Example sentences of "[noun sg] whereas the " in BNC.

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1 Of course Lang 's movie was far more interested in psychology than sociology but there were other differences too : Fury was a one-off movie whereas the more pedestrian and less ambitious Black Legion was part of a continuing Hollywood tradition .
2 The Americans believed that priority should be given to the restructuring of the European economies in the long term whereas the British were preoccupied with what they argued was a short-term dollar crisis .
3 In essence whereas the submission in June exceeded the three per cent limit , this revision now falls within the guideline , this is partly due to the use of the savings in the nineteen ninety three ninety four budget exercise and the reduce to be
4 This may be explained by the selective cholinomimetic action of cisapride on the smooth muscle in the mid and distal oesophagus whereas the striated muscle of the proximal oesophagus has not been affected .
5 For example , two gearbox housing castings would be a touching condition whereas the bolts connecting them would be an interferencing condition .
6 There is unlikely to be any advance in the accuracy of dating of early Anglo-Saxon archaeology in the near future whereas the assumptions upon which such dates are allowed are very likely to come under close scrutiny .
7 And er if you look also at the way that the stones fit together they 're ve they fit together very neatly on the aisle where by the small window whereas the central part of the church there 's much more mortar between the joints .
8 It is equally indefensible that the Revenue is prepared to accept an employee 's estimate of his business use of his home telephone whereas the DSS requires a log of calls to be maintained .
9 You say that 01 for London has approval from the IBA to look for sponsorship whereas The South Bank Show does not .
10 But he did , and explained why the Tory reforms attended to patient and parent whereas the Labour ones only pandered to the producer .
11 But it 's such a limited range whereas the the and other bodies that come on these courses have got the whole the whole investment field so er you do get the the advantages there .
12 Furthermore , earn outs encourage the vendor to concentrate on short-term profitability whereas the purchaser 's concern is more likely to be the long-term prospects of the business .
13 Third , a large public sector aids economic decline since it does not create wealth whereas the private sector does .
14 In H5 bound to chromatin , many lysines in the globular domain are strongly protected against chemical modification whereas the lysines in the N-terminal and C-terminal tails are only weakly protected .
15 For example , the APU practical is an interactive test whereas the others in the list are not .
16 One trial ( 25 patients ) also required transrectal ultrasonography of the prostate and a serological test for prostate specific antigen whereas the other ( 30 patients ) required further investigation only if malignancy was suspected clinically .
17 It is within the capacity of existing arrangements ( the in-service training system ) to address the knowledge base question whereas the structural dimension is a far more complex and difficult situation .
18 Deep-sea cores potentially provide a complete stratigraphical record whereas the continental record is necessarily less perfect .
19 The subject class is made up of the majority of the population whereas the ruling or dominant class forms a minority .
20 2.42 As regards the savings that would have been made by the deceased , Lord Reid thought that the widow and daughter would have had an interest in any capital that the deceased might have accumulated before his death , but he concluded that the widow might have died before her husband whereas the daughter would almost certainly have survived him .
21 There is some common ground between these two approaches to selection of materials for Science teaching , but they do result in radically different programmes : the content based approach is much easier to understand and interpret by the average teacher whereas the process-based approach often strikes much deeper towards the prior aim of making learners think more scientifically in a world where this process is increasingly necessary for survival .
22 The POU S contains a putative protein kinase C phosphorylation site whereas the POU HD contains putative phosphorylation sites for both protein kinase C and -A ( see Fig. 1A and B ) .
23 The few reported cases that have come to autopsy have generally shown bilateral cerebral lesions but the right sided damage has always been in the region of the occipito-temporal junction whereas the lesions on the left have not been uniformly located ( Benson , Segarra and Albert , 1974 ; Meadows , 1974 ; Whiteley and Warrington , 1977 ) .
24 So , for example , the cost of the minibus to the budget-holder is based on a depreciation charge whereas the cost of the minibus to the taxpayer is based on a minimum revenue provision .
25 Now this is a problem er because if you do n't sharply define your objectives and if you do n't know what you need to achieve them , then you 're likely to stumble into the possibility of an uncontrolled war e even into a total war whereas the original objective was not in fact er as serious er as , as er as that .
26 Okay , they 're poor paid , but at least they would have the pride of saying that they 've got a job whereas the elderly are having to just sit at home and turning down their fires and turning down their central heating in case they ca n't afford their bills !
27 Some people argue that the INFORMAL ORGANISATION describes what really goes on in an organisation whereas the FORMAL ORGANISATION describes what ought to happen .
28 We report here that comparisons of distribution of cerebral blood flow in these conditions localized the phonological store to the left supramarginal gyrus whereas the subvocal rehearsal system was associated with Broca 's area .
29 Among the pieces of evidence advanced for the traditional view , for example , are the facts that until late in the reign of Suleyman the Muftis were considerably less well-paid than the kazaskers and that the Muftis did not sit in the divan whereas the kazaskers did .
30 The right hemisphere seemed able to grasp the shape of a three-dimensional form as a unified whole whereas the left hemisphere concentrated in turn on each of the edges and corners of the forms .
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