Example sentences of "[prep] preparing [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After preparing for our morning 's activities we got on the coach and were taken to the suitable sites arranged for rock climbing and cycling .
2 Lewis will return to Britain on September 18 after preparing in Washington and switch to a Cardiff headquarters .
3 After two years of preparing with tutors , Dolben fainted during his examinations for Balliol in the spring of 1867 and failed .
4 In July 1936 he gathered in his palace at Bishopthorpe a select team of ten for the purpose of preparing for the coming ecumenical conference .
5 By the end of the year , Mrs Thatcher was in the chair of a new cabinet committee , Misc. 141 , which had been given the task of preparing for the fast-approaching day when limits would be set on greenhouse gas emissions .
6 After the conference , the Socialist League continued to oppose rearmament , opposed sanctions against Italy threatened as a result of the Italian invasion of Abyssinia , and advocated a policy for the Labour movement of preparing for the ‘ mass resistance to war ’ , by which was meant a general strike .
7 It was with some excitement that Wilson greeted the Misses Wynne on October 1st and she was aware that the challenge of preparing for them had in some curious way made her feel better .
8 Unfortunately , in the course of preparing for the great race , I have become aware that the message to visiting runners is : ‘ Go home — dead or alive . ’
9 After all , being drunk in charge of a rowing boat is no big deal , just part of the everyday rituals of preparing for a big match .
10 So we began the delicate task of preparing for a reunion of mother and daughter .
11 A psychiatrist emphasized the importance of preparing for the emotion of loss and recognizing it when it comes .
12 There is also the element of preparing for some of life 's experiences : for the first visit to the dentist or to hospital ; for coping with separation from parents or with death .
13 ‘ The task of preparing for freedom the races which can not as yet govern themselves ’ , he wrote , ‘ is the supreme duty of those who can .
14 The day to day business of preparing for fundholding had been the task of the practice or fund manager(s) together with the lead clinician .
15 Berlin showed far less sign of preparing for war than London , except in one particular which made life a good deal more difficult for its visitors .
16 That theological colleges and courses , as well as those responsible for post-ordination training and continuing ministerial training , review their provision for the training of ordinands and clergy in the art of preparing for and conducting public worship , and the use of music within it ( 563 — 569 ) .
17 His voice was brusque as he said , ‘ If you girls will excuse me I 'll return to my job of preparing for this afternoon 's horse trek . ’
18 A communiqué issued at the end of the meeting noted the " significant progress towards a comprehensive political settlement " made by the SNC and agreed to recommend the dispatch of a UN survey mission to Cambodia to begin the process of preparing for the " military aspects " of UNTAC .
19 This breadth of preparing for and following up a development plan should then , suggests the Project Team , be broken down into detailed action plans with specific targets for the following year .
20 It was not simply a matter of timing , for there is evidence of preparing for the moment by building up the organisation and , most important , a strike fund .
21 Travel and practical experience abroad were not the only possible ways of preparing for a career in diplomacy .
22 That means that after years of scrimping and saving at Charlton Lawrence should enjoy the luxury of preparing for the big time with money to spend .
23 Practitioners like Sallie Purkiss have stressed the importance of preparing in advance a checklist of the topics pupils want to cover and the questions they want to ask , even though , in the interview itself , children need not adhere rigidly to the list .
24 Now all the effort goes into preparing for the next one … although the RAF 's team is calling it a day .
25 A provisional leadership was elected , headed by Miroslav Ivanovic of Montenegro , and charged with preparing for this " congress of democratic renewal " .
26 A provisional leadership was elected when the congress resumed at the end of May , and was charged with preparing for relaunching the LCY at a further congress in September .
27 ‘ At the moment I 'm just concerned with preparing for the Lithuanian game .
28 ‘ Now UEFA have made their decision and we can get on with preparing for next week 's game . ’
29 ‘ Some people are occupied the whole year round with preparing for Christian Aid Week ’ ( Richard Baxter 's Inspire letter again ) .
30 ‘ The understanding of our history we achieved in preparing for the 70th anniversary of October is not something frozen and given once and for all .
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