Example sentences of "[prep] the east " in BNC.

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1 For the East German state is the realisation of the dreams of a young roofer as he grew up among the filth of the coal mines and steel mills of the Saarland in the Thirties .
2 For the Germans in Prague , gloating over the latest humilation for the East Berlin leadership on the eve of its birthday party seemed to compensate for the conditions of near-vagrancy .
3 But the moral for the East German leadership is worrying .
4 ‘ I can see it 's wonderful for the East Germans , and if it does n't lead to reunification I 've no objection to it .
5 ) There is a heady feel to the discussion paper produced for the East German congress by the working group running the leaderless party .
6 The Foreign Office Minister , Mr William Waldegrave , said : ‘ The message we must get across is that those in the security services , those working for the state , should recognise that a day of reckoning will come for them as it has come for the East Germans and others . ’
7 Even with a new economic miracle somewhere ahead , it will take years for the East Germans ' standard of living to come close to that of their rich cousins .
8 His devotion to Essex cricket came from these roots , as he followed West Ham United Football Club and played cricket with Alf for the East Ham Corinthians .
9 His devotion to Essex cricket came from these roots , as he followed West Ham United Football Club and played cricket with Alf for the East Ham Corinthians .
10 For the East Germans the Poles had been objects of contempt for most of Prussian history , and the loss of land to them was an insult that was not to be swallowed , but would instead produce a festering sense of indignity , shame and anger .
11 Now the cost of restoring the lower reaches of the river were simply too high for the East Prussian authorities to contemplate without revenues from Polish trade .
12 He has England under-21 honours and at the weekend picked up a Barclays Young Eagle of the Month award for the East Anglia and South to celebrate his 21st birthday .
13 The geochemical data for the East Grampians also illustrate a number of important environmental features .
14 As a contribution to the development of sources of geothermal energy , an attempt is being made to establish credible gas geothermometry for the East African Rift , for conventional models do not appear to be applicable .
15 Unlike the role it played in the IFL , political anti-semitism never became a total ideological explanation of all the imagined ills of British society for most of the official leadership of the BUF , though there were obvious exceptions like William Joyce and some of the speakers he trained for the East End campaign of 1935 — 7 .
16 That one of Beonna 's moneyers , Wilred , went on to mint coins for Offa , however , may imply a somewhat earlier date for some at least of Offa 's East Anglian coins , and Offa 's position in East Anglia was already secure enough for the East Anglian bishoprics of Dommoc and Elmham to be included in 787 in the new archdiocese of Lichfield ( see below , p. 174 ) .
17 Peter , who works for the East Midlands Electricity Board , has three daughters by a previous marriage — Tara , 19 , Sophie , 16 , and Amy , seven , who adores Thomas .
18 Because that 's our a reservoir which was commissioned last year , to secure supplies for the East Midlands , cost us a hundred and seven million pounds .
19 He published several papers in the Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers , including ‘ An Inverted Arch Suspension Bridge ’ ( 1847 , p. 1 ) , ‘ Blast Engines for the East Indian Iron Company ’ ( 1855 , p. 154 ) , and ‘ Regenerative Hot-Blast Stoves working at a Temperature of 1,300° F ’ ( 1860 , p. 54 ) .
20 On Jan. 24 she announced further proposals which envisaged lifting the state 's foreign trade monopoly , full convertibility for the East German Mark by 1992 , the lowering of tax rates , and the introduction of a commercial banking system .
21 This 900-page treaty was signed by Interior Minister Wolfgang Schäuble for the West German government and by the Parliamentary State Secretary to the Prime Minister Günther Krause for the East German government at a ceremony on Aug. 31 in East Berlin .
22 During the campaign for the East German general election in March 1990 [ see pp. 37300-02 ] the party leader , Franz Schönhuber , was repeatedly denied entry to the country and the party was anyway forbidden to participate in the elections because of its neo-Nazi sympathies [ see pp. 37260 ; 37301 ] .
23 The arrest in October 1990 of Klaus Kuron , a senior West German intelligence officer accused of working for the East German State Security Service ( Stasi ) [ see p. 37828 ] , resulted in the arrests of many others accused of spying [ see p. 37828 ] .
24 Brian Pask has been appointed the Contract Sales Representative for the East Midlands and East Anglia .
25 Nine local residents , backed by conservation groups and environmentalists , are appealing against compulsory purchase procedures in an attempt to save the wood , a Site of Special Scientific Interest and the last ancient woodland in London , which is in the path of the access road for the East London River Crossing .
26 It is very important this is done , we can join the raffle for the East Midlands airport and I 'll tell you this I will help you pick out the winning ticket er but we can not use the East Midlands airport money for revenue to run the stations .
27 ANITA KLEIN reveals some home truths during the East End Open Studios
28 As the East German trains pulled into the border station of Hof the first refugees , many of them in tears , were greeted with cheers , applause and a local youth group singing the Beatles song ‘ Let It Be ’ .
29 AS THE East Berliners cross into the West , they see some unusual sights .
30 The genocidal language of its speakers and propaganda undoubtedly increased tension in areas of high Jewish concentration such as the East End of London .
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