Example sentences of "[coord] [be] brought " in BNC.

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1 Long ago , in the heyday of Cambridge English , Richards was making a similar distinction between the ‘ critical ’ and the ‘ technical ’ : ‘ All remarks as to the ways and means by which experiences arise or are brought about are technical , but critical remarks are about the values of experiences and the reasons for regarding them as valuable , or not valuable . ’
2 The cattle were either ‘ walked ’ down to the marshes direct from market or were brought to the nearest point by train : today they are transported by motor-lorries , and in recent years a rough road has been built right across the marshes to enable lorries to have direct access .
3 Any person who appears or is brought before the court may be examined on oath either orally or by interrogatories concerning the bankrupt or his dealings , affairs or property ( s 367(4) ) .
4 Alas , the brief popularity of this idea could not survive the demonstration that long-term memories persisted even if the total electrical activity of the brain was disrupted , by epileptic fits or electroconvulsive shock , for instance , or was brought virtually to zero by coma or concussion .
5 The vessel is described as being about six inches tall and it has been suggested that it may have been used as a chalice , and it might have originated in Spain or Syria and been brought home to England from one of the Crusades .
6 I conceive many People would be happy with an Art of this kind or at least it would be useful to those who die abroad and are brought back home : I often used to talk of embalming but never seriously took it in hand ‘ til the year before last , which to this time is well preserved .
7 … The common ordinary mind is quite unfit to fix for itself what political question it shall attend to ; it is as much as it can do to judge decently of the questions which drift down to it , and are brought before it …
8 The overhaul of trams to catch up on wartime neglect was taking longer than anticipated and it was decided that Purley depôt , still standing out of use , should be cleared of the war damaged cars collecting dust in its interior and be brought back into use as an annexe to Charlton Works where painting and certain other work could be undertaken .
9 The former , summoned by the pope , could attend discussions in the Council ( though normally not speak ) and be brought into conciliar committees with the approval of the chairman and members .
10 They are far more likely to exceed the quota , and having been brought up they must now forfeit their new-found surplus and be brought down .
11 It was agreed that the subgroup would revise the paper to take to SMT for Friday 11 December , but it would be an ongoing discussion within the union , and be brought to January meeting .
12 Equal ruthlessness was applied to those who misused the railways and were brought before ‘ the revolutionary tribunal , whose avenging hammer will fall with all its crushing might and wrath ’ .
13 Many of these had had church links in the distant past , and were brought into the church 's fellowship by elderly members of the Women 's Bright Hour group .
14 One Monday night around midnight , some thirty-five vans had been brought up from New Clee sidings , pushed down Melhuish 's Jetty , loaded up , and were brought back to the middle road alongside Fish Dock Road .
15 The England team had a few players who were later to play first-class cricket , and were brought together by one W.S. Donne , who , if he did n't enjoy great success on the Olympic playing field , achieved eminence in Rugby Union , elected president of the RFU in 1923–24 .
16 Evan Campbell , or John Hay , or Laughland Vass , or perhaps all three Highlander guides , knew that milk could be had from the Macraes of Auchnasheal ; the travellers sat down outside a house and were brought wooden dishes — Johnson calls them ‘ pails ’ — of milk .
17 Potatoes were first grown in Peru and were brought to Britain by Sir Walter Raleigh .
18 Tom and I were led through the mock-Thirties-liner interior to a table in a rather draughty corner , and were brought freezing spritzers , black bread and tempting French menus .
19 Furthermore , many of the women and girls working at fruit-picking and jam-making were related to railway workers at nearby Cambridge Station and were brought to work by the 8.20 train from Cambridge in the morning and taken back home by the 6.34 in the evening .
20 The rough staves were usually imported from Scandinavia and were brought up river by barge .
21 And er really when you sort of l look at the children who were born during the war and were brought up during the war , they 're all pretty strong and healthy .
22 The Old Testament bears frequent witness to Israel 's sense of being under attack from her God , and being brought by him to the verge of extinction .
23 ‘ When you travel round the world , and being brought up in a family like mine , you learn that what happens on the field is actually very important to people elsewhere , and you feel , perhaps not so much a sense of responsibility , as a sense of focus in which people identify nationally for the best kind of reasons , and are made aware of who they are and what they came from .
24 Drafting of the plan begins long before the completion of the stipulated planning period and is brought into balance with the socio-economic plan for the country as a whole .
25 Additional labour is brought in as and when required , and is brought in almost exclusively on a casual basis .
26 She had no formal education at all and was brought up by her paternal grandmother at Myrtle Grove , Youghal , which had been the home of Sir Walter Raleigh when he was the Governor of Ireland .
27 Consider , for instance , how Rupert Croft-Cooke , out to discredit Gide 's account of Wilde 's seduction of him ( Gide ) into a confirmed homosexuality ( above , Chapter 1 ) , writes of Gide that he ‘ picked up ( among others ) the Algerian boy prostitute Athman , who became known to other visiting Europeans , including Eugène Rouart and Francis Jammes and was brought to Paris by Henri Ghéon ’ .
28 The principal members were a private secretary , Oliver Everett , who worked for the diplomatic service and was recalled from Madrid to set up her office ; and Anne Beckwith-Smith , a specialist in eighteenth-century English painting , who worked at Sotheby 's and was brought in as full-time lady-in-waiting .
29 He came from a family of fourteen and was brought up in Ramsgate .
30 Landing over the first fence he crashed into the prostrate form of the faller Meon Valley and was brought down .
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