Example sentences of "[coord] [be] drawn " in BNC.

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1 When we speak of strong attachment or attraction between two people we are in the realms of love , the basis on which many people in our culture choose or are drawn towards their marriage partner .
2 The more difficult question to answer is whether these leptokurtic distributions arise because futures price changes ( or returns ) are normally distributed , but the variance changes over time , thus supporting the mixture-of-distributions hypothesis , or are drawn from a stable Pareto distribution .
3 This is from one of Edgar 's codes , and many other provisions either owe something to earlier edicts or are drawn directly from them .
4 She wondered what had been the outcome of Araminta 's promised confrontation with her mother , whether this Saul Quatt had answered the summons and been drawn into the inevitable altercation .
5 For although it is constantly argued that the police represent and are drawn from the community they serve , the cultural style required in the body of the police officer inevitably sets him slightly apart from the ‘ civvies ’ outside the institution , especially where such symbolic use of clothing and beards or hair is the province of the youthful innovator .
6 Princes on white chargers are like bloodhounds , over mountain ranges and mighty oceans they can scent the whiff of virginal longing and are drawn to it like wasps to jam jars .
7 Happy is that man whose eyes have tides like the sea and are drawn by a mystic moon .
8 As a consequence of this ‘ stratificationalist ’ approach , divisions between classes are seen as arbitrary and are drawn , usually on the basis of occupation , for analytic convenience .
9 Those Right-Ons who had written off the Labour Party for ever now began to chew humble pie , and were drawn to Livingstone 's GLC as though to a magnet .
10 Paving stones stood up and were drawn into the new building .
11 Within half an hour of leaving Rockford , the convoy had reached its destination and were drawn up on the verge alongside the perimeter fence , just short of the big front gates of Bethlehem House .
12 Travis , to her amazement , swallowed without hesitation that she and Naylor saw each other frequently at work — and were drawn to each other !
13 It was dug up in the sixteenth century and achieved fame almost immediately , entering the imperial collections , and being drawn by artists such as Apianus in 1534 .
14 Both started from the concept that each component in the system is defined as a separate item within the data base , and is drawn in its own local space domain .
15 The executive grade undertakes a wide range of management tasks and is drawn from both graduates and the more able school-leavers .
16 He seems to be more interested in non-institutionalised religion , and is drawn towards the childlike state of innocence and the idea of a life away from society .
17 His attention was caught by the National Bank of Greece — not an inappropriate interest for one who had composed ‘ The Song Of The Hellenist ’ , and was drawn to Judaism 's most persistent ‘ enemy ’ through it .
18 Andrew Beattie knew some of them personally and was drawn into the work of finding new homes and dealing with the problems of the young , sick and old .
19 Salt from the floors of these buildings seeped into the surrounding sub-soil and was drawn up by capillary action through the stones and mortar of the church .
20 In itself , the reform suffered from a number of insuperable flaws : designed from above , it had a tiny support base in the heavily decimated Christian Democrat Party and was drawn up without consultation or reference to El Salvador 's land tenure patterns .
21 It is a rather recent article in this publication and was drawn to my attention only a week or so ago .
22 ‘ Paige , how lovely to meet you at last , ’ Rose McKenna pronounced warmly , holding out her hands so that Paige had to place hers in them , and was drawn down to have a kiss pressed to either cheek .
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