Example sentences of "[prep] itself in " in BNC.

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1 Mulvey combined this Freudian explanation of pleasure in looking with the theory of the mirror stage in the work of Jacques Lacan , in which the child 's first recognition of itself in the mirror is called a misrecognition , because what the child sees in the mirror is an idealised whole and rounded image at odds with the child 's diffuse bodily experience of itself at that stage in development — it can not yet control its movements , let alone its environment .
2 A cat may approach its human owner and purposely make a nuisance of itself in a way that it has learnt will cause anger .
3 More , the fact that this being , Homo sapiens , is from the moment of birth aware of itself in relation to others , and experiences and defines itself in such a relational mode , suggests the universal , pre-cultural basis of a relational concept that appears to occur in one form or another in all human cultural systems : the complementarity of Self and Other ; Us and Them .
4 The final text leaves this clash alone , free to speak for itself in a world where the reader believes he understands Stepan better than the narrator does .
5 A rule of thumb is that investment in energy efficiency is expected to pay for itself in two years .
6 But , rightly , ICI is acting as if a bid is imminent , preparing its defences and making plans for itself in a way that guarantees that much will change at the firm .
7 In the 1960s the Northern Ireland Labour Party ( NILP ) was on the verge of becoming a significant political force , despite the fact that it had been left to fend for itself in very difficult circumstances .
8 As the Laboratory of the Government Chemist ( LGC ) seeks to carve a competitive role for itself in today 's increasingly commercial research environment , the man in charge of its development programme is Dr Richard Worswick , the recently appointed Government Chemist and chief executive of the laboratory .
9 Such a qualified endorsement of the authority of the law falls short of acknowledging the authority the law claims for itself in two respects .
10 Last year , a passive solar collector on a house would have been expected to pay for itself in 12 to 15 years .
11 However , despite its diminutive size , it is well able to fend for itself in a mixed community tank , protecting its territory against all comers , even if they happen to be twice its size .
12 The management at Perry Poultry might not have amassed this sort of paper wealth yet but , only founded in 1989 , the company is already making a name for itself in the food business .
13 A 6m zone stops 90% of walked in dirt , reducing maintenance costs of the floor covering beyond the Coral by 50% and the Coral Clean-off-Zone pays for itself in 6 months .
14 Ruling groups have found that their interests are best safeguarded if they are supported by a work force which can not think for itself in the coherent way writing affords .
15 Having dug its way out of the compost heap , it must immediately start to fend for itself in the hostile world of the mallee scrub .
16 The best ( rated 5 ) will pay for itself in less than a year , while the least cost-effective ( rate 0 ) is worth doing only if you are planning to carry out other major renovation work at the same time .
17 The firm badly needs this market share to buy time , so it can fully adapt to the new Windows world and carve out a place for itself in the growing groupware market .
18 It seemed to be Greece 's only chance of breaking out of isolation , its only hope of finding a role for itself in the world .
19 Today , with funding for British Universities squeezed ever tighter by the recession and thirteen years of an unsympathetic Conservative government , the Warburg is being forced to fend for itself in large measure .
20 He sees the deviant group as creating its own circumstances to the extent that it makes meaningful the societal reactions to it , or better generates meaning for itself in a world whose societal reactions deny them the full status of persons .
21 That recognised , its achievement is answer enough to the question why , given the attributes claimed for it , the place it has so far established for itself in the economy is still no more than marginal .
22 In terms of cost effectiveness , a single Ventura/VT600 installation applied to Classical Music should have paid for itself in eight months — costed against the savings in typesetting .
23 By acting professionally ( dispassionate , responsible , with technical competence ) Britain can , through its army , embrace war as a means of creating an identity for itself in today 's shifty international order .
24 However , once again , the Council may be assuming too great a role for itself in meeting this need .
25 Dynamics of survival within the NMGC must be related to the role which the organisation has defined and redefined for itself in the light of a changing understanding of marital problems over time and in relation to the work of other agencies .
26 On the contrary , if the gene can pay for itself in terms of reproductive success , that is all that matters .
27 It is evident from this spate of new product launches that LIFFE sees an important European role for itself in the future .
28 But it has more than paid for itself in improved factory efficiency , said Bob Pruitt , operations manager of Thatcher Tubes , Florence — part of Courtaulds Packaging .
29 That rite is turned against itself in the way that the Lord 's Prayer of ‘ The Hollow Men ’ is involved in an anti-Lord 's Prayer .
30 It started in the middle of something , something hollow and highly polished that fed into itself in ever-increasing rounds .
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