Example sentences of "[prep] [art] soviet " in BNC.

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1 AN OMINOUS combination of industrial unrest , transport problems , investment cutbacks and unrelenting public suspicion over nuclear power is causing mounting problems for the Soviet energy industry .
2 Future gold production might be used as a regulator for the Soviet money supply .
3 The Gosbank official said Mr Angell was advocating a policy for the Soviet Union which the US abandoned with the collapse of the Bretton Woods agreement in 1971 .
4 The director said that it would take between one and two weeks for the Soviet Union to send the forces it is currently pulling out , back into eastern Europe .
5 That may be a tenable position for the Soviet Union , but not for Britain , which has committed itself repeatedly to accepting both self-determination for the German people and a re-united Germany if this is what self- determination leads to .
6 A similar battle is taking place over the Seoul Olympic champion Olaf Ludwig , with the all-West German Stuttgart team fighting Panasonic , who recently paid £400,000 for the Soviet Olympic track champion Vyatcheslav Ekimov .
7 Two Japanese companies will build a condom factory for the Soviet Union , which has an acute shortage .
8 Japan 's Mitsui and Company said yesterday that it would join Okamoto Industries to build the plant for the Soviet Ministry of Chemical and Oil Refinery Industries at Serpukhov .
9 Nearly six years since Mr Gorbachev came to power , it is still unclear what sort of future he has in mind for the Soviet Union .
10 Its view is that any help from the West for the Soviet economy must be ‘ catalytic ’ : that is , it must ensure genuine radical reform .
11 This was pretty clearly an attempt to nudge the Americans towards saying yes to an aid programme for the Soviet Union .
12 Rozanov , it was decided , would head for the Soviet Embassy .
13 The very weakness of the Arab states , economically , militarily and in terms of political stability , made it dangerous for the Soviet Union to support them unconditionally .
14 In other words , Bukharin was positing disequilibrium with positive indications for the Soviet economy , and negative indications for the capitalist economies .
15 What emerges from an examination of the FFYP is that it set a pattern for the Soviet economy that persists up to the present day .
16 For the Soviet economy , the transitional pain will be far greater .
17 Only more so , for the Soviet constitution itself had divided the country into theoretically ethnic territorial sub-units , ranging from autonomous areas to full federal republics .
18 WHEN the world held its breath : Crates of jet bombers bound for the Soviet Union are inspected by US officials .
19 More fish would be caught and fewer would rot if the Soviet fishing fleet , operating under ‘ civilian ’ ministries , did not circumnavigate to perform intelligence gathering for the Soviet Navy .
20 More to the point , the use of Eastern Europe as a crutch for the Soviet economy 's deficiencies has only reduced the ability of both to compete with the outside world .
21 In 1974 Marshal A. A. Grechko , member of the Politburo and Minister of Defence , identified several ‘ external functions ’ for the Soviet Armed Forces in an important revision of Soviet military doctrine :
22 Thoughout , policy-makers were distracted by fears of setting precedents ( for the Soviet Union , which broke up anyway ) or breaking principles ( non-intervention in civil wars ) , and by worries about their own institutions ( will this or that action help or hurt the EC , the UN , NATO , etc ? ) .
23 The team is to be lead by Dr. Boris Babaian of the Russian Academy of Science , inventor of the Elbrus-3 supercomputer which was developed for the Soviet space programme and is reported to be three times faster than a Cray Y-MP .
24 Alongside Scott McNealy , at the ‘ Meeting of the minds ’ press conference in California , on 1 September , will be Sun 's lasest hotshot recruit Dr Boris Babaian — the inventor of the 10GFlop Elbrus supercomputer developed for the Soviet space programme — who is renowned for his wizardry with software architecture .
25 Opinion in Washington had slowly been moving , during the previous three months , to the conclusion that it was not essential for the Soviet Union to participate in the final stages of the Pacific conflict .
26 He felt that MacArthur was not interested now in a peace conference actually meeting but rather of putting forward the proposal in order for the Soviet Union to reject it .
27 For the Soviet Union , the return to any nation of territory occupied during the war would create a dangerous precedent .
28 In October 1966 George Blake escaped from Wormwood Scrubs prison after serving nearly five years of a 42 year sentence of imprisonment for spying for the Soviet Union .
29 Some of them were carrying placards , with slogans that read : Stop the war against Russia , No guns for Poland and Help for the Soviet people .
30 There can be little doubt that Nizan departed for the Soviet Union in January 1934 in a crusading spirit .
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