/b-hybrid bands depending on the relative directions of the A and B axes and the dipole change .
18 These characters become real , and may give the lonely viewer the benefits normally derived from being with other people .
19 Radiotherapy often relieves pain that is untreatable with laser , and may give better long term control so that repeat laser procedures are required less often .
20 Erm first , first of all erm Sue has , has just er reminded me that the , the government is , is considering the matter of planning application fees and we understand that there could be some proposals which erm modify the way in which er those fees are set and may give a greater erm autonomy to local authorities to set their own level of fees , in order to allow them to erm recoup erm more of or perhaps even all of the costs of operating the service , but that is something that 's er definitely for the future er and er is , is not entirely .
21 A multiple transfer of assets may be time consuming if consents are required and may give rise to unnecessary stamp duty .
22 Where a summons or other originating process has been served on a defendant by post or insertion in his letter-box under Ord 7 , 4 10(1) ( b ) or 4(a) or r 13(1) ( b ) or ( 4 ) and after judgment has been given or entered it appears to the court that the process did not come to the knowledge of the defendant in time , the court may of its own motion set aside the judgment and may give any direction or make any such order as the court may think just .
23 In many cases larval invasion is limited to the liver , and may give rise to hepatomegaly and eosinophilia , but on some occasions a larva escapes into the general circulation and arrives in another organ , the most frequently noted being the eye .
24 We have matching for age and for education but it is possible that people who are older and well-educated have special opinions ; such a person happens to receive X and may give rise to a spurious effect .
25 Beau Ranger , as expected , has top weight of 12st and must give 24lb to Prize Asset .
26 I was one of those asked to provide an opinion or two for the Murray investigations , and must give them credit for thoroughness of their enquiries and for most of the conclusions they reached .
27 People wishing to collect semen or inseminate goats , or vets wishing to transfer embryos must be in possession of current licences from the BGS and must give requisite prior notice to the BGS Office of their plans .
28 " The decision maker must understand correctly the law that regulates his decision-making power and must give effect to it .
29 ‘ It is clear that when the section 8(6) procedure comes into operation it is for the police officer to make the decision whether the sample to be provided shall be a sample of blood or urine , but the police officer must convey to the defendant that the sample to be required may be of either blood or urine and must give the defendant an opportunity to consider which sample he would prefer to give if the choice were his and any reasons he has for that preference .
30 He can luff you , but rule 40 says that , prior to the start , luffing must be slow and must give you room and opportunity to keep clear .
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