Example sentences of "[coord] [art] fifth " in BNC.

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1 It could buy this lolly … five chews … or a fifth of a Mars bar
2 $4m will be going into the Columbian world fair at Seville ; the Dominican Republic is hoping to build a 390-foot lighthouse for $10m ; 12 full-size replica ships will be setting sail for America ( presumably from their commissioning countries ) , and the fifth Genovese Columbian conference will be exhibiting every plant of the New World .
3 The results will be exactly the same as if you sowed carefully in drill : a total of five seedlings will come up — four on the same square inch and the fifth in the crack on the path !
4 And the Fifth still has a great fascination for me — in particular , how to bring off the very end of the work .
5 Batterbee and his team tested six hypotheses with unimpeachable rigour : the first was that Scotland 's lakes were naturally acid and had not changed ; the second was that acidification was slow and pre-industrial ; the third blamed changes in burning or grazing ; the fourth implicated just conifer planting , and the fifth , decreased agricultural liming ; only the sixth implicated acid deposition from the combustion of fossil fuels .
6 Three of these deal with internal security , one with overseas espionage and the fifth with Russian dissidents .
7 The first stakes in this programme are CD ( Companion Dog ) ; the second stakes are UD ( Utility Dog ) ; the third , WD ( Working Dog ) ; the fourth TD ( Tracking Dog ) and the fifth PD ( Police Dog ) .
8 The fourth update ( 1981 ) and the fifth update ( 1982 ) contained 41 and 49 references respectively under the heading ‘ user education and training ’ .
9 The Fitzallan 's played leading parts in Scottish life over several generations : the third Steward , Alan 's son , was appointed Justiciary for Scotland by King Alexander II ; the fourth fought at the Battle of Largs and was a Crusader ; and the fifth was appointed a Guardian of Scotland during the troubled times before the rise of William Wallace .
10 One group of ships kept watch on Dunkirk and the Flemish ports ; a second , ready to protect the Thames estuary , lay in the Downs just north of Dover ; a third was at Spithead , covering Portsmouth and watching Le Havre ; a fourth was in the Mediterranean , off Toulon ; and the fifth , and most important , was Admiral Hawke 's squadron , whose close blockade of Brest , from his base at Plymouth , was to become a model for the future .
11 As the price of the product is constant at £5 , it follows that the MRPL also declines : the first worker adds £50 per week to total revenue , the second adds £35 , the third £25 , the fourth £15 and the fifth only £5 .
12 In 1981 Bangladesh 's estimated population of 90,630,000 people meant that it was ranked as the eighth largest country in the world ( by population ) , and the fifth largest developing country .
13 The fourth was jointly staged by India and Pakistan and the fifth , earlier this year , went to Australia and New Zealand .
14 On April 12 two Fireflies on patrol attacked a formation of Japanese bombers heading for Okinawa , four of the bombers being shot down and the fifth badly damaged .
15 — The pancreatic β cell mass in humans develops rapidly during gestation and infancy , increasing more than 130-fold between the 12th intrauterine week and the fifth postnatal month .
16 Much of the development of the islets of Langerhans occurs in utero and β cell mass increases more than 130-fold between the 12th intrauterine week and the fifth postnatal month .
17 Carved ceilings and beams , stained-glass and rich drapes adorn the public rooms and the fifth floor terrace restaurant has quite breathtaking views — views Hemingway said were the best in Europe .
18 An hour later she was floating somewhere between reality and the fifth dimension .
19 This trend continued in succeeding years so that during the three-quarters of a century between the first ( 1719 ) and the fifth ( 1795 ) official censuses , the Russian population of Siberia increased by almost two and a half times , from 169,000 adult males to 412,000 , at a time when the population of the empire as a whole less than doubled .
20 The record contained details of the mother 's previous pregnancies and external measurements of her pelvis , including the conjugate diameter ( distance between the symphysis pubis and the fifth lumbar vertebra ) .
21 The Islington Crime Survey ( ICS ) of 1985 was the first study to focus solely on an inner city area According to the Department of the Environment Islington is the seventh most deprived area of England and the fifth worst area where housing is concerned .
22 and it 's called mediant because it lies exactly half way between the first note and the fifth note which is also a very important note in the scale , which we 'll come to in a minute .
23 [ Violet Wyndham , The Sphinx and her Circle : a Biographical Sketch of Ada Leverson 1862–1933 , 1963 ; Osbert Sitwell , ‘ Ada Leverson ’ , in Noble Essences or Courteous Revelations : Being a Book of Characters and the Fifth and Last Volume of Left Hand , Right Hand ! , 1950 . ]
24 After this , God and the Fifth Monarchists sent her to Cornwall to preach , until she was arrested on 23 March 1654 , and imprisoned in Plymouth , then Portsmouth , and finally Bridewell in London , accused of witchcraft , madness , and whoredom .
25 These bells were made in 1675 , the first three by John Hodson 1675 , the fourth John Hodson and Christopher 1675 and the fifth John Hodson and Christopher Hodson 1675 , and all bore the name of Henry Acorte , Church Warden .
26 In line with this philosophy , the Fourth Plan ( 1962 – 66 ) and the Fifth Plan ( 1966 – 70 ) gave highest priority to investing in the economy 's infrastructure , modernizing industrial equipment , and consolidating French businesses into larger and more competitive units .
27 Again in the interests of compactness , a single pinion on the primary shaft simultaneously drives the fourth gear pinion on the upper secondary shaft and the fifth gear pinion on the lower secondary .
28 Scotch is Scotland 's second largest export and the fifth largest manufactured export emanating from the UK — being exported currently to over 185 countries worldwide .
29 DEWAR 'S WHITE LABEL the best selling Scotch whisky in the USA , and the fifth largest Scotch brand in the world .
30 Four of the reactors are part of the Barsebäck and Oskarshamn complexes , owned by Sydkraft , and the fifth is at the Ringhals plant .
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