Example sentences of "[prep] almost [det] " in BNC.

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1 It is at the root of almost all the player power problems .
2 — There is no doubt of the charm of almost all of W's work .
3 Fears were growing last night that the enforced departure of almost all foreign journalists from East Germany by midnight would signal the beginning of a sharp crackdown on all dissent .
4 Fiscal , monetary and administrative reforms , and the elimination of almost all subsidies , are designed to squeeze $35 billion out of the government deficit .
5 From his digs at 113 Cowley Road , Thomas wrote his first letter to Harry Hooton : ‘ My dear Mr. Hooton , I matriculated today before the Vice-Chancellor of the University , and , in consequence , I am left a little freer of time and heart : for until then , I feared failure in what turned out to be the easy matric. exam. , and worked to the exclusion of almost all else : which is the explanation of time and heart . ’
6 Of almost all the great measures with which his name is associated , he attained great eminence as an opponent before he attained even greater eminence as their advocate . ’
7 The second fact is that Labour , despite the recession and its junking of almost all the policies that made it unelectable in the '80s , has not made a significant advance .
8 Yet we saw in Chapter 1 that plants are the source of almost all life on Earth ; they alone can create the organic molecules which the animals consume .
9 This could be taken as a minor concession to advertising , except that the explicit statement at the beginning of the book seems related to an exclusion from the first volume of almost all the poems embodying Leapor 's sharpest social criticism .
10 The Israelis retreated out of almost all of Lebanon .
11 The emphasis of almost all research and development carried out at research stations ( and economic studies for national agricultural strategies as well ) is upon particular commodities isolated from their social , economic and environmental context .
12 Plate Tectonics , however , was truly a great leap forward since it helps to explain the interrelationships of almost all geological phenomena .
13 These two reports remain the source of almost all the information about the eruption ; the Royal Society in particular went to great lengths to amass every possible scrap of information and even inserted a notice in The Times requesting anyone who had seen or heard anything to come forward .
14 Silicon and oxygen , in fact , are the fundamental constituents of almost all the rocks in the Earth 's crust .
15 The ICRDG has invited earth scientists from the geological surveys of almost all the developing countries to spend eight weeks in Cyprus , living and working alongside its members ; during the summer about 20 will come .
16 This belief , or something similar , is to be found as the basis of almost all religious writings , which are , after thousands of years still holding millions of people completely committed to their acceptance .
17 His main growth areas … are likely to include the improvement and extension of existing houses , the modernising and planned maintenance of commercial , industrial and other buildings , and the need to improve the thermal insulation of almost all buildings … . ’
18 Before the formally dramatic part of the legislative process even begins , almost all the terms of almost all Bills are settled .
19 The chief effect of his Bill would have been the banning of almost all images of homosexuality from the small screen .
20 The disposal of almost all matters concerning children in Scotland is in the remit of the Children 's Hearing system .
21 ‘ I 've got rid of almost all the ideas associated with romantic love just in time to settle down with someone I like and respect . ’
22 The same is true of almost all pattern knitting , from the most heavily textured designs to really delicate lace .
23 At the heart of almost all of Thom 's lyrics is a sense of alienation from his surroundings , whether it 's expressed in ‘ Creep ’ 's whispered final line , ‘ I do n't belong here ’ , or the first words of the last single ‘ Prove Yourself ’ , ‘ I ca n't afford to breathe in this town ’ .
24 The primary need of any person or population is water and food and in primitive societies the supply of these commodities will absorb the effort of almost all the workforce .
25 Their armament consisted , as did that of almost all battleships for the next two decades , of four big guns ( 12-inch in this case ) mounted in two pairs and a secondary broadside battery of half-a-dozen 6-inch .
26 To claim money as a major human goal is not to make any specific claim about ‘ human nature ’ ( such as its mercenariness ) since it is not so much a goal in itself but the facilitator of almost all possible human goals — expressive , artistic , acquisitive or whatever .
27 Perhaps they helped persuade the British to follow a policy which kept them out of almost all the continental wars of the next quarter-century .
28 But it increased the cost of almost all RS/6000 model conversions by some 15% .
29 The year when Europe was still heavily rationed , and short of almost all the basic commodities of life .
30 For many years all major committee chairmen acquired their posts solely from their seniority , and even now this is true of almost all chairmen .
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