Example sentences of "[prep] send [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 When she arrived at Walsall , she informed Edward that Mrs Noble , after sending her earlier a ‘ vulgar and jeering ’ letter in which ‘ She does her best to make me doubt you ’ , had forbidden them to meet or correspond until Helen reached years of discretion — her twenty-first birthday on 11 July 1898 .
2 There had been talk of sending me to a special school , but my family were not ready to accept such an open acknowledgment of my disability , and the excuse was again made about academic standards .
3 It never occurred to me that other children were n't spoiled as a matter of course , the way I was , and it would be years — and my father would be dead — before I understood that the expense of sending me to a boarding school was just an excuse , and the simple , sentimental truth was that they knew they would have missed me .
4 Griffin kills one of his rejects who he suspects of sending him death threats but such is his oily smoothness that he not only conceals his guilt from lady cop Whoopi Goldberg , but also has the wherewithal to outmaneouvre a pretender to his throne .
5 And that , I I was , my hus , during the time mother was ill , my husband took ill , now this is where authorities do n't give you any back up , instead of sending him to hospital which was fifteen minutes by bus , I could have visited him every day they sent him to the other side of the county which only allowed a visit once a week , and meant I had to leave at twelve o'clock and get home at six !
6 He then accused her of sending him hate mail , photos of dismembered animals and putting a mutilated doll outside his home .
7 The duke 's London residence was Essex House , the property of his brother-in-law , Robert Devereux , third Earl of Essex [ q.v. ] , another of Rose 's employers , who encouraged him to the extent of sending him to France for the first time , probably early in the 1640s .
8 And if Angel did not want to become a priest , what was the use of sending him to study at Cambridge ?
9 Was there no thought of sending him back to his father ? ’
10 As a lesson in How to Laugh At Oneself , I 'm thinking of sending him a postcard I have long cherished .
11 Indeed , it even handed over several copies of its official stamp to Agrokomerc , so that the notes could be endorsed without the bother of sending them to the bank .
12 However , as a result of this legislation , somebody will no doubt have to go to the expense of drawing up tenders and specifications and of sending them out .
13 I 'll be writing soon to you to beg your help ( not too demanding ) in a large language-collecting project — consists of sending us any typewritten ‘ bumf ’ etc. from the school that you 'd be happy to let us have .
14 Old Wolsey loved to lead people by the nose , in particular his nephew and myself , and relished his little games of sending us unarmed into darkened chambers full of assassins .
15 When any seeds arrive from him I will take the first opportunity of sending you a share and in return shall trouble you for some Northern and Welsh plants which I hope we shall make proper conveniency to receive into our Garden in a short time ; for several of those which you were so good as to furnish me with a few years since are lost for want of proper soil and situation , the natural earth of our Garden being too light and dry and the bottom too warm .
16 I 'll work out some way of sending you the money for the return postage .
17 But I do know that when times were bad , the people in the dale had to use the wool off the backs of the sheep themselves instead of sending it away to the wool merchants of Bradford after shearing .
18 Once you have seen which publishers might be interested in your novel , you begin the long process of sending it to one after another .
19 However , when the company was considering the service and repair of machinery and was thinking of sending it abroad to Scandanavia , it was willing to listen and to ensure that the work was carried out in this country .
20 instead of sending it through the post at Christmas I thought I 'd bring it .
21 His mother should n't of sent him with so much money .
22 well I mean they I , I should n't imagine , I should imagine there must be potential or they would n't of sent him there
23 They must send them home at erm they must of sent them home about quarter to three , because they got home at quarter past
24 if he thought there was something up he would of sent you for an x-ray , or
25 It may be worth sending them your demos , as well as pictures and biographies , and hope that someone takes an interest in you .
26 ‘ His pedigree says it 's well worth sending him there , ’ he said .
27 They 're the only times really and as with the I B M the I B M people 's the company I B M said if it 's more than a page is it really worth sending it out .
28 I thank you for sending me Molly Leapor .
29 THANK YOU , J R SMITH OF CANTERBURY , for sending me this cutting from the Canterbury Extra , offering the ultimate Austin for sale …
30 Many thanks for sending me a copy of Sheila Ryle 's reply to my letter of MKM February 92 .
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