Example sentences of "[noun prp] thus [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 Prayer and meditation may be alternated to foster a recollected attention , but no activity , however fruitful , should be pursued to the point of extremes : Hilton thus encourages a constant awareness of an inner life to be fostered .
2 The United States thus finds itself in a no-win situation : the more it is seen to be intervening against him , the more it is likely to reinforce his position .
3 The PSW thus contains the program counter , the condition code ( if present ) , the processor mode register , and other miscellaneous processor flags , such as overflow .
4 On 5 August 1991 , the Foreign and Commonwealth Office wrote to Crossman Block confirming that the practice of Her Majesty 's Government was to recognise states not governments and that , accordingly , ‘ The question of whether to recognise the purported ‘ interim government ’ in Mogadishu thus does not arise for us . ’
5 His departure from nearby Long Eaton thus severs a rugby link that has helped to bring Nottingham to eminence from relative obscurity over the past 14 years .
6 Unless there is insistence upon recovery through Narcotics Anonymous , the recommended use of Naltrexone thus fails to understand the nature of addictive disease .
7 ( 167b ) * That made him have everything finished earlier , Cotte thus feels the same impression as that described above : antecedent vs concurrent causation .
8 The present emergence of the Dionysiac thus implies the co-presence of the Apolline and , in turn , an efflorescence of Apolline art in the years ahead .
9 Our version of occam thus contains only the essential core needed to write simple programs .
10 Without the right to asylum , Germany thus becomes much like the other members of the European Community , whose ministers met on June 1st to try to devise a common system for dealing with refugees .
11 Gassendi thus provides a notable example of the influence of the rediscovery in the sixteenth century of Sextus Empiricus ' Outlines of Pyrrhonism , to which reference has already been made .
12 The State Crown of the House of Windsor thus incorporates precious stones from the Plantagenets and Stuarts , alongside the spoils of India and the Rand .
13 The conflict over the future of Northern Ireland thus draws our attention to a rather neglected question in discussion of democracy : what is the group that has the right to decide a particular policy or issue , by a majority vote if necessary ?
14 Bruce Alexander thus plays the lycanthropic Ferdinand not as some howling lunatic but as a haunted , guilt-ridden creature .
15 The SDA thus co-ordinates an economic and physical strategy that is implemented by existing statutory bodies .
16 Althusser thus suggests that history can only be thought through as a permanent contradiction : it is a totality , but that totality is a decentred structure in dominance in which each history 's history is defined not through its identity with , or difference from , a general history but by being differentiated from every other history , on which it is necessarily also therefore dependent , in a kind of negative totalization .
17 ( Sidgwick thus avoids the naturalistic fallacy to be considered in the next chapter . )
18 In cartographic influence Lythe thus ranks with the later but better-known Elizabethan cartographers , Christopher Saxton and Timothy Pont [ qq.v . ] .
19 ERA thus offers the possibility of real-time quality control not only for industrial pollutants but also for pathogens such as E.coli or parasites like cryptosporidium in drinking water .
20 The rule in Rylands v. Fletcher thus ceases to be available at the very moment when the plaintiff needs it .
21 Like Beckett 's trilogy , though in much lighter vein , At Swim-Two-Birds thus becomes a story about a man telling a story about storytelling .
22 Poulantzas thus constructs what appears at first to be a morass of categories in continual flux ; but he then extracts from it a pattern of relations which he regards as constant .
23 Butler thus agrees with BRS to the extent that both cases see the battle of the forms as an exchange of counter-offers , which can only result in a contract when one side makes an unconditional acceptance , either intentionally , or in error .
24 Locke thus belongs to the tradition of contract theory which usually carries with it an implication of ultimate political power and rights belonging to the people ; and the fact that he explicitly develops and allows for a right of resistance also gave his doctrine a subversive potential of which later radicals made effective use .
25 Gilligan points out that Kohlberg thus divests his moral actors of the history and psychology of their individual lives .
26 Community relations in Easton thus amounts to a programme of youth work , but juvenile liaison is altogether different , for it is basically probation work .
27 Mercury thus contains a much greater abundance of denser materials , the strong implication being that it is rich in metallic iron .
28 Holland thus leads us to a dynamic and important role of reading : ‘ The psychoanalytic theory of literature holds that the writer expresses and disguises childhood fantasies .
29 For example , this is the pattern that emerges from studies of Urdu speakers in Britain described by Khan ( 1991 ) , who writes : Urdu thus emerges as having greater currency for first-generation than second-generation speakers .
30 RP thus has no direct effect on the convergence pattern displayed by middle-class speakers : therefore , if we start with the RP norm and derive these speech community patterns from it , we can falsify the situation totally .
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