Example sentences of "[prep] the opposite " in BNC.

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1 That is a crisis rate , but designed for the opposite kind of crisis .
2 In the strictness of my own father 's wisdom , he instilled into me a deep respect for the opposite sex , so that there was no physical play or caress with any women until after I had married my wife .
3 Apart from these texts there are a few which are revealing for the opposite reason : they deny the existence of a trust where it might have been expected .
4 It was hard for the men not to lose their footing on jagged or slippery stones : harder still , leaning right back on the ropes , to counteract the relentless downward pull of the current and keep the tree on course for the opposite bank .
5 Jess elbowed through the crowd , aiming for the opposite side of the barn where a ladder led to a hayloft .
6 In fact the actor , who reassures fans that he has no plans to quit 90210 now that his movie career is under way , has a more than healthy respect for the opposite sex — a lot of it born out of his admiration at how his mother struggled through during the dark early years of his life .
7 Angel Day transposed the exercise for the opposite sex in An Epistle Swasorie , wherein a Gentlewoman is councelled to mariage .
8 It is ironic that the present undiscriminating reverence for exotic mysticism risks misunderstanding such beliefs for the opposite reason ; that of accepting them at face value uncritically and out of context .
9 On the other hand , those who abandoned the hierarchical position and held , not only that all men were equal but that all people were so , lost interest in sex differences for the opposite reason .
10 It reminds me of my youth , and passions for the opposite sex ; how you 'd die for people whose names you ca n't even remember now .
11 ROS recoils , breaks for the opposite wing .
12 If you want exorcisms — and that is what we both wanted , you may just possibly remember — if you want all the comforts of that gem of ecclesiastical mumbo jumbo , you 'd better get ready for the opposite an ’ all …
13 And for the opposite reason we neglect variations in the numbers of those who are brought up as seafaring men for these variations are too slow to produce much effect in the year or two during which the scarcity of meat lasts .
14 Baring his teeth in a soundless snarl of frustration and fury , he turned and ran for the opposite end of the alley , away from the oncoming car .
15 Saudi Arabia ( whose Petroleum Minister Shaikh Hisham Nazer did not attend the meeting himself , on grounds of " exhaustion " ) entered reservations for the opposite reason , to keep its options open for a possible increase in Saudi production above 8,000,000 bpd ( its allocation being 7,880,000 ) .
16 In ( 140 ) , make can not be substituted for cause — the causation evoked is too indirect — nor can cause substitute for make in ( 141 ) , for the opposite reason .
17 A considerable proportion — between 30 and 40 per cent — actually did so , though most commonly for the opposite reason , because they did not like the New World or could not establish themselves there .
18 ‘ He has proved a better confidential secretary than to give revealing answers , despite his weakness for the opposite sex — however beautiful , ’ Ven replied .
19 This introspection must be seen as the opposite pole to Canova 's universalism and provides new insights into the terms ‘ sensuous ’ and the ‘ sensual ’ today .
20 For others , what they see as the opposite approach to worship , that of questioning , ( 12 ) should be the fundamental criterion for judging effective RE .
21 ‘ Nor should the transexual be confused with the transvestite who simply dresses as the opposite sex .
22 Decisions so far have steered a judicious and generally respected path between the opposite sides — in one case , BOC wanted a £35 million limit to possible damage to its equipment by Yorkshire Electricity .
23 Before the side-car receded from her along the straight avenue , she observed a gun case ( sometimes Anderson shot the bogs with Dada ) , a rod case , and a bulging Gladstone bag tied together in the space ( called the well ) situated between the opposite wings of the sidecar .
24 And then it talks about the opposite accent and it gives the example of There 'll be an industrial dispute in a small family business erm and there is possibly a greater need by the employer to win the workers ' approval .
25 While all this was going on , of course , Carol was flitting about the opposite side of the shop helping herself from the shelves and tossing things into the pushchair , which with the canopy zipped up was acting as an oversize shopping trolley .
26 Barnes was laughing as he climbed out of his cockpit , and pointed at the huge hole in one wing-root made by a cannon shell and another through the opposite wing .
27 She must have run through the opposite end of the colonnade and round the back of the house .
28 The other was the offspring of doting , bourgeois parents , who should have given off the opposite kind of vibrations .
29 He 'd put one end of a scaffold board through the bathroom window , and , as he snatched it out , had knocked two tiles off the opposite wall , which shattered when they hit the floor .
30 After the kick is executed , he returns the leg that has kicked it to the ground and immediately follows up with a roundhouse kick off the opposite leg , using the front leg as a support .
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