Example sentences of "[prep] the ec " in BNC.

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1 But they agreed with a proposal from the French Government , which is currently responsible for the EC Council of Ministers , to discuss an amendment which would allow the Commission to grant temporary exemptions to countries facing problems with liberalisation .
2 It is an economic and commercial arrogance which sounds a quiet siren for the EC , particularly one in which the two Germanys , economically if not politically united , would be the dominant power .
3 The West German plan , which has been agreed in outline by President Franois Mitterrand , will fix June 1994 as the final date for the EC to move to full monetary union , including a supra-national central-banking system .
4 Chancellor Kohl spoke in almost identical terms to President Franois Mitterrand and the others in arguing that ‘ instability and uncertainty in the outside world ’ made it imperative for the EC to accelerate economic integration .
5 Mr Baker declared his support for the EC ‘ taking on increasingly important political roles ’ .
6 This removes any realistic prospect of a government introducing severe economic reforms to reduce Italy 's huge public debt to fulfil norms for the EC single market laid down by the Maastricht Treaty .
7 However , the IEA is now turning its attention to environmental auditing and has launched a national Environmental Auditors Registration Board to provide professional accreditation for environmental auditors along with a set of draft criteria against which the quality of the environmental statements produced for the EC eco-audit scheme can be measured .
8 She added that the translation of a directive into national law gives rise to difficulties and suggested that there should be an open period for the EC and national governments to argue out any differences that arise .
9 There are pressures for the EC to adopt similar legislation .
10 In 1988 West Germany proposed tighter limits for the EC directive .
11 It is extraordinary that it is easier for the EC to export to Hungary , Czechoslovakia and Poland than it is for those countries to export to the EC .
12 These matters of a more technical constitutional nature are perhaps not immediately obvious to the man in the street , nor even to politicians ; yet it is incredible that there should still be people advocating federalism for the EC given the abysmal record of other multinational federations .
13 It is worth examining the history of German unification to see historical parallels with plans for the EC .
14 The Directive also provides for the EC to enter into bilateral agreements with non-member states for mutual recognition of listing particulars .
15 Mr Delors wants extra money for the EC budget
16 That is the cost of the extra cash conceded by John Major for the EC budget held by Commission President Jacques Delors .
17 They were offered the three alternative thresholds taken from the Institute 's recent consultative document and only 18% opted for the VAT registration limit ( turnover £36,600 ) ; 47% were in favour of the VAT cash accounting limit , and 35% opted for the EC small companies definition .
18 One answer might be for the EC to agree rules for the recycling of packaging that would reduce such disruption .
19 Perfect timing , then , for the EC 's dismal reputation to be cast in a better light by an impartial judge .
20 The EC hopes that the project , which began last month , will increase user confidence in the potential of the European massively parallel computers and will create a report on high-performance computing in Europe , compiled by CERN director for the EC , concludes that Europe can compete effectively with US companies , traditionally the leaders in the supercomputing field , provided that the support is given to overcome the perennial problem of turning basic research results into competitive products .
21 The greatest failure for the EC in the 1970s was the failure to progress towards EMU .
22 As a result , in February 1984 , a Draft Treaty of 87 articles was approved by the Parliament , embodying institutional reforms for the EC , to make it more democratic and efficient , and the extension of its role over more areas of the European economy .
23 Dumping is a euphemism for the EC 's determination to prevent the demise of its electronics industry .
24 The council of research ministers of the European Communities ( EC ) last week approved the structure and the proposed ECU13.1 billion ( US$15.8 billion ) budget for the EC 's fourth framework programme , which will fund research from 1994 to 1998 .
25 For the EC , Article 85 of the Treaty of Rome prohibits agreements designed to prevent , restrict , or distort competition within the common market , though specific agreements may be exempted by the European Commission if they are found to have overall net benefits .
26 Table 3.1 and subsequent tables provide a comparison between the UK and developed countries as a whole , in the shape of averages for the EC ( the present 12 countries of the European Community ) and for the OECD ( the EC plus 12 further countries : the USA , Canada , Australia , New Zealand , Japan , Austria , Finland , Iceland , Norway , Sweden , Switzerland and Turkey ) .
27 Certainly in comparative terms the UK is by no means exceptional , with the share of UK government spending in National Income below the average for the EC countries .
28 The implementation of the Single Europe Act in 1993 provides for the EC wide abolition of exchange controls and gives authorized financial institutions the right to do business anywhere in Europe .
29 The improvement for the EC as a whole was 4.2 per cent ; for Japan it was 7 per cent .
30 That is a matter for the EC and the Commission to decide , not the Government .
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