Example sentences of "[prep] least [that] " in BNC.

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1 At a meeting of the European Commission last week , the Commissioner for tax , France 's Christiane Scrivener , shocked her colleagues by suggesting that the member states ' case may prove overwhelming or at least that the system as first proposed should be put back until 1995 .
2 He started to see that in his opinion more could be done for humanity by Churches than by political parties , even the best of political parties such as he took the Liberal Party to be ; or at least that the Churches engaged at a more profound level with the predicament of humanity .
3 One could say that the pressing question is how it is possible to live , rather than what teleology to adopt ; or at least that the latter does not sort the former out .
4 It meant at least that someone had been in the burial mound , though not necessarily recently .
5 We know at least that we are to have a common centrally determined curriculum for maintained secondary schools .
6 You look for ways to ensure that either it can be regularly dealt with by someone else or at least that it should reach you partly or virtually completed .
7 If teachers are the key to success of the information skills development than they will require convincing that the new approach can work in practice or at least that there is a body of sound research which proves the efficacy of information skills in the curriculum .
8 He knew at least that she was a different person from the girl he had taught to climb trees and to shoot with the bow and he was a little in awe of her .
9 But at least that stopped the Montego 's soaraway adventures .
10 By his continual switching from one level of style to another , and his equally continual use of characters as ‘ internal reflectors ’ of embarrassment or suspicion , Tolkien showed at least that he was aware of that very predictable mistake , and ready to do what he could to help his readers round it .
11 It seems that writing and translating is temporarily effective , or at least that the Beggar 's use for an introduction to the poem is of no further service , because no further meetings between them are recorded .
12 The second , and methodological , argument against historicism was that it was not ‘ rational ’ , or at least that it fostered irrationalism and mysticism ( Popper 1966 : 216 ) .
13 This would imply at least that the early fragment of language poses the problem of hierarchical analysis in a reasonably pure form .
14 Most researchers start from the assumption that it is morally wrong to conduct research on people who do not know that they are being studied , and will therefore tell them at least that they are writing a book , even if they are not wholly frank about what the book is going to be about .
15 Nevertheless we can say at least that his preoccupation with history has been consistent throughout : the articulation of repressed history in Madness and Civilization ( 1961 ) , the historicity of history in The Order of Things ( 1966 ) , the epistemic mutation of history and the theoretical difficulties of historiography in The Archaeology of knowledge ( 1969 ) , and the attempt to write a different kind of history , ‘ genealogy ’ , that demonstrates the emergence of new forms of power in Discipline and Punish ( 1975 ) and The History of Sexuality ( 1976–84 )
16 There are usually shared objectives in the meeting — at least that the problem should be solved .
17 We need to add at least that if the flipping caused the wipers to start to work , then if the switch was flipped the wipers started to work .
18 What is common to these and related responses is that if we take the starting of the wipers to be an effect we believe at least that there is some type of circumstance which is uniformly connected with the wipers ' starting .
19 In order to come within this paragraph , Mr. Beazley must satisfy the court at least that he has an arguable case that the property which the banks seek to trace is situated in England .
20 Up to now you always done solos , at least that I seen .
21 ‘ I thought you were going to tell me at least that it was for my own good .
22 But the denouement of the Soviet military presence in Egypt proved at least that the concession of military facilities to the USSR was unlikely in itself to induce a dependent alignment on that power .
23 ) . These legends prove at least that in Palestine the transition from the Persian to the Macedonian rule had been smooth .
24 At least that meant she would n't have to discard her towel under Luke 's assessing gaze , Folly thought .
25 ( Note : Do ensure that you have carefully marked the Source disk or at least that it is ‘ write ’ protected .
26 Well , at least that meant the water was turned on .
27 It was something at least that the route itself had now been agreed on .
28 I would argue at least that concentrating a group of students on one course should enable our scholarships staff both to tailor a more relevant course and to provide a better service to students .
29 Despite the safeguards in the Police and Crime Evidence Act 1984 in England , one can not complacently assume that all is well or at least that the service given by police surgeons could not be improved .
30 With the scum being really lucky getting a draw from a good Norwich side , it seemed on the radio at least that Norwich had at least one decent penalty decision turned down from a spineless and gutless referee .
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