Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] far " in BNC.

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1 The publican had heard both sides of the many arguments between the two , and for far too long .
2 If , however , the service is seen as a social institution , with aims which were , to a large extent , independent of market organization , then it is possible to see it as much more successful and of far greater significance .
3 The impression one gets from the various accounts , however , is of a remarkable uniformity of depth from some writers , and of far less uniformity from others .
4 A plea of honest belief that a girl is above 16 is thus far more likely to be pleaded and with far greater success than a plea of honest belief in consent on a rape charge .
5 She had made — and with far less justification than her father — the same grave error as he .
6 She even thought up ways in which — had he been at home — he might have managed the rescue more easily and with far greater certainty .
7 In the 1968 ( Ministry of Health 1968 ) proposals , the boards were envisaged as operating as small executive management teams , with the senior administrator acting as managing director and with far less professional and medical input into decision-making .
8 The midwife muttered her spells , and from far away Phoebe could hear voices calling her , siren voices that called her back to the pain and the reality .
9 Her father held her tightly until her eyes began to close and from far away she heard her mother pick up the cup and saucer .
10 There were enough provisions here to feed her for a week — and in far more luxury than she would have dreamt of buying for herself .
11 And by far the best death , in biopic terms , is untimely .
12 The second , and by far the best option is to recognise the conditions and go with them , selecting plants which , rather than just tolerating dry conditions , will actually thrive in them .
13 Less than half ( 45% ) said that the off-farm job imposed limitations on the farm and by far the most common reason given was lack of time available to carry out the farm work .
14 The early modern English household listings show that over half ( 55 per cent ) of all over-sixty-year-olds lived with relatives apart from their spouse , and by far the most common of these were unmarried children still living in the parental home .
15 The first group , and by far the most important , consists of agencies for financing and managing the social services : education , health , pensions , child benefits , and some other minor services .
16 Fussler and Simon , in Patterns in the use of books in large research libraries , affirmed that ‘ past use over a sufficiently long period is an excellent and by far the best predictor of future use ’ , although they observed , ‘ the confidence limits of prediction vary significantly from one subject to another ’ .
17 The first , and by far the largest group , is made up of those who cut their wrists and arms .
18 Of the first bond issue ( and by far the most significant in terms of funds raised : $20 million ) , 39 per cent was allocated to investors ( individual loans averaging $57,064 ) whilst 61 per cent was allocated to owner-occupants ( individual loans averaging $40,342 ) .
19 A huge variety will be on sale this year : the majority are frozen and by far the cheapest .
20 In between and by far the most popular are the range of 245–275 cm ( 8–9 ft ) swept-wing Delta shapes , and in some cases the 3/4 scaled down variants .
21 There were five US airlines bigger than BA , although BA was the largest airline in Europe , and by far the largest in the UK .
22 It makes sense to have some form of legal expenses insurance , and by far the cheapest way to do this is through the ‘ add on ’ offered for as little as £10 a year with home contents insurance .
23 He gave the pope an account of the evidence that had been brought forward , giving first place , and by far the greatest amount of space , to the testimony of Bede 's Ecclesiastical History , which showed that the archbishops of Canterbury , acting on the authority of Pope Gregory I and his successors , had exercised general authority over the whole of the British Isles during the first hundred and forty years of its existence : they had consecrated bishops for all parts of the country , summoned councils , deposed unworthy bishops , and had been generally responsible for spreading Catholic discipline into Wales and Scotland .
24 They are very strong and mean , and by far the best Mob of Orcs in the whole army .
25 The final wide-ranging orientation , as obvious as any , and especially of course in Gaudium et Spes ( the Council 's final major document and by far the longest ) , is the concern with secular human values , with justice and peace .
26 What does emerge beyond dispute is the primacy of large-scale cloth making as the great national industry and by far the most important export , leaving the rest more or less nowhere , as attested by the massive wealth of many clothiers and the prosperity — albeit a brittle one — of the workers in the major textile districts : high earnings in Suffolk and Gloucestershire at least resulting in a disposable surplus of income which not infrequently enabled artificers to accumulate sufficient goods for assessment , in contrast to agricultural labourers , who seldom had anything but their wages to be taxed on .
27 Starring Gerard Depardieu in ‘ … the best movie — the most enjoyable , and by far the audience 's favourite …
28 He gives us a cornucopia of masterful species portraits and by far the best general reference on natural history .
29 Finally and by far the most important is : ( 3 ) To introduce into this familiar setting a few notes of caution .
30 The third and by far the most important is the trio of Green Papers ( Cm 570 , 571 and 572 ) issued by The Lord Chancellor in January 1989 followed by a White Paper ( Cm 740 ) in June 1990 and culminating in the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 .
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