Example sentences of "[noun sg] to avoid this " in BNC.

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1 It displayed particular concern over a possible closure of the Strait of Hormuz and a determination to take action to avoid this .
2 In a last attempt to avoid this very un-English measure the Liberal Government introduced a scheme , organized by Lord Derby , whereby men ‘ attested ’ their willingness to serve if called upon .
3 A long campaign to avoid this consequence was waged by Anthony Wedgewood-Benn , as he was then known , when he inherited the Stansgate title .
4 Every woman who 's pregnant should be offered a test to avoid this happening .
5 Where parties expect to do business together on a regular basis and to use fax or similar media to place and accept orders , the drafter should include an appropriate provision to avoid this problem , indicating when messages are to be deemed effective .
6 The decision to avoid this sector was consciously taken , but now Boyden is moving into recruiting in investment banking .
7 It is , obviously , extremely easy to get stereotyped in layout : it is the art director 's job to avoid this , without doing excessive damage to the way the reader will want to take in the ad .
8 A useful piece of advice to avoid this is to tell users that they should be trying to decide how attractive the industry is for some SBU that is strong in that industry .
9 The government have therefore controlled the money supply , creating in effect a mini-depression to avoid this likelihood , but unfortunately they have also stifled the very lifeblood of a healthy industry , a buoyant home market .
10 Take care to avoid this possibility , training the dog to sit by the door .
11 We take care to avoid this by designing appropriate software .
12 The best way to avoid this problem is to embark on a low-carbohydrate diet to reduce the numbers of Candida before starting the drug — if you have followed Steps 1–4 described above , then you should not experience this problem .
13 The easiest way to avoid this pitfall is to separate human conduct into behaviour and performance .
14 The way to avoid this was to vote Tory and secure a majority government maintaining the existing system .
15 It is used to different degrees in different authorities , which indicates that some have found a way to avoid this particular form of compulsory removal .
16 The way to avoid this disaster is to behead gradually — we took off about a third of the top growth every 7–10 days , so that the final beheading can be completed just above the implant by the end of March or mid April .
17 A way to avoid this difficulty might be to put the political team on top of the bureaucratic hierarchy instead of in a separate box at the side of it .
18 Ultimately , there is no way to avoid this .
19 One way to avoid this is to think for a moment before beginning , searching for some idea , however brief , on which our imagination can work .
20 ‘ The only way to avoid this is to approve new legislation that protects patients from pressure by third parties ’ .
21 Clause 12 of Precedent 1 deals with the point in the correct way to avoid this problem .
22 ‘ If there 'd been a way to avoid this mess , we 're experienced enough in the business to have spotted it ! ’
23 In order to avoid this ‘ skin deep ’ quality , in the central atrium the brickwork of the original party wall between the buildings has been preserved at the eastern end of this space to the full height and width of the block .
24 In order to avoid this situation , the practice was to effect a resettlement each generation .
25 ‘ … considered that a casual with a skilled trade may have his efficiency seriously impaired by being required to break stones and may , in order to avoid this task , feel compelled to sleep out or to commit some other offence against the law ; that it is impossible to expect the officer in charge of a casual ward to discriminate between men for whom the task would or would not be suitable , and that this would lay him open to accusations of favouritism or vindictiveness ; that the task could rarely be made a profitable one , and is repugnant to the class of workers most liable to unemployment , being looked upon by them as having penal associations and as entirely deterrent . ’ )
26 In order to avoid this obviously ridiculous result , the German scientist Max Planck suggested in 1900 that light , X rays , and other waves could not be emitted at an arbitrary rate , but only in certain packets that he called quanta .
27 In order to avoid this result the draftsman should define a reference to an Act of Parliament etc as including a reference to that Act etc as amended or re-enacted from time to time .
28 In reality they will do everything in their power to avoid this , because the primary function of their venom is to incapacitate their prey and they can not afford to waste it unless they are driven to extremes .
29 Any breeding of fish must be done in a separate spawning tank to avoid this problem , as well as the only means of saving the fry .
30 Short , cropped styles can go a bit flat so finger-dry the hair with a little styling mousse for added texture to avoid this .
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