Example sentences of "[prep] the present " in BNC.

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1 As the present government , despite its ‘ hands off , free market ’ attitudes , is involving itself in the workings of the pub trade , then it must shoulder the responsibility for the present state of affairs and insist that arbitration on rents must be genuinely independent and not loaded in favour of the brewers .
2 Relations between the Prime Minister and Nigel Lawson may still be strained ( she blames him for the present difficulties ) .
3 ‘ The British side has unshirkable responsiblity for the present problem of confidence in Hong Kong , ’ said Ambassador Ke in an interview with the official New China News Agency .
4 Screening appeals The justification for the present system whereby some categories of appeal could only be brought by leave of the trial judge or of the Court of Appeal was threefold : 1 .
5 This alteration in the basis of national status was to have devastating consequences for the present and future population of the United Kingdom .
6 He abandoned speculation firmly and concentrated on the implications for the present case , since he was plainly being offered expert testimony .
7 Nottingham Victoria after clearance of platforms to make way for the present shopping centre .
8 Ultimately , the government says , all will benefit from development , but that is a remote promise for the present generation .
9 Although for the present time this generation has strong feelings for the PLO and its chairman , Yasser Arafat , they have grown impatient with the niceties of political diplomacy .
10 enable your opponent to abandon a commitment by : describing all the concessions you have made so far suggesting that the circumstances have changed blaming some other party or situation for the present position , such as the government , another union , the economy , the personnel department suggesting that somehow there has been a misunderstanding referring the whole matter to another individual or group .
11 It was Joseph Thomas ' father who , as County Surveyor , was largely responsible for the present Looe Bridge .
12 Local authorities to a very great extent are responsible for the present ‘ grant control ’ which is exercised by Central Government for , whenever in recent years the Central Government have asked them to carry out some new function the local authorities have countered the request by a demand for a Government grant to assist with the new service .
13 The State Paper Office was architecturally the most interesting building to be demolished to make way for the present Foreign Office .
14 He wound up his reply to the delegation by saying that he had only put the £30,000 for the foundations into the estimates for the present session and would ask Scott for elevations in a different style .
15 Palmerston replied that he was glad to have the assurance of ‘ trained men of science and judgement ’ , and although he felt that Gothic might be suitable in the country , he was determined to have Italian for the present purpose .
16 In what building , the paper asked , has the Revival been satisfactory for the present day ; ‘ are Government Offices to form one of this series of costly and unpromising experiments ? ’
17 For the present purposes , however , the key findings are :
18 Newton and Karran argue that ‘ the case for the present degree of control is built on shabby theory and lacks empirical support .
19 These cases may be discounted for the present purpose , which is not to see what lay people believed or imagined about the law , but what distinctions and doctrines the jurists who developed it were employing .
20 Full discussion of this model is outwith the scope of the present paper , and we are leaving vague the discussion of types of role-mapping which might be important : for the present purpose , by role-mappings of atomic discourse elements , we mean any mapping between a description and an underlying knowledge structure which has been invoked during the understanding process ( and , of course , there may be more than one ) .
21 It is often worthwhile looking at methods the patient has previously tried to use for the present problem to see whether , with modification , these might be tried again .
22 Green was all for restoring Lord 's Island which seemed to have had a strange fascination for him , as it has for the present writer who has also , found for herself , the vestiges of the pier , the house , the shooting butts , etc .
23 The reasons for the present re-think about fluoridation are twofold .
24 Bell , therefore , not only saved the deaf class in the school from closure , but also introduced the oral method of teaching and laid the foundations for the present day Garvel Centre for the Deaf ( as the unit is called ) .
25 This will not provide great accuracy but is thought to be quite satisfactory for the present purpose .
26 Having openly expressed his dissatisfaction for the present lacklustre state of guitar music , does n't Alex seem suprised that young people still look towards the guitar for their musical kicks ?
27 This is the real reason for the present malnourishment in the camps .
28 Precisely because the Church mistakes herself for the present form of the Kingdom , God 's rule has often had to manifest itself in the secular world outside , and frequently against , the Church ’ ( Pannenberg 1975:78 ) .
29 In this way a defence that the property was already damaged and that the defendant is not responsible for the present damage can be countered .
30 The phase of shock and somatic distress is normally followed by a restless searching , mixed with anger and irritability towards the deceased , and any one else who might be blamed for the present distress .
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