Example sentences of "[prep] a bit " in BNC.

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1 They'se helpin' their Dad at the moment seein' as there 's no school fer a bit .
2 ‘ S'pose you 'll be wantin' to stay fer a bit , eh ? ’
3 It wo n't do him no harm to be out of his mother 's apron-strings fer a bit longer .
4 We could ‘ ave tea at Ma 's , and then go up West in the evenin' fer a bit of all right . ’
5 In Scandinavia , with their mixed economies , money is always available , after a bit of persuasion , from both local and central government .
6 Then , after a bit , it becomes not something unacceptable , but something accepted or at least something which is demonstrated to be not out of the question .
7 After a bit she got up again and crept down to her mother 's room .
8 He said it was quieter in there , but I could n't see the lay-by from his room and after a bit I went outside .
9 After a bit I got up and — I went back .
10 My legs get all tingly after a bit on account of how I 'm sitting , but I do n't move .
11 She stops her moaning after a bit .
12 Marie comes back in after a bit .
13 I ask after a bit .
14 He finishes after a bit and then jumps up on the window ledge .
15 After a bit I get bored and carry on walking up the street .
16 After a bit I feel better so I start eating my doughnut .
17 I get bored with watching them after a bit , so I go in the shop and have a look at their books .
18 I get up after a bit and stick the stuff back in my pockets and start walking the way I came in .
19 My eyes go funny after a bit , so I look at summat else .
20 It 's making a hell of a racket , but it stops the noise after a bit , cos it gets stuck in the traffic .
21 I 'm a bit dizzy when I stand up and have to hang onto this litter bin , but I 'm OK after a bit .
22 Anyway , after a bit , when she can talk , she says to me , ‘ The cheeky old devil ! — Did you know , then ? ’
23 They clammed up after a bit and would n't show me everything , but he thinks I put it all in the water hoping Harry would get tangled in it . ’
24 But after a bit I started thinking .
25 His back was cured within a couple of weeks — not , it turns out , as a result of the acupuncture but after a bit of dancing while on holiday .
26 After a bit , they moved over to the bed .
27 And then , after a bit of Christ-this-is-so-delicious-it-seems-a-shame-to-go-on-about-it-but-I-feel-it-is-my-duty acting , he went on , ‘ So chewy .
28 After a bit she shouted , ‘ The trot has a one-two rhythm .
29 After a bit , when I had said it twice , he said , ‘ Naomi , if you want any women you will have to find them yourself . ’
30 You see , all the things which at the moment seem strange to you about it become every day normality after a bit , so that it 's untrue to give you an answer in terms of the lack of space or the lack of change or the lack of food or any of the other things which make this so different from ordinary life . ’
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