Example sentences of "[noun prp] carry the " in BNC.

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1 A few , those who had been last in the line , turned their horses in time and rode for Ruthyn to carry the news , and were not hindered in their going .
2 It was the remarkable achievement of Napoleon to carry the principle of nationhood throughout Europe , including the lands of South Slavs .
3 Another favourite to go out early on was Kevin Mitchell who retired at Portrush on lap one so it was left to Brian Reid , Alan Patterson , and Alan Irwin to carry the main challenge to Dunlop along with Milling and Lougher .
4 Officers even stopped one man cycling towards Plymouth carrying the ship 's compass tucked under his arm .
5 An advantage of this slender branch byway , which runs at a higher level than the main road , is the splendid panorama it affords of the encircling hills : across the valley the distant double-topped Frostrow merges in the long whaleback skyline of Rise Hill ; at the head is Great Knoutberry Hill carrying the railway ; rising to the left are the lower slopes of Whernside , succeeded by Great Coum beyond the gap of Deepdale , and finally Middleton Fell closes the horizon .
6 This is not — not yet — a crisis but it is a significant problem , reflected in the depressed state of northern club rugby , where Orrell carry the standard alone in the English First Division .
7 A major area of concern remains safety , with Novaceta carrying the burden of having the worst record among Courtaulds-owned and joint venture companies .
8 A syndicated advice column in the United States carried the following :
9 Rex carried the double-header across the lobby and inspected the row of frozen Repo Men .
10 That race had been touted as a possible target for the French and Irish Derby winner Old Vic , who like Nashwan carries the colours of a member of the Maktoum family .
11 Barrymore 's Wishee Washee carries the evening on his narrow shoulders .
12 and even this early in the song , I have often heard Madame falter and stop , and just open her arms towards us , palms outwards , in a simple refusal to sing , just letting Gary carry the phrase on the piano — and of course we all knew the words anyway and so could hear them even when she was n't singing , sometimes you 'd hear the whole crowd singing almost inaudibly along with her .
13 At the family home of Saltwood Castle , near Folkestone , Kent , Mrs Clark added : ‘ Members of the Government decided to let Alan carry the can .
14 And the old lady when he was out like that , before and he used to go to Framlingham carrying the bags and such like , and then deliver , come back poor old boy !
15 Reluctantly she dragged herself out of the bunk and , with Ruth carrying the baby and Ernest holding on to Enoch , they went on deck .
16 Top lawyer Hillary 's part in her husband 's success was reflected on bumper stickers appearing in Washington carrying the message : ‘ Hillary will be secretary of whatever she damn well wants . ’
17 And so , aided by Emma Watt , Rachaela carried the last box up to her flat .
18 Jane carried the tray across to the police officers with what looked to the sergeant like absurd concentration and Dexter wondered uncharitably whether she had already been drinking .
19 All the mail handled at Aberdeen carries the city 's postmark and the letter bombs could have been posted anywhere in the area .
20 Back at the top I helped Duncan carry the police barrier across the road so that it blocked traffic coming up .
21 He stared at the WAAF carrying the dreadful implements and turned very pale .
22 Now they were too high to see the great waves of the southern Atlantic carry the whales on their singing pilgrimages .
23 In his Letter to Sir Hercules Langrishe of 1792 Burke carried the argument to its logical conclusion :
24 Four successive Williams then three Michaels carried the surname well into the eighteenth century .
25 Clyde struggled with one heavy suitcase whilst James and Stephen carried the other two .
26 Stephen carried the small portable barbecue and coals , whilst James brought up the rear with the ice-box full of food , wine and local Banks ' beer .
27 As Sayer , Williams carries the first half of the movie .
28 Jackie Nicklaus carries the burden of his father 's name and knows it does not hit golf balls for him .
29 Jackie Nicklaus carries the burden of his father 's name and knows it does not hit golf balls for him .
30 Thorns Gill carries the infant Ribble down from its birthplace on Newby Head Moss and follows a course parallel to a section of the B6255 road between Ingleton and Hawes .
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