Example sentences of "[prep] whom the " in BNC.

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1 If you wish to cancel your booking this must be done in writing from the person in whose name the booking is invoiced to the travel agent through whom the booking was made or to the Invoicing Dept , Redwing Holidays Limited , Groundstar House , London Road , Crawley , West Sussex , RH10 2TB , and sent by Recorded Delivery if you have booked with us direct .
2 Mention should also be made of the French theologian Auguste Sabatier ( 1839–1901 ) , through whom the movement also made some impact on the French Roman Catholic Modernists , notably A. F. Loisy ( 1857–1940 ) .
3 Your booking is taken to be confirmed and accepted in respect of all persons travelling when we despatch our Confirmation and Account to the person signing the booking form or to the Travel Agent through whom the booking was made .
4 A cancellation can only be accepted in writing from the person who signed the booking form or in writing from the Travel Agent through whom the booking was made .
5 Of course , you will have to have a detective through whom the reader will watch this gradual revelation .
6 Gael has rejected God as a guarantor of reality , but he is being used , despite himself , as an oracular figure through whom the knowledge of other characters may be conveyed .
7 If you like , Jesus is the funnel through whom the Spirit becomes available to men .
8 Jesus is the prism through whom the diffused and fitful light of the Spirit is concentrated .
9 Jesus is the prophet ( Luke 7 : 16 A t 3:22 , 7:37 ) the long-awaited prophet of the end-time , Through whom the prophetic Spirit so active in the Old Testament , gave full and final revelation .
10 They were the disciples of one Malam Ibrahim , a teacher of the Koran whose studies had slowly convinced him that the Jesus of whom he read in its pages was the mediator through whom the prayers of the faithful are offered up to the All-Merciful .
11 The broker ( through whom the approach would normally be made ) must be kept informed at each stage of the process .
12 The Old Testament kings had been warriors and conquerors , smiting their enemies , but they had also been vehicles through whom the law of God was interpreted and enforced .
13 If you have sold all of your ordinary shares in Dawson International PLC , you should pass this document and the enclosed form of proxy to the purchaser , or to the agent through whom the sale was effected for transmission to the purchaser .
14 New incentives are needed , says Czechborn Mrs Debbie Welch , a lecturer at Longlands College in Middlesbrough , through whom the visit has been arranged .
15 As whom the fables name of monstrous size . ’
16 Defenders of the Jewish American pieties and proprieties , and those in Israel for whom the Diaspora Jew is a rootless cosmopolitan , had marked Roth as a bad man , and in their eyes he has yet to turn into a good one .
17 One might speculate that an impending solution to the Northern Ireland problem would split off from the clerical leadership those groups for whom the present position is only accepted on pragmatic grounds .
18 Those for whom the whole self is at stake , he wrote .
19 As she walked from the post office empty handed , she pretended to be an American tourist , one who could leave in a few days , one for whom the trip would soon be nothing more than a few travel stories and postcards .
20 Little did they know this was the fellow for whom The Flippity Flop Young Man was written , and I was n't about to tell them .
21 A far cry from the £2 tray meal handed out on the first of the Scenic Land Cruise trains eight years earlier , in a decade of special-train running where sophistication got its chance — and left behind many ordinary folk for whom the railway ‘ excursion ’ is now but a fading memory .
22 And , as Marjorie Perloff has remarked , ‘ in the case of writers like Derrida , Lacan and Barthes , for whom the materiality of the signifier is central , translation is nearly a contradiction in terms . ’
23 And yet , as may be seen from the cardinal importance he attaches to a Herodotean term like the peri - plus , Pound can be invoked by poets for whom the natural subjectmatter is topographical rather than historical , or at any rate historical only so far as history is checked against , and embodied in , and qualified by , topography .
24 All — his pride in his memory , his sense of the internationale of writers , painters , musicians , and the aristocrats , his study of form as technique ( no contours , no edges , intellectual concepts , but rounding , thrusting , as a splash of color , as Yeats described his aim in the Cantos … ) it is all a huge AESTHETICISM , ending in hate for Jews , Reds , change , the content and matter often of disaster , a loss of future , and in that a fatality as death-full as those for whom the atom bomb is Armageddon , not Apocalypse .
25 As his later disastrous interventions in politics would make clear , he was a realist in quite a simple-minded sense , one who was concerned for public life , and believed ( like activists of the Left ) that a poet had the right and the duty to act in and upon that life quite directly ; whereas the oddly distant weariness of Eliot 's political pronouncements , even when he was most engagé as editor of True Criterion , revealed a man for whom the psychological reality of private torments took priority over any reality which announced itself as social and public .
26 At 29 , the head Raider does not appear to accept that his best years are behind him , bad news perhaps for Jonathan Davies , for whom the press conference provided a first glimpse of a man whose reputation travels before him .
27 Cacoethes , whose partner has yet to be confirmed , and Carroll House , for whom the going is likely to be a little on the fast side , are also certain runners , but Luca Cumani will not decide until today whether Legal Case will take his chance .
28 AA research shows that 64 per cent of motorists use their cars for this purpose -among them , semi-skilled and unskilled workers for whom the car is an absolute necessity .
29 Carson is not without a chance on Murango later in the afternoon , but preference is for Petite Rosanna ( next best 3.40 ) , for whom the booking of Steve Cauthen looks significant .
30 This is a generation for whom the war years remain vivid and the Empire had real meaning .
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