Example sentences of "[prep] themselves on " in BNC.

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1 Through the rigging of the schooner a five of Palernians could be seen , making a nuisance of themselves on a flimsy raft .
2 It 's so refreshing to see a motley crew of urchins , trendies and ravers like Sunscreem making total unself-conscious idiots of themselves on a stage instead of prancing and preening like twats .
3 I do not know which company in their burgeoning hi-fi industry is responsible but they can be quite pleased with themselves on this evidence .
4 During and following the Gorbachev era there were numerous complaints about the tendency of presidents to arrogate more power to themselves on the grounds that it was a temporary measure to deal with the extremely serious economic and social situation facing the republics .
5 Of course , psychiatric diagnosis is not an error free process , and it is possible that in a proportion of the cases where there was diagnostic disagreement it was the research assessment that was in error ; it should be noted that in some cases the research psychiatrists could not agree among themselves on the diagnosis .
6 The thirty seven strong women 's could not agree among themselves on what 's known as a .
7 It took no account of funding arrangements , parliamentary representation at Westminster or the position of the Secretary of State for Scotland , and the members of the convention disagreed among themselves on the number and sex of its members , the method of election and a number of other aspects affecting Scotland 's constitutional future .
8 There is nothing to prevent eleven ( or fewer ) Member States entering into a treaty between themselves on matters outside or additional to the existing treaties — indeed the Maastricht Treaty itself , as is well known , envisages less than twelve Member States acting together in the ‘ new ’ areas of Monetary Union and Social policy — and in that sense can hardly be regarded as deepening the Community as previously defined .
9 If such matters are not covered in the partnership agreement or the partners are unable to reach agreement between themselves on an ad hoc basis , dissolution will proceed in all respects strictly in accordance with the Partnership Act .
10 Opponents frequently struggled to cope with that type of galvanising influence as Howard Wilkinson 's team may discover for themselves on their return to Villa Park tonight .
11 The extent to which fans will carve out careers for themselves on the terraces will , to a large extent , reflect their commitment to the soccer culture and to their immediate peer group .
12 We are living in what may well come to be known as the age of the American soprano , with Norman , Studer , Millo , Vaness , Hendricks , Battle , Bonney and Upshaw all doing conspicuously well for themselves on disc .
13 Members choose what they wish to insure and decide for themselves on the sums they insure .
14 It can be a time when a sensitive friend can make sure the bereaved person is especially thought of , so that they are not alone if they find it hard to be by themselves on those days .
15 They used to be in the garden here , but Her Majesty doesnae care for them so they were thrown out on the rubbish heap , but the rubbish heap was by the river so the seeds were carried down by the water and sprouted by themselves on the bank .
16 They will not normally sing with the boys , but are to sing services by themselves on Wednesdays and with the lay vicars both on Mondays and for one of the four services over weekends , by rotation .
17 The tables are the basic method of holding information , but you might want to put single records by themselves on the screen and work through them rather like flipping through a card index .
18 He stuffed his sax case under a table and ordered a pint at the bar , moving ever so casually towards two women sitting by themselves on high stools .
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