Example sentences of "[noun prp] told the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I flew over there two hours ago , ’ Woolley told the telephone .
2 Kylie told the magazine reporter : ‘ I 've had a great family life and have n't had the sort of problems she encountered .
3 Ms Neill told The Art Newspaper that in addition to the money , Mrs Heinz has just given Yale sixteen American nineteenth-century paintings by some of the period 's most renowned and valued artists .
4 Christo told The Art Newspaper that he estimated an operating budget of $5–6 million , to be raised , as is his usual practice , from the sale of his original works of art .
5 Mandela told the 80,000-strong crowd that the general strike had been " unquestionably one of the greatest events in our history " .
6 As Brezhnev told the 26th Party Congress in 1981 , ‘ The sovereignty of Afghanistan must be fully protected , as must its non-aligned status ’ .
7 ‘ We would expect calendar year 1993 , based on the early performance and based on last year , to be a good solid year from a profit perspective , ’ Roach told the news wire .
8 Rupert Murdoch told the annual meeting in Adelaide : ‘ This may well be the first year in some years when our earnings do not show their customary increase . ’
9 After clearing the court , Judge Shindler told the juror : ‘ Well , sir , you sent a note at 12.59 , which has been described , rightly , as an impertinence — ‘ When is dinner time ? ’
10 Not snakes in particular , ’ Molly told the children .
11 In his final speech , Mr Nutting told the jury O'Brien had admitted being at the scene of both shootings , but the Crown had to prove he was a participant .
12 Foreign Minister Levi told the Knesset ( parliament ) on March 18 : " Those who carried out the murder and those who sent them are destined for a painful punishment .
13 In his summing up Judge Hyam told the jury , you may come to the conclusion that the young woman was quite disturbed , craved affection and was quite able to tell untruths when it suited her .
14 Margaret Irwin told the Royal Commission on Labour in 1893 that she did not think many women were " at case " outside Edinburgh . "
15 Mr T told the packed public hall at St Margaret 's Hope that he had brought his family to Orkney to get away from the pressures of much of life in mainland Britain .
16 Ken told the story as though it had been scripted for him for Hancock 's Half Hour .
17 One man was a ‘ queen ’ , who deserved all that ‘ she ’ could get , and as Ken told the story the man prayed for the floor beneath him to open up .
18 As the wind began to rise outside the palm house , Halema told the story of Aisha 's deafness .
19 Roberts told the police that he had drunk five cans of beer .
20 Parul Courtney told the court that she knew he had made love to other women , but added : ‘ My husband is not the first person to have an affair , nor the last . ’
21 Zero Mostel told the chairman , ‘ My dear friend , I believe in the antiquated idea that a man works in his profession according to his ability rather than his political beliefs . ’
22 Abdesselam told the press on July 27 that the elimination of corruption remained a high priority and that " those who paid the price for the measures that have been taken so far are the youth … let no one expect me to make the deprived masses pay any more " .
23 A WORRYING FACT Byatt told the Daily Mail that she considered John Major sexy .
24 Silajdzic told the UN human rights meeting that this was so .
25 Mr Beaton told the court that he had been asleep in his cab when two men with Glasgow accents woke him up by placing a bag over his head .
26 Miss Poraway told the men who were unloading the trestle-tables that she would require a good one , because she ran the book-stall and always had .
27 Sheriff Scott told the youths they had appeared in court on a very serious charge , but appeared to have learned from the experience .
28 On 31 October 1988 , Minister Colin Moynihan told the House of Commons that there would be ‘ no adverse or long-term effects ’ .
29 Earlier , Aindow told the court that he was hit on the left thigh by the side of the car , which knocked him into the side of road and possibly on to the kerb .
30 Pat told the Careers Officer : ‘ I 'm going on to become a professional footballer ’ . ’
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