Example sentences of "[prep] second order " in BNC.

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1 As a result three Census Wards were identified as first order target Wards for a marketing exercise , and seven additional Wards as second order target Wards .
2 Classical physics tends to express things in terms of second order differential equations , that is ones involving the rate of change of a rate of change , whilst [ 9 ] is first order — it just incorporates a simple rate of change .
3 When strains are infinitesimal as in the classical theory of elasticity the difference between the two definitions is of second order and is negligible but this is not the case when large deformations are being considered .
4 Such stresses are normally of second order but are of importance in some fluids ( Eringen 1976 ) .
5 The last line illustrates that in the covariant derivative of a tensor of second order or higher there is one term for each index .
6 Thus it is argued that the gain in profits of changing prices may only be of second order , whereas the welfare losses from the resulting rigidities may be of first order .
7 If you are good at expanding functions up to second order you might like to attempt Example 2.5 .
8 The first two terms vanish because the v , w plane is parallel to the surface at O. Therefore to second order in v and w we have .
9 This result is equivalent to the expansion of ( 10.1 ) to second order in , namely .
10 The general formula for vibrational energy levels ( to second order , for two vibrations ) is
11 Thus , in the developed countries , the minimum risk of a late fetal death occurs among second order births , followed by an increase with rising birth order .
12 Ratios of still births to live births tend to be larger at high orders than at second order but , in developed countries , particularly , the ratios at sixth , but mainly seventh and higher birth orders were two to three times that among first order births .
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