Example sentences of "[prep] [art] loss " in BNC.

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1 Ressentiment is a more precise word ; he may well have been blaming God in these developing years for the loss he felt — for the anguish it gave not only to himself but also that witnessed by him in his mother and sister .
2 Unfortunately for the Frenchman , Arnold Boetsch , the Australians , Jason Stoltenberg and Pat Cash and the Americans Malivai Washington and David Wheaton , Edberg is not a cricketer and amply demonstrated his tennis talents by winning his first Stella title for the loss of just one set .
3 The museum claimed that Capricorn or the second defendant , as Capricorn 's agent , was responsible for the loss of the plaque .
4 MONEY , of , is no substitute for the loss of life or limb .
5 It will provide £75,000 for the loss of one or both eyes , hands or feet .
6 Under Sean Kerly , Southgate have got their act together quickly , even allowing for the loss of such players as Richard Dodds and Robert Clift , Peter Boxell and Jagdis Barber , and through injury , Rupert Welch and John Shaw .
7 At first they pinned most of the blame for the loss of jobs on the trade unions and the international recession , and then on high wage settlements .
8 We saw no razorbills , which was a surprise , and the few little auks we saw were all out on the water , but the puffins made up for the loss .
9 Of course you will grieve for the loss of your child , but I hope you will soon find out how caring and considerate people usually are of a woman in these circumstances .
10 Its people now pay a heavy price for the loss of their forests .
11 The $420m a year that America has been getting to compensate it for the loss in sales of farm products to Spain and Portugal after they joined the Community was due to run out in 1990 .
12 According to the Americans , a handful of dogfights during the first week produced a lopsided result : nearly a score of the most modern Iraqi French- and Soviet-built fighters shot down in the air for the loss , possibly , of a single American fighter .
13 A further $4 billion would be made available for reimbursing the Soviet Union for moving its citizens off the islands , withdrawing the troops stationed there , and paying compensation for the loss of property .
14 The Postmaster-General ( later the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications ) was held entitled to recover damages for the loss of the mails destroyed by the fault of a colliding ship , though he was not the owner and disclaimed all responsibility to the owners for the loss .
15 The Postmaster-General ( later the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications ) was held entitled to recover damages for the loss of the mails destroyed by the fault of a colliding ship , though he was not the owner and disclaimed all responsibility to the owners for the loss .
16 Gooch and Curtis made a solid start and the deficit was passed for the loss of just one wicket .
17 Gooch damaged a finger as soon as the innings began and had to go to hospital , Pringle taking command ; but he could work no miracles and victory was gained for the loss of just two wickets .
18 They made 165 from their 47 overs , with Robinson top-scoring on 55 , and Haynes , Richardson and Richards had no trouble in knocking off the runs for the loss of two wickets .
19 However , a central element in the common-law doctrine of provocation is the reason for the loss of self-control .
20 Thus the court must first ascertain the gravity of the provocation experienced by the defendant , and then consider whether this provides some excuse for the loss of control .
21 Again she was a busy young mother who did not really find the time to mourn for the loss of her unborn children .
22 Second , the method makes no allowance for the loss of coinage from circulation .
23 If only prudent allowance is made for the loss of Sir Charles 's personal cross-party vote , the participation of three other candidates and the tactical switch of a significant number of Labour supporters , it will be seen that Mr Taylor 's defeat was indeed a close run thing .
24 SIR — Neil Kinnock blames the tabloid press for the loss of the election ( report , April 14 ) .
25 As with most fossils of this comparatively recent date , the shell looks now much as it would have done when the animal first died , except for the loss of pigment .
26 One of the most interesting features of the building is the Trivulzio chapel through which the basilica is entered , its position on the original façade of the church having been responsible for the loss of the early , Romanesque , frontage .
27 Any guilt she many have felt for the loss of her son did not affect her longevity .
28 In the same report ( UNEP 1982 : 265 ) , it is claimed that the total area being reclaimed by irrigation is probably about the same as is being abandoned through salinisation , alkalinisation and water-logging , and that these problems account for the loss of about 2–3 million ha of the world 's best agricultural land each year .
29 That case has now been settled with all allegations of misconduct being withdrawn and Mr Holdsworth has been compensated for the loss of his pension rights .
30 But the loss of one simply paved the way for the loss of the other .
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