Example sentences of "[prep] least would " in BNC.

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1 True , in a full-time legislature appearances at least would differ from its feeble predecessor .
2 And suddenly we 'd all be in Amsterdam or Paris or something like somebody 's idea of America for the evening , or else it would still be our own dear city , but from very definitely another era , all striped Regency wallpaper and framed Angus McBean photographs of Vivien Leigh ; or another time there 'd be nothing but opera on the sound system for a whole week , there 'd be complaints of course but Madame would say , I 'm just trying to give you boys an education , and Gary at least would be very happy .
3 I 'm certain they at least would refuse a second slice of cake .
4 Mr Spedding said he at least would continue the tradition , ‘ while I am able to stagger up the stairs ’ .
5 Secondly , many people who take out credit arrangements would with good reason judge themselves to be relatively free from the risk of unemployment , or loss of earnings through illness — or at least would be ready and able to weather their financial difficulties in the event .
6 And when people in our main survey were asked how they would like to repay a loan ( Appendix 1 , Tables 47a and 47b and comments on those tables ) , the great majority said they would prefer monthly repayments , or at least would not mind ; only one in five said they would prefer weekly repayments .
7 The surgeon had sounded a note of amused condescension as though he were betraying a colleague 's unfortunate weakness , wryly observed , which a more prudent man would have detected before beginning his medical training , or at least would have come to terms with before his second year .
8 Firstly , the proportion of British investment resources devoted to electricity was , if anything , low by international standards , so that , other things being equal , Britain at least would appear to have suffered no greater investment ‘ distortion ’ than elsewhere .
9 In these studies , Bjornsson used groups of 24 or more readers ( of whom half at least would have been native speakers ) and calculated correlations to check the reliability of their judgements , On sets of 100 texts , the correlations were on average 0.99 , which suggests that for adults at least , there is a high level of agreement about what is difficult .
10 Once again , it is fortunate that the theory was not abandoned in the face of falsifications by measurements of the specific heats of gases , as the naive falsificationist at least would be forced to insist .
11 Imagining that four male admirers at least would be waiting outside Miss Grey 's room , be already inside …
12 He at least would go free .
13 Some twenty-four people at least would attend these meetings and all would be put up in the château , or its annexe , and provided with lunch , dinner and breakfast the next day .
14 ‘ That at least would be human , ’ he growled .
15 It was probably the only way he could get one , she thought waspishly ; the law of averages no doubt decreed that one at least would believe him , and how on earth could he want her when he 'd said all those terrible things to her ?
16 That at least would give her one pleasant memory to take away from this whole crazy weekend .
17 Nithard puts them in 839 : Charles 's mother , and the magnates who had worked on the will of his father to promote Charles 's cause , fearing that if Louis were to die before matters were settled , they would risk incurring the hatred of Charles 's brothers to their own ruin , advised that the father should choose one of those sons to be his helper so that , even if the others refused to remain at peace after their father 's death , these two at least would have been so firmly united that they would be able to withstand the hostility of their rivals .
18 Brother workmen cease your labour , Lay your files and hammers by , Listen while a brother neighbour Sings a cutlers destiny ; How upon a good Saint Monday , Sitting by the smithy fire Telling what 's been done o' t'Sunday And in cheerful mirth conspire The cutler 's wife enters and indicates , by reference to her ragged attire , that she at least would welcome a little less leisure preference and a little more consumer response to monetary incentive .
19 A minister need only let it be known directly that he would welcome such demonstrations of ‘ spontaneous ’ violent support , or at least would not use police power to suppress it .
20 So Deans record is 2 goals in 13 games — im quite sure that Frank at least would have doubled that if he had gotten the chance .
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