Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] ought " in BNC.

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1 ‘ For to obviate the inconveniencies that might result from the too frequent communication with the out pupils the Professor will demonstrate to the latter only what might be useful to them as Surgeons and Physicians to the human body , such as the most important demonstrations of comparative anatomy as likewise experiences [ experiments ] on several animals , which could not be attempted on Man without imminent danger , and lastly , a comparison between epidemical and epizootic diseases — therefore the out pupils ought to be considered by the Society [ College ] as a separate Class : the consideration of which ought not to have any influence as to the situation of the establishments .
2 We found that practices were very diverse , that people had different impressions , not only of what ought to be done , but what was in fact being done .
3 The Norwich City and Scotland striker , a figure of such unmitigated misfortune that money deserted him at the height of what ought to have been a highly lucrative and rewarding career .
4 If there is a written version of what ought to be being done this is a useful basic document .
5 Then , of course , any critical function which natural law might be supposed to have in constraining the content of positive law is dissolved and Finnis 's natural law with a variable and changing content is revealed as serving the purely ideological function of justification and not an epistemological function in respect of what ought to be .
6 It conforms to our modern secular perception of what ought to have happened .
7 1988 , etc. ) , there was a tendency to acquiesce in this conventional wisdom and all that went with it : the reduction of what ought to be a complex and multi-faceted debate to the simple adversarialism of ‘ formal ’ versus ‘ informal ’ , ‘ didactic ’ versus ‘ exploratory ’ , teacher as ‘ instructor ’ versus teacher as ‘ facilitator ’ , rote learning versus ‘ discovery ’ , ‘ subjects ’ versus ‘ integration ’ , class teaching versus group work , ‘ traditional ’ versus ‘ progressive ’ , ‘ bad practice ’ versus ‘ good ’ .
8 Theresa Billington Greig , who broke away from the Pankhursts ' suffragette organisation , the Women 's Social and Political Union , over the issue of militant action , was virtually alone in criticising suffragists and suffragettes who regarded the home ‘ as an exemplar of what ought to be in the political world ’ .
9 Brady was yesterday reluctant to say too much on the subject of his meeting with some board members , but it was obvious that the details of what ought to have been private business becoming public knowledge had disturbed the manager .
10 If the wording of a trust has been omitted and the other provisions accord with what ought to have been written , by analogy with institution as heir and with legacies a trust will be understood to be duly given and insufficiently expressed in writing .
11 Using measures which explain variations in utilisation in normative formulas is to confuse what is with what ought to be .
12 ‘ Using measures which explain variations in utilisation in normative formulas is to confuse what is with what ought to be .
13 Doctor Robertson , & Lagganlochan shall direct And the Expence thereof to be payd out of the overplus sum stented as King 's Cess , above what ought to be stented as King 's Cess for this year and Last year . "
14 Doctor Robertson , & Lagganlochan shall direct And the Expence thereof to be payd out of the overplus sum stented as King 's Cess , above what ought to be stented as King 's Cess for this year and Last year . "
15 Towards the end of his reign , in the ordinance of the forest of 1306 , the king speaks of being confronted ‘ with the inspection of human weakness ’ and the wide burdens that fell upon him , he being ‘ inwardly tormented with divers compunctions , tossed about by the waves of divers thoughts ’ , and being ‘ frequently troubled , passing sleepless nights , … hesitating in our inmost soul upon what ought to be done , what to be held , or what to be presented ’ ; ‘ about this chiefly is our mind busied without intermission , that we may prepare the pleasantness of ease and quiet for our subjects dwelling in our realm , in whose quiet we have some rest , and in their tranquillity we are inwardly cherished with odours of satisfaction and the flowers of hoped-for peace . ’
16 He argues that : ‘ [ t ] o the small investor the idea that someone working in the City is using inside information to deal in what ought to be a uniformly informed market is quite repugnant .
17 Let us suppose that , when invited to judge actions or persons , I appeal only to what is , never to what ought to be .
18 Moreover , Hume famously insisted , there is a prima facie gap between any assertion as to what is the case and any assertion as to what ought to be done , and this is best understood as the gap between reason 's detection of how things are and passion 's emotional response to their being so .
19 An emotivist will think that Butler is merely expressing and inviting an attitude whereby we favour this sort of system of self control , while an intuitionist will think that there is tacit appeal to an intuition as to what ought to be .
20 We are all agreed as to what ought to happen , but we have to be realistic and question how it can be made to happen .
21 He led an attack on what ought to have been his own castle , and blew it up with dynamite !
22 It is clear that the focus is on what ought to be taught : the intended curriculum .
23 As such , the operation was essentially different from planning which involved prior political judgements about what ought to be achieved .
24 The larger question , then , is not about what is , but about what ought to be .
25 But no transgression against Hume 's stricture is involved in pointing out that people 's views about what ought to be — their moral stance and outlook — may be directly related to certain distinctive features of their lives .
26 They were the North Riding Authority , er the East Riding Authority , the West Riding Authority , all of which converged on the on the city of York , and as you read through the files , er you will see that even then the D O E were trying to get erm those er those predecessor authorities in the late fifties , early sixties er to come to some view about what ought to be better for Greater York , so for many years the idea of Greater York ha has been current er in one guise or another .
27 No complaints about roominess up front but , surprisingly for what ought to be a five-seater , three in the back would need to be qualified weight watchers .
28 Every self-respecting ideology develops its own complex defence mechanisms which cunningly conceal , or paper over , the glaring discrepancies and inconsistences which inevitably arise between what ought to happen and what actually does .
29 Though flanked by what ought to be a couple of monstrosities of incongruence — the Hilton Hotel and the nineteenth-century Fisherman 's Bastion — all seem quite compatible .
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