Example sentences of "[prep] [conj] to say " in BNC.

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1 He just looked at me as if to say ‘ how did you know I was doing that ? ’
2 Then one day she started pushing the baby toward me , as if to say , ‘ Go on .
3 ‘ This is my window , ’ she added and tossed a haughty look to the rest of the room as if to say , ‘ Are foreigners as stupid as shit , or what ? ’
4 She looked at him as if to say : ‘ Truce ? ’
5 Bringing up the rear , Stanley , catalogue in hand , turned and gestured with his head , as if to say : ‘ Are you coming then ? ’
6 Mungo turned as if to say : ‘ What 's so funny ? ’
7 When I got past I 'd put my head up again , as if to say , ‘ I do n't care ’ .
8 Von Karajan simply looked over , as if to say , ‘ I know my job , I hope you know yours .
9 He just glanced over again , as if to say OK , but not a word was spoken .
10 With a hop , skip and neat somersault under the ropes the crew-cut American cop was in the ring , brandishing his sawn-off rifle at Berzerker , as if to say ‘ go ahead , punk , make my day … ‘ .
11 Vic grimaces at his own reflection , as if to say : come off it , no identity crises , please .
12 The fox stopped and turned his head to look at Vic for a moment , as if to say , Yes ? and then proceeded calmly on his way , his brush swaying in the air behind him .
13 Or else the whole dialogue consists of one saying to the other ‘ I am here , ’ and the length of the pauses adds to the phrase the sense of a ‘ still , ’ as if to say : ‘ I am here still , it is still I. ’ And what if it is in the pause and not in the whistle that the meaning of the message is contained ?
14 The little horse was the most extraordinary thing that had ever happened to him in all his life , appearing like that in the torchlight and looking at him even before it was wholly born , as if to say , ‘ Hi , mate . ’
15 I just stood there solid as a rock and this feller looked at me as if to say , ‘ For two pins … ’
16 ‘ I do not know , but the red lion is not the Lord Bruce nor indeed his son , the Earl of Carrick but actually refers to Carrick 's son , Bruce 's grandson , a boy of twelve , ’ Thomas sniffed as if to say , ‘ Make of it what you wish . ’
17 The Mum and Dad looked at me and Dayglo as if to say , ‘ Love !
18 He 'd got up , and he was looking at me as if to say Coming ? supposing he was the kind of normal person who said that kind of thing .
19 She glanced across at Damien who shook his head with eloquent disgust , as if to say , ‘ Women jockeys ! ’
20 He was n't good at being specific ; he shook his head as if to say there were so many problems he did n't know where to begin .
21 The director plunges into the movie immediately with a huge close-up of the unknown Hoffman , as if to say , ‘ This is the new face of the movies .
22 In the first set he simply was n't in the same class as his 21-year-old opponent in the huge Olympic Hall , at times pleading theatrically with Ferreira not to hit so hard , and giving his racket to a ball-boy as if to say , ‘ you have a go , you ca n't be worse than me . ’
23 Disguising his real feelings he wrote cheerfully , telling them that it was better here than The Hague , as if to say that nothing could be worse than the hell of being unloved .
24 I 'm the company secretary , so it was essential that I was there and , as our timetables kept being shifted , I could see Martin looking at me as if to say is she going to make it ?
25 But Emeth is saved , for good deeds done for Tash belong to Aslan , and bad deeds for Aslan to Tash ; as if to say that God and Allah are different , but yet that virtuous Mohammedans will be saved rather than murderous Christians .
26 The Sheikha caught my eye and shook her head as if to say , ‘ This is all very old and not for today . ’
27 Then looking back at Mick who was grinning at him , he bit on his lip and moved his head slightly as if to say , ‘ How am I to take her ? ’
28 But he 's started looking at me as if to say , ‘ Perhaps she does understand after all . ’ '
29 The entire ambience of ‘ The Southern Harmony And Musical Companion ’ is that of a live performance , a natural echo that leaves all the noises of amplifiers crackling , valves popping and equipment being shouldered on the tape as if to say , this is for real !
30 Berowne gave him a rueful glance as if to say : ‘ See how even the lights conspire against me , ’ and walked briskly across .
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