Example sentences of "[prep] quarter to " in BNC.

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1 Cos that really got up , up my back when the , I mean tho ai n't a ba , bad bunch of old boys but I normally go down but they they clear and once we 've done our work before dinner break they all clear off and I go down to the and then I sort of walk back more or less behind them you know , to the break like and as I go past the club , I go and wash my hands , they go straight in , I go and wash my hands and I walk past the and er we should go to dinner at quarter to twelve and I go past , it 's one minute past quarter to twelve so cos when we go in there you see quarter past twelve due to go back I always give them two or three minutes and I say that 's it , that 's , ah we was late coming in , I said no you were n't !
2 We was I said look I can read a bloody clock as well you can , I said I wa walking behind you down the , you went in the canteen and when I went past it was one minute past quarter to !
3 So I said you know , the one minute past quarter to and there 's a sort of quietly you know but then you know , just have to grab at
4 This was like quarter to twelve , he should have been there at eleven o'clock .
5 Well that one was the most restrictive because that you had to go , you could go any time between was it eight and eleven in the morning , but you could only come back either something like quarter to five , quarter to , no quarter to six was it ?
6 Yeah , mine , mine used to be something like quarter to twelve , did n't it , quarter to twelve till three , and then they decided to change round , it used to be quarter to twelve to six , did n't it ?
7 ‘ That means it 's between quarter to and four o'clock , ’ she explained .
8 Well about five-ish , but I mean he 'll be ready for quarter to six
9 Well I can get here for quarter to six if I leave work early but I do n't want to put you out .
10 'em , so I had 'em put back up again for quarter to six ,
11 I went to see where , she puts lollipop in school like and I went to see exactly she 's supposed to start at quarter to twelve so I went round there for quarter to twelve about five past twelve when she , it 's like yours .
12 I should think about quarter to five .
13 That fills from quarter to half .
14 Yes , it 's open Mondays to Fridays , from quarter to nine through to quarter to five , and anyone can just walk in and we 'll do our best to help them produce whatever it is they want to see , providing we 've got it and we can find it .
15 Yes , it 's open Mondays to Fridays from quarter to nine through to quarter to five , and anyone can just walk in and we 'll do our best to help them and produce whatever it is they want to see , providing we 've got it and we can find it .
16 who are on the staff , and in theory work until quarter to eight
17 Pupils who have had perhaps difficulty in studying at home can stay in our school library until quarter to six .
18 Went to ladies just before quarter to five to find they 've been removed .
19 No I , I went in at half past seven in the morning and I was in the operation theatre before quarter to nine that same morning so that morning was taken up and the afternoon and evening , Chris came in the evening tt and er oh er Bob , th the curate , our former curate , came
20 , but erm , and I notice that quite often the shelves would be half empty , came here , I would stop on the way back from the school the bank and the butcher 's and the paper shop over the road I could come in quarter to nine and I 'm , you know , I , I was done and I said to my Arnold they 're not going to sell much unless they put some money into filling the shelves surely Spa will back them , and he said I keep on telling them that I keep on saying to them if you do n't put the goods there on display people are going to go over the road to Lipton 's and and
21 That 's all he does eight to quarter to eight
22 Trouble is I changed the time to quarter to three .
23 I would like us , no if we could do it to quarter to two , then I 'd be very pleased , item M could be put on , put on the top
24 And then er , they brought it back and then they started doing to quarter to six , but it still was n't good enough cos you ca n't , you ca n't have all these people in suits and briefcases stood outside a pub for quarter of an hour waiting for it open , you know
25 Er five to quarter to nine tonight , taken my Sundays away in April
26 Yes , it 's open Mondays to Fridays , from quarter to nine through to quarter to five , and anyone can just walk in and we 'll do our best to help them produce whatever it is they want to see , providing we 've got it and we can find it .
27 Yes , it 's open Mondays to Fridays from quarter to nine through to quarter to five , and anyone can just walk in and we 'll do our best to help them and produce whatever it is they want to see , providing we 've got it and we can find it .
28 Oh was on today 's on quarter to six .
29 half eight , getting on quarter to nine , it was jam-packed and I did n't get into the college .
30 Er , that 's alright , let's behave ourselves , I says what about us , we 've been here since quarter to ten waiting for you to come .
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