Example sentences of "[prep] long term " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , gastric somatostatin concentrations have been found to be low after long term omeprazole treatment in rats , and thirdly , exogenous administration of somatostatin to hypergastrinaemia patients has been shown to inhibit significantly gastrin release .
2 Free of money lenders and learning to save and contribute financially to their own programme is an important step towards long term self sustainability .
3 The secret of long term satisfaction is a cumulative memory of little events connected with the school .
4 Her previous publications have addressed family care and community care in relation to older people and she is currently researching alternative forms of long term care for this group .
5 A. human bone from Turkey buried in alkaline soil with scrub oak vegetation , showing extensive root marks that have coalesced to give an appearance of surface corrosion ; B. sheep bone from stream ( pH 5.4 ) in Wales showing the result of long term immersion in water , with breakdown of the surface structure of the bone and formation of large scale pitting ; C. bovid bone from Tanzania which was buried in the floor of a hyaena den and subjected to trampling and decay from urine and organic acids , destructuring the surface leaving large scale pits and occasional islands of unaltered surface bone ; D. horse bone from Sphagnum bog in Dartmoor ( pH 3.5 ) showing acid etching of the bone producing pitting following and enlarging original structures in the bone .
6 Companies , it is claimed , will put their energies into short-term performance and the payment of high dividends in order to maintain the value of their stock exchange listing , at the cost of long term planning and investment that would ultimately be of far greater benefit for the company , its investors and the economy as a whole .
7 It would probably be unwise to frame original market drawings since their intended role does not assume the importance of long term permanence .
8 Kontrax Holding Rt majority shareholder Gabor Disco , a member of the highly influential informal club of pool-playing Hungarian businessmen dubbed the ‘ Centrum 10 ’ , claimed that the group was not insolvent and argued that ‘ nine out of 10 ’ Hungarian companies were facing similar problems with short term loans in the absence of long term credit facilities .
9 More to the point , in its registration statement with the Securities & Exchange Commission , IBM said it intended to issue up to $3,000m of long term debt and preferred stock during the next year or so .
10 Promotion of long term dietary treatment and strict diet before conception
11 Until the results of long term follow up are available the ability of our creatine kinase assay to detect Becker cases remains uncertain .
12 Stockman recognized that the sort of fundamental change he sought ‘ would have hurt millions of people in the short run ’ and involved the , ‘ ruthless dispensation of short run pain in the name of long term gain' , but these , he believed , were the hazards that true revolutionaries faced without flinching .
13 The Conservative 's election manifesto promised that lottery funds will be additional to existing government spending and that the Millennium Fund resources will be used for a number of long term projects including restoring the fabric of great buildings .
14 These advantages can not , however , be considered to be worth while unless they can be shown to lead to better glycaemic control or a reduction of long term complications of diabetes , or both .
15 Create a new opinion or attitude , based perhaps on new products or to pave the way for the introduction of long term plans .
16 Archaeology has as its declared intention the reconstruction of past societies and the understanding of processes of long term social change .
17 By a notice of appeal dated 20 May 1992 the health authority appealed on the grounds that ( 1 ) the court had no jurisdiction to grant a mandatory injunction requiring a health authority to cause specified medical treatment to be given , alternatively , no jurisdiction to order it to cause such treatment to be given against the professional judgment of its servants or agents ; ( 2 ) the judge had erred in holding that he was not bound by the decision in In re J. ( A Minor ) ( Wardship : Medical Treatment ) [ 1991 ] Fam. 33 to hold that there was no such jurisdiction ; ( 3 ) there had been no material before the court to justify the judge granting a mandatory interlocutory injunction since ( a ) there was no evidence that the health authority owed J. any enforceable duty to provide the ordered treatment , or that such treatment would be in his best interests ; ( b ) there was uncontradicted evidence before the court that the treatment ordered would be painful and ineffective to give J. a prospect of long term survival and ( c ) there was no material establishing that there was a reasonable or any prospect of a final order being granted in the terms of the interlocutory order ; ( 4 ) if the court had jurisdiction to make the order the judge erred in the exercise of his discretion in that ( a ) he had failed to give sufficient weight to the uncontradicted medical evidence or to the undesirability of seeking to force a doctor to act against his professional judgment and/or requiring the employer of the doctor to do so , ( b ) he had failed to consider that the order was capable of interfering with the health authority 's duty to care for other patients , and ( c ) by its terms the order was too imprecise to enable the health authority to be able to ascertain how it should be complied with .
18 Effect of long term tamoxifen treatment on bone turnover in women with breast cancer
19 If dissuading people from ever starting to smoke is the primary aim then limitation of long term cigarette smoking presumably comes second .
20 The concept of long term rotational antibiotics for acne is outdated and this practice should be avoided .
21 As this study was concerned with preventing death , or as much as 30 years of long term serious disablement , by neurosurgical intervention the effect of this omission is considerable .
22 We do not deny the value of long term repeated measurements of height for all children and have advocated that these should start at the earliest possible age .
23 One recent estimate was that the private sector carries out 15% of elective surgery and 59% of abortions and provides 58% of long term care of the elderly and 7% of acute psychiatry .
24 There are two sources of evidence bearing on this question : one is the psychiatric history of homeless mentally ill people , while the other is follow up studies of long term psychiatric patients discharged into the community .
25 Be that as it may , the potential advantages of long term care in a high quality private sector are considerable , particularly as this sector offers old people and their families wider choice than the public sector .
26 Substantial changes in the provision of long term care for elderly people have taken place over the past decade .
27 The changes that have occurred since 1979 in the pattern of long term care for older people in Leicestershire , above and beyond the aging of the general population , highlight some of the challenges that many local authorities face in implementing the final phase of the ‘ Caring for People ’ community care reforms .
28 The reduction in the scale of long term geriatric provision has been accompanied by an increase in the provision of residential care and nursing homes .
29 The greater absolute numbers of elderly people have been absorbed by the growing private sector despite a simultaneous collapse of long term provision in the NHS , and this has been widely attributed to the impact of the central government funding system for private residential care .
30 It is time to recognise that fact and radically rethink the provision of long term care .
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