Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] class " in BNC.

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1 Listing themes and sub-themes ( units ) for each class of the primary school .
2 Five pounds for each class
3 Not surprisingly , many teachers ( and others ) foresaw , when they read the assessment proposals in TNC , the possibility of a ‘ national maths ( or science , etc. ) day ’ when all pupils would take the nationally prescribed tests leading eventually to publication of results for each class ( and their teacher ) , each school and each LEA .
4 Separate accounts are made for each person and for each class of asset , liability , profit or loss .
5 Next , focus carefully on the syllabus for each class , noting key sub-divisions and the proportion of the session devoted to each .
6 If debentures have been issued during the year , give : the reason for the issue classes of debentures issued for each class , the amount issued and the consideration received .
7 For each class of fixed asset either : disclose gross amounts of assets held under finance leases , together with the related accumulated depreciation and depreciation charge for the period , or integrate these amounts with the figures for owned fixed assets and disclose separately the net amount of assets held under finance leases and the related depreciation charge for the period .
8 Then we were shown the locker room , which had a section for each class .
9 A six week period for each class of six officers consisted of theoretical training using the saloon for the classroom , followed by working patrols during which the trainees would apply their newly acquired knowledge , and also do the normal work of a cutter crew , rummaging as time permitted .
10 overall numbers of correct and incorrect responses on each question for each class .
11 As Simon ( 1960 ) pointed out , one of the main tasks in designing a hierarchy is to decide the appropriate level of authority for each class of decision that has to be made .
12 A simple ( yet still surprisingly efficient ) method requires that the number of land-cover classes is known , and that for each class an estimate of the average reflectance in each Landsat MSS or TM band is available .
13 There are three or four geochemical classes of plumes , and a different process may be responsible for each class .
14 ( 4 ) If the target company has more than one class of equity share capital and an offer is made which could result in 30 per cent or more of the voting rights being obtained , a comparable offer must be made for each class ( Rule 36.8 ) .
15 This question will be approached in two stages : this chapter develops the conceptualisation of social collectivities and the relations between these and political forces , and attempts an historical outline of the development of these relations in Britain since 1945 , while the following chapter is a fuller essay in the analysis of the specific relationships between economic class structure , social collectivities and political forces in the period of emergence of Thatcherism and of Thatcher 's government 1979–1982 .
16 The following chapter presents a contribution , in the spirit of Marx 's ‘ Eighteenth Brumaire ’ , to the analysis of the ‘ specific historical conditions ’ — the particular relationships between economic class structure , social collectivities and political forces — leading to Thatcherism , and under the Thatcher government .
17 Relations between working class husbands and wives never lacked affection and it may well be that the poor , early twentieth century working class wife derived as great a satisfaction from the mix of activities she undertook to sustain her family as her modern counterpart does from , typically , a part-time job and the performance of less arduous domestic tasks ( with varying degrees of help from her husband ) .
18 It is at this point that the second contradiction — between working class and bourgeoisie — which differs from the first in expressing an opposition of interests rather than an incompatibility of structures , assumes great importance .
19 Yorke who popularised the new architecture in Britain , foresaw that as the number of servants declined , and the price of domestic machinery fell , there would be a greater convergence between working class and middle class households .
20 Nostalgia for the good old , bad old days gives much of what passes for working class culture in the 1980's , its peculiarly sentimental cast .
21 For working class folk wanting to borrow sums between £2 10s and £100 to keep them out of debt or buy something special , the Government passed legislation in 1835 ( 5 & 6 William IV cap 23 ) creating Loan Societies .
22 there was something about these middle class daughter 's relationships with their ( rather less ) disabled mothers which made sharing a household less tolerable to them than for working class daughters .
23 A third contrasting example of collectivity can be found in the Scottish Trades Councils in the latter part of the 19th Century , which formed a much stronger focus for working class politics than national trades unions at that time .
24 To schematise , the British working class has not been ready to run the risks of attempting to constitute itself as the ruling class , of putting forward concrete proposals for working class control over industry and finance and fighting seriously to achieve them .
25 So he said , But any road , before I go , he said er and my first nineteen twenty nine this was , and we went together on holiday , on the Continent which was unheard of , you know for working class people , but we went in nineteen twenty nine .
26 Finch , in a study of preschool playgroups , found that for working class women self help was illusory , because taking turns in looking after other people 's children did not fit in with their life styles or with their aspirations .
27 Right away I said , I have three people to find for working class areas who collect stamps , who are interested in stamps .
28 The prospect of remaining unmarried was undoubtedly materially harsher for working class women , because the average wage they could command in the late nineteenth and early twentieth-centuries was below subsistence level .
29 As the following chapters will show , the separation between the public and private spheres was much more rigidly maintained for middle class than for working class women .
30 Certainly marriage was very much a practical necessity for working class girls , and the chief hope was for a good bargain .
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