Example sentences of "[prep] the political " in BNC.

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1 Reasons for the Political Religious Synthesis : first Conclusions
2 Reasons for the Political Religious Synthesis : Second Reflections
3 ‘ So , given that I have a political opportunity , I tend to become an enthusiast harnessing the forces that are at work , trying to get the best out of them , trying to use them for the political purposes that I believe in .
4 Their action effectively scuppered six years of negotiations , since all decisions taken by the 22 signatories to the 1959 Washington Treaty — the framework for the political and environmental protection of Antarctica - must be unanimous .
5 Fears for the political stability of the area , once the bastion of the Socialist Revolutionaries and bordering on Tambov guberniia , were also rising , though not expressed publicly .
6 Not surprisingly the above trends have raised greater electoral and ideological difficulties for the political parties of the left .
7 The widespread agreement across the electorate on many issues increases the possibilities for voters to shop around the political parties , as well as for the political parties to attract voters who are not traditional supporters .
8 ‘ By resigning today he is trying to avoid responsibility for the political crisis , ’ said Mr Jiri Dienstbier , Forum spokesman .
9 In Poland , even one outside adviser to the World Bank worries openly about what he sees as a lack of feeling among Mr Balcerowicz and his advisers for the political realities around them .
10 Historians have been divided as to the reasons for the political changes of these years .
11 As a betrayal , it had , for the political sphere , the same symbolic quality as leaders of the Protestant churches welcoming the Pope .
12 I went to him for the political because I was a red hot loyalist at that time .
13 His exit left the floor open for the political twins , Matthew Jackson , 13 , for the Socialist Workers , and his brother Thomas , for the Lib Dems .
14 The administration and the external political and administrative establishment may see participation as a political end in itself , as well as a means to building coalitions for the political good of their establishment .
15 There is little public interest in the business of politics and a good deal of contempt for the political process and the political class .
16 Above all , Westminster enjoys a very high degree of support and interest among British voters , and it thus preserves the authority of the political system as a whole : ‘ The extent to which Parliament has served to maintain support for the political system constitutes one of the most fascinating aspects of the institution in the British political system , .
17 The operation of the electoral system has changed as a result of alterations in the level and distribution of support for the political parties , so that the value of a vote is far less for the supporters of some parties than others and in some constituencies than in others .
18 This accounts for the high turnover in membership … the recruit having seen emphasis laid on military activity is not prepared for the political activity which must come before it .
19 Another factor , however , was related to the city itself ; the entrenched and static nature of politics in the city did not encourage activities which assumed that there was at least a little capacity for the political system to respond to popular campaigning .
20 If she 'd meant to lie , she 'd have planned the lies ; as it was , it was more like someone else speaking , someone for whom all the tales might be true : the tales of the amorous husband who would not be denied , or even delayed ; of her horrified discovery that her tried and trusted dutch cap had let her down after all these years , of her disappointment that she would not now be able to train as a doctor or run a campaign for more zebra crossings or offer a home to her poor ailing mother ; and then of course there were the medical difficulties , what with her diabetes and the early mongol child that died and all those Caesarians ; and the home where there was n't an inch of space and how the baby would mean eviction and bankruptcy ; and the fear that the baby might be too obviously of mixed-race ; and the over-riding , gut-rending terror that the baby might have royal blood ( of course if ever this got outside these walls there would be no answering for the political consequences for the western world ) and in the circumstances it seemed kind that the child should never be born .
21 Prescott is right in restating old principles , some of which have become obscured in the rush for the political centre ground .
22 DAVID Mellor was heading for the political scrapheap last night after Downing Street revealed that he did NOT seek permission for his ‘ freebie ’ holiday with Mona Bauwens .
23 DAVID Mellor headed for the political wilderness yesterday by comparing himself to a great British hero .
24 Formed in the aftermath of the 1931 financial crisis , PEP exemplified that liberal-reformist strand of ‘ middle opinion ’ that was to grow in the 1930s and provide the basis for the political shift leftwards during the Second World War .
25 ‘ The ambiguous reference to contributions Olivetti paid to ASST ( one of the state-owned telephone companies ) has been clarified , confirming that Olivetti did not ever work with ASST , but paid Mr Giuseppe Lo Moro , who acted as collector for the political parties for equipping the Post .
26 West Germany 's support in 1952 and 1953 for the Political Community had in part been predicated on the idea that it could resolve the Saar issue : the territory was due to become a separate ‘ European ’ area .
27 Equally significant for the political equilibrium was the rapport which de Gaulle and Adenauer had with each other .
28 Chief Political Directorate : functioning like its Soviet counterpart with the status of a Central Committee Department as well as a division of the Ministry of Defence , this organisation is responsible for the political reliability of the armed forces , political education , and censorship of military publications .
29 The Brezhnev leadership , like Stalin 's , showed a proper regard for the political stakes in interstate rivalry .
30 Even when the military balance is in her favour , the Soviet Union will maintain a healthy regard for the political stakes in East-West rivalry , as well as its social undercurrents ; she will be aware that the ability to act effectively depends not only upon military trumps , but the psychological and moral intangibles of world politics .
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