Example sentences of "[prep] [art] days " in BNC.

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1 EVEN THOSE students of Italian Catholic politics enchanted by Byzantine matters are nostalgic this autumn for the days when schism was a simple affair .
2 But during the three eight-week terms his routine was to sleep in college , at least for the days in the middle of the week .
3 Without a shred of embarrassment , the sentimental Tory takes out his hanky and invites us to watch him dripping crocodile tears of fond reminiscence for the days of that most honourable of men , so lauded by the Conservatives of his era , Mr Tony Benn .
4 I often think back on those days ; they seemed so halcyon , but I do n't regret their passing , for the days now are sweeter , even if so many must be spent apart .
5 I thus set about preparing for the days ahead as , I imagine , a general might prepare for a battle : I devised with utmost care a special staff plan anticipating all sorts of eventualities ; I analysed where our weakest points lay and set about making contingency plans to fall back upon in the event of these points giving way ; I even gave the staff a military-style ‘ pep-talk ’ , impressing upon them that , for all their having to work at an exhausting rate , they could feel great pride in discharging their duties over the days that lay ahead .
6 If LEAs take their assigned task seriously , schools may begin to hanker for the days when they were given the tools and told to get on with the job .
7 WE ALL , I reckon , feel a nostalgia for the days before the First World War when we read that travel was simpler and you could go down to Victoria and light out for the Continent without bothering about a passport .
8 Furnishing the house was like a game of hunt the thimble , for the days of the fine shops in Abu Dhabi 's Hamdan Street or in Dubai were yet to come .
9 We realized that we needed a letting agent who would not only take the bookings but generally oversee the properties , plus a cleaner for the days on which they changed hands .
10 OH for the days of unwashed female activists with shapeless dungarees , tobacco breath and roll-your-owns .
11 ‘ So , when the bombs start to go off the Western press will put it down to hard-liner elements still yearning for the days before Gorbachev arrived .
12 Our plan for the days ahead was to drop to the valley floor and follow the Hongu Khola northwards to the wild Panch Pokhari at the valleyhead , then return westwards across the difficult Mingbo La pass to familiar territory in the Solo Khumba .
13 And so , in spite of our nostalgia for the days when Premier Harold Macmillan declared that Britain had ‘ never had it so good ’ , there was nothing at all unusual in the BMA 's diagnosis of the appalling state of morals in 1961 :
14 Oh , for the days when fridges had proper handles .
15 Conscious that she must make the most of these last weeks , and grateful for all the happiness and love which she had enjoyed in childhood , she was nevertheless eager for the days to pass and for the news to come that João had arrived from Lisbon to collect his bride .
16 In many ways , the good arciprete is nostalgic for the days of Stalin and he regards Russian glasnost rather as he would the Vatican bank investing heavily in Durex .
17 From where I 'm sitting ( in a Paris café as it happens , pal , limbering up for the days 500cl — I mean 500 word slog ) , a rest in that sense would take the form of a couple of shifts in a Bolivian tin mine — and Club Med do n't fly there .
18 On occasion , it might refuse to work at all and we find ourselves longing for the days of youth when it would stand at attention regardless of any identifiable sexual stimulus .
19 Another is a search for more definite realities in the certainties of the ‘ good old days ’ — a nostalgia for the days of horses when each person knew his place , was secure within it , when the old were respected and when the world was slower-moving and more predictable .
20 Tomorrow I go into Radio Nottingham to record three more thought for the days .
21 Outside the window the light was still full and clear , for the days were drawing out .
22 ‘ How one longs for the days of Bishop Heber sometimes ! ’
23 Of course , you only get UB for the days you are unemployed .
24 Oh for the days of Leeds hype …
25 I fret often for the days when I lived and worked in the countryside , but one sad sight used to be that of herds of demented idiots vandalising the scenery and terrorising nature in their delirious lust for an innocent animal 's life .
26 no I were gon na do , I got them for the days
27 The new latrine in its fairly protected situation , and the newly appointed shithouse clerk was to be a great boost to Commando morale during the days ahead .
28 During the days that followed our plans to backpack up into the hills had to be curtailed because of the weather , but to compensate there was the pleasure of watching Nathan explore the Arctic .
29 During the days of abundant farm labour women were very much confined to the roles of housewife and mother , with the feeding of the poultry the only outside activity .
30 Boy as I said lived during the days on sugar , yoghurts , instant coffee and toast ; then every evening the man would cook up a big casserole , one big casserole filled with fish and lots of potatoes , tinned sweetcorn , something like that , and they would eat that together in the kitchen every night at seven o'clock , before the man went off to work — he worked nights you see .
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