Example sentences of "[noun prp] set himself " in BNC.

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1 It is true to say that Tamburlaine sets himself very few limits , and this is shown when he makes his aspirations clear by telling his friends that he wants ‘ to become immortal like the Gods ’ .
2 With his powers of observation , his smooth , fast-moving narratives and his ability to make characters live on the screen , Hitchcock set himself apart from the rest of British cinema .
3 When word came from Germany that a dye product called protonsil was proving efficacious in the treatment of streptococcal infections in mice , Bovet set himself to analyse this ‘ clumsy , complex chemical ’ .
4 Tallis sets himself the task of showing that much of the structuralist and poststructuralist enterprise is based on a misreading of Saussure .
5 A few weeks later when it came to the 1985 Budget , Nigel set himself the same goal .
6 Cursing obscenely in his exasperation , Sherman set himself and fired .
7 In order to understand his project and judge its success , it is important to grasp the problem Poulantzas sets himself : What question is he trying to answer ?
8 In this time it became clear that the military and state security forces were not all solidly behind the coup , especially in the face of popular resistance , with Russian Federation ( RSFSR ) President Boris Yeltsin setting himself at the head of protesters apparently willing to fight for the new freedoms brought about by the reforms of perestroika .
9 They impress me less in the beautiful central Andante in C minor : it needs expressive playing which should be poignant without overstepping the bounds of musical propriety that Mozart set himself , and here it sounds merely pleasing .
10 This was the task that Axelrod set himself .
11 Lear set himself up in his lodgings with the necessary lithographic paraphernalia as well as the heavy stones , which he would carry from Gray 's Inn Road to Hullmandel 's printing shop in Great Marlborough Street as soon as they were completed .
12 This was a solidly practical view of science , with Wolff setting himself clearly apart from researchers who interpret their role as increasing the store house of knowledge .
13 Trotsky set himself the dangerous task of explaining how not only the state but also the Party had come to be excessively bureaucratized .
14 The problem Marx set himself was the same as that which other social scientists tried to confront : the nature and mechanics of the transition from a pre-capitalist to a capitalist society and its specific modes of operation and tendencies of future development .
15 Such prudery was simply offensive foolishness ; an attack on God 's gifts and creation , against which Leonard set himself solidly .
16 Ratagan set himself to starting a fire whilst the rest rubbed down the horses and searched for firewood .
17 So , with one LP , Morrissey set himself up as the new Tom Robinson ?
18 This was the task Lewis set himself .
19 Chramn used his position in Aquitaine to set himself up in opposition to his father , Chlothar I , who sent his half-brothers to destroy him .
20 The assumption is that each tale makes manifest a greater or smaller part of an ‘ abstract structure ’ and the task Todorov sets himself is the delineation of that abstract structure .
21 For in that traditional genre , which Wagner set himself to transcend , dramatic action was customarily relegated to the dialogue or recitative , whereas throughout the arias the musical element was hardly less dominant than in any " absolute " music .
22 The specific task which Comte set himself was to develop a positive philosophy .
23 Ron Rooney objects to Dr Mitchell setting himself up as a moral censor ( Chem .
24 Although writing under pressure is how many authors are best able to function , Eliot set himself so high a standard that his achievement , given its quantity , was the more remarkable .
25 The first task that Watkinson set himself was to re-establish a better working relationship between himself and the Chiefs of Staff .
26 Stich in time : Michael Stich set himself up for Wimbledon with victory in the Stella Artois championships .
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