Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] himself " in BNC.

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1 Those who simplify moral judgement to the application of standards would assume that he has either to impose his own code or to accommodate himself to the other .
2 The Public Service Vehicles ( Conduct of Drivers , Conductors and Passengers ) Regulations makes it an offence for a person to ‘ use obscene and offensive language , or to conduct himself in a riotous or disorderly manner . ’
3 Despite this , Tommy seemed to know how to get more beer per penny out of any landlord than Charlie had ever dreamed possible , even when he could n't understand what they were saying or make himself understood .
4 But a man who makes his living playing black music suddenly sporting the flag waved on every Nazi march AND toying with skin imagery ( and like or not , lads , the crop and boots HAVE been adopted by Nazis in the USA and Europe ) AND writing ambiguous lyrics about an issue which brooks no ambiguity AND making idiotic remarks about blacks and black music in interviews AND hankering ( in a curiously middle aged manner à la Gary Numan ) after a nice , homogenous ‘ England ’ that never actually existed AND refusing to defend or explain himself — ALL that means , at the very least , that he 's got a case to answer , surely ?
5 It can be a group picture , e.g. Enigma Variations ; a solitary figure mourning lost love and youth , e.g. A Month in the Country or enjoying himself , e.g. Les Patineurs ; or , more rarely , the curtain fulling on an empty stage , e.g. Gloria , possibly the most dramatic ending of all .
6 Or consoling himself ? ’
7 The chances are that he will see his inconsistency and revise his moral views , either exonerating Smith or condemning himself .
8 Standing at windows was his favourite situation for brooding , self-examination , consoling or condemning himself … wondering what to do next .
9 Taking orders without question removed the need to make decisions or involve himself with external matters .
10 He has to be able to sit upright in his chair using his trunk muscles , without pulling or pushing himself up using his unaffected arm .
11 Until the Copyright , Designs and Patents Act 1988 , only a registered patent agent or a solicitor could act for gain as agents for persons seeking patents , but now anyone can do this as long as he does not describe himself as , or hold himself out to be , a " patent agent " or " patent attorney " .
12 It deconstructs the language of communication , representation , or expression ( when the individual or collective subject may have the illusion that he is imitating something or expressing himself ) and reconstructs another language , voluminous , having neither bottom nor surface …
13 The second half of section 12(1) deals with persons who knowing that a conveyance has been taken without authority , drives it or allows himself to be carried in or on it .
14 Section 12(1) states : … a person shall be guilty of an offence if , without having the consent of the owner or other lawful authority , he takes any conveyance for his own or another 's use or knowing that any conveyance has been taken without such authority , drives it or allows himself to be carried in or on it .
15 By a notice of appeal dated 24 December 1991 the local authority appealed with leave of the judge on the grounds that ( 1 ) the judge had erred in law or misdirected himself as to the criteria to be applied to the decision whether leave should be granted in respect of an application by a former foster parent ; ( 2 ) the judge should have applied the test whether ( a ) there were quite exceptional circumstances disclosed necessitating the ousting of the local authority and the consequent discharge of the care order , and ( b ) there was a real likelihood that the applicant could persuade the court to adopt that course and ( c ) such a course was in the interests of the children ; ( 3 ) alternatively , if the judge had adopted the correct test , his exercise of his discretion had been plainly wrong in that he had failed to give any or sufficient weight to ( a ) the disturbing effects on the children of further investigation , ( b ) the fact that if residence orders were made the care order would be discharged , ( c ) the shared responsibility between the foster mother and the mother resulting from section 12(2) of the Act of 1989 , ( d ) the fact that the foster mother 's proper remedy was her application for judicial review , and ( e ) the wishes of the children and the mother .
16 Craig Chalmers must continue to bring his backs into the game rather than kick away possession or run himself into the thickest traffic .
17 Morris did n't seem lonely or isolated himself , but a hard shell was usually a sign of vulnerability underneath .
18 These words were defining him , setting the limits in which he could move and the terms in which he could plead , argue or defend himself .
19 There is no harm in a person using his power to consent in order to avert a threat or to extricate himself or others from a dire situation .
20 I mean by this it was not the sort of preparation which on the one hand Elizabethan erm critics and writers of rhetoric books , or on the other hand Ezra Pound in the twentieth century would advise to the poet that he must learn to turn a good sonnet or write in all the metrical forms , or accomplish himself deftly in the technical devices .
21 He had inched his way to the dark bathroom , and stood slumped over the sink , feeling lost , depersonalized , and trying to soothe or tether himself with the running water .
22 Satan lies to his followers and has convinced us too of his mighty strength and even starts to believe in his own lies when he claims he was ‘ self-begot ’ , caused by Fate , or he sprang from the ground or willed himself into existence , an absurd contradiction in terms .
23 All that was generally required of Gabriel was to point a finger , or spread his arms ; to stand up majestically , or fling himself forward into a flying harness high above the stage .
24 For it turned out that Pound 's poetry — The Cantos certainly but much of the earlier work also — could be understood and enjoyed only by those who had attended to Pound s criticism enough to grasp what it was that Pound was trying to do , or conceived himself to be doing , in his poetry .
25 He went into retreat and , says Walton , ‘ had many conflicts with himself , whether he should return to the painted pleasures of a court-life or betake himself to a study of divinity and enter into Sacred Orders , to which his dear mother had often persuaded him ’ .
26 At Kyalami Ranch , he 'd have a blade of grass in his mouth like a kid on a picnic , he 'd never think of holding court or taking himself so seriously ( as later champions did ) that you wanted to needle him .
27 When in trouble he could , like a god , make himself invisible or turn himself into an animal .
28 ( If this proposition is doubted , consider s.76(4) ( b ) of PACE , under which a confession , inadmissible as evidence of its truth , may nevertheless supply evidence of the way that the accused ‘ speaks , writes or expresses himself . ’ )
29 He ca n't see , he 's epiletic , he ca n't walk or feed himself .
30 On the question of the rule of law and observance of the rule of law — this is a very important matter ; Ministers are subject to the laws of the land and to enforcing the rule of law — the Master of the Rolls said : ’ He ’ — that is , the Home Secretary — ’ has disavowed any intention to act in defiance of an order of the court or to hold himself above the law . ’
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