Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] herself " in BNC.

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1 Isabel asked herself broodingly .
2 Isabel asked herself as fitzAlan swung himself into the saddle behind her .
3 Isabel asked herself .
4 One day Victoria made herself a pair of earrings out of porcelain to go with a particular dress , and they turned out to be the start of a new part-time career .
5 For a moment the two girls stared at her , shocked , then Peggy recovered herself .
6 Sergeant Henley prided herself on her power to prise out information by a mixture of persuasion and light bullying like the icing on a cake , and although this had never worked particularly well with Roxie in the past , this was no reason not to try it now .
7 Determined to carry on with her education , Judy got herself a tutor for her English , and went to the local college to do maths .
8 Tears stung her eyes a moment at the thought of her sister losing her identity ; Jezrael asked herself if the grief was for Ches or selfishly for her own loss .
9 As her name indicates , Serena prides herself on being under control .
10 Nutty flung herself blindly at the opposition .
11 Sentimental claptrap , Luce scolded herself .
12 He looked powerful and tough , and yet Isabel found herself noticing that his lower lip was slightly fuller than the upper , and that his mouth quirked at one corner , hinting at a sense of humour .
13 But instead , for a dizzying instant , as he wrapped his cloak about her , Isabel found herself savouring a delicious sensation of feeling small and infinitely fragile , enclosed within his arms .
14 Confused by the light in her eyes and the constant chattering of their host , Isabel found herself ushered into the house before she could correct the man 's assumption that she was fitzAlan 's lady .
15 Isabel found herself staring at Matilda 's kindly face , completely at a loss .
16 His grip tightened on her arm and Isabel found herself upright again .
17 When the tower walls swung back into focus Isabel found herself clutching a chainmail tunic , quite unaware of the metal links cutting into her palms as she gazed straight into the ice-blue eyes of her husband .
18 It could have been hours or minutes later that Isabel found herself staring into a dark pit .
19 Lisa found herself rushing on to inform him , ‘ This is one of my more conservative creations . ’
20 It was a contradiction in terms , Lisa found herself thinking as she looked back across the desk at him .
21 Lisa found herself watching him as they chatted about this and that , quietly amazed at the easy way he fitted in with them .
22 As the train drew into Bodmin , Alexandra found herself clasping her own hands so tightly she could feel the seams of her gloves grinding into her flesh and wished , passionately for the visit to be a success , for them to like her house , approve of what she had done — and above all , to leave her alone to do it .
23 Sarah drew herself up , full of indignation that he should presume to judge her .
24 Lady Isabella drew herself up , resting her elbows on the arms of her chair .
25 ‘ Pamela came to LA to find herself — and found Jim Morrison instead , ’ says Ryan .
26 Lying contented in his arms , it was only as the euphoria gradually faded that Luce found herself wondering , had he felt the same ?
27 The reluctance with which Luke released her was palpable , his expression drawn into lines of hostility , and as she sat up , and then stood , Maria found herself deriving a savagely biting joy from the fact that she had surprised him .
28 Unaccustomed to such tenderness from this man who had so rarely shown her anything but contempt and passion , Maria found herself beginning to tremble , while a hot , smarting sensation afflicted her eyes and emotion tightened her throat .
29 Unexpectedly , Sophie found herself defending Robert .
30 So at eight o'clock that evening , Bathsheba found herself , in spite of her doubts , climbing the hill near her house and going down the other side .
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