Example sentences of "[prep] more importance " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , and probably of more importance , was the in-wintering of ewes .
2 The dramatic political and diplomatic developments of 1988 — of more importance to the achievement of a substantive peace than anything else since 1967 — owed nothing to the peace process .
3 In the Snowdonia National Park this latter consideration frequently appears to be of more importance than any other to the NP Committee when more controversial schemes are examined , in spite of a NPA having no statutory responsibilities for such policies .
4 In other words it is possible that local social and ecological facts may be of more importance when interpreting crime than broad processes such as modernization .
5 Thus the financial health of the company seemed to be of more importance than the community 's concern over the health of its children .
6 ‘ We know the rather negative condition reports ’ , says Filedt Kok , ‘ but the painting 's overall impact and its enhancement of the museum 's Rembrandt holdings is of more importance to us .
7 The excavators at Silchester and Caerwent had found great quantities , but regarded it as merely so commonplace and ordinary , that they hardly bothered even to mention it , thus ignoring the important principle laid down earlier by the great Pitt-Rivers , who attempted to record everything he found ‘ however small and however common … common things are of more importance than particular things , because they are more prevalent ’ ( 1898 , 27 ) .
8 The definition of living space continues to be of more importance than its detail , and even Gothic novelists , who are fond of adjectives and often describe the landscape at some length , elaborate very little on interiors .
9 We are not able to account for these industry level changes , but find the broad picture of " no change " of more importance .
10 Indeed in the middle of the twentieth century it can be said that the majority of the world 's population lives under systems of government where the government itself and particularly the executive government are of more importance and are treated with more respect or fear than the Constitution .
11 The parties ' intentions are perhaps of more importance than individuals ' commitments .
12 There was some consensus about the relative importance of certain items of information that a referral letter should include , but psychiatrists rated two key items of information of more importance : the attitude of the family to referral and whether other agencies are involved .
13 In a community like this the printed word has always been of more importance than to most of those whose access to books was very much easier .
14 Of more importance presently is the possibility of legal expenses insurance .
15 Other things of more importance took up their time .
16 Of more importance perhaps , has been the marked shift in attitude shown by many environmental and community groups in valuing the type of activity promoted by the Campaign .
17 Of more importance is an assessment of the spread of particles about the average , to define the dispersion or sorting of the sediment , as represented by the breadth of the frequency curve or the shape of the cumulative frequency distribution .
18 Certainly colour is still of more importance to me than the picture in many cases .
19 Of more importance is whether , if someone has " copied " an invention but has introduced some minor changes , the patent has been infringed .
20 I mean all I , I would like to , to say is that so far as this particular road , whatever you may call it , er is concerned , that we look at highways priorities in this committee and that we would receive an assurance that this would not be bulldozed through , if I may put it that way , erm and opposed to one two three four other major schemes which are perhaps of more importance in terms of highways rather than er a , a corporate objective .
21 Erm the question of coalescence , freestanding form , is in my opinion of more importance in regard to some corridors th some sectors than others .
22 Their approach was just to stick out the records , but more thought went into later releases and we had a structure where the label was treated with more importance .
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