Example sentences of "[coord] [be] treated " in BNC.

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1 Women will no longer accept that they are relegated to the kitchen or are treated as machines for the production of children .
2 It is to show that Britain does not really have a constitution at all , merely a system of government , even if some parts of it are more important to our democratic order than others or are treated ( perhaps : were treated until Mrs Thatcher 's time ) with greater veneration .
3 It is true that marriage is , or may be , a detriment to the plaintiff ; but detriment to the plaintiff is not enough , unless it either be a benefit to the testator , or be treated by the testator as such , by having been suffered at his request .
4 Is the donkey pulling a loaded cart , the sheep on its way to the slaughterhouse , or the dilapidated parrot on a perch , happy or being treated cruelly ?
5 He ought , whether he remains technically an employee or is treated as a partner or is classified as somewhere between the two ( eg taxed under Sched D on his " salary " ) , to be in a position to know enough about his firm to judge what amounts to a reasonable restriction and not to need the court 's protection if he should have agreed to covenants in stringent terms .
6 This regime makes the settlor of a non-UK resident trust liable to capital gains tax on gains made by the trustees where the settlor has an interest , or is treated as having an interest , in the trust ( the trustees themselves being outside the UK capital gains tax net if a majority of them are neither resident nor ordinarily resident in the UK and the general administration of the trust is carried on outside the UK — see s69 TCGA 1992 ) .
7 He , who had been fêted in Munich , had talked with the elector and other noblemen , and been treated with the respect due to a great artist , now had to take his place in the archiepiscopal pecking-order — below the valets , and only slightly higher than the cooks .
8 In recent years she 's suffered two heart attacks and been treated for cancer and she says she ca n't stand much more of the strain .
9 If you are married without a pension in your own right and are treated as your husband 's dependant , then he draws an extra pension for you .
10 Herpes simplex infection and shingles can be severe and are treated with acyclovir .
11 Alison Assiter extends the notion of autonomy into the private realm where the tradition cautiously refrains from setting foot , and suggests that how we treat and are treated by other people in private has a direct bearing on our autonomy in the public sphere .
12 Lacking any real context , unattached to any larger understanding of why relationships between managers and workers matter , the prescriptions often remain shallow and are treated as such .
13 Indeed in the middle of the twentieth century it can be said that the majority of the world 's population lives under systems of government where the government itself and particularly the executive government are of more importance and are treated with more respect or fear than the Constitution .
14 Those patients who present with metastatic disease and are treated with maximal endocrine treatment will have a median survival of 36 months .
15 The pulses of light passing through the slots are converted to electrical signals by the photocell and are treated in just the same way as those of the mechanical system .
16 These are phrases which behave , and are treated , exactly like words .
17 Your ideas and comments are received by , managing director of , personally , and are treated with the strictest confidence .
18 When the module is entered into LIFESPAN , the files in the FOREIGN-SET are held with the module header file and are treated as a single module .
19 In the meantime the female can be considered an intruder and be treated as such .
20 Pruning to the same hard degree invariably results in an explosion of growth , and such varieties are really much better given enough space elsewhere to do their own thing , and be treated as shrub roses .
21 So it is likely that a family in which a mother or father has to bring up children single-handed will think of itself and be treated by others , as a little cluster of deviants from the marital norm .
22 Private patients can occupy separate accommodation and be treated by the specialist of their choice , in return for paying a fee .
23 By this time Laura was thrilled to meet famous people and be treated as a celebrity among them — a contradiction within herself which she never outgrew as she did not seek the limelight and took pleasure in deflating those whom she considered did .
24 I refuse to sit on in this house and be treated like Christopher Robin by her . ’
25 Other factors — such as de Gaulle 's deep-rooted suspicion of British designs on the French empire and the personal animosities which developed between him and various British and American officials — aggravated tensions but their root cause was a complete disagreement as to whether Free France should act and be treated as an independent sovereign power .
26 Visiting women , on the other hand , were always welcome and were treated to leg-rubbing and purring with as much friendship as was shown to its new owner .
27 Four people aboard the yacht were thrown from their bunks , and were treated in hospital for cuts and shock .
28 Any of the casuals who showed signs of being genuinely ill were referred to the medical officer and were treated in the infirmary .
29 We were ushered into the boardroom at the back of the building and were treated to a few welcoming remarks from Derek Jefferson , in his familiar , cheerful and very effective style .
30 Much more attention was paid to the North American seacoast , where English colonies doubled in number and were treated more seriously by London than ever before .
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