Example sentences of "[noun sg] held [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Some groups of animals found in nature are simple ‘ associations ’ assembled either through overwhelming influences of nature , such as tide-washed plankton on a sandy shore , or through responses to temperature or light held in common by all participants .
2 She knew quite well what the future held for her — marriage to Steven and a busy life as the wife of a doctor .
3 I little knew then what the future held for me and looking back I can see what a lot I had to learn .
4 The first was that de Gaulle did not know precisely what the future held for Algeria .
5 As we walked out arm in arm , under the high timber roof , I wondered what the future held in store
6 is much more of a go down in colour , erm so I think probably if I 'd seen her , er prints I maybe I would of approached this erm differently , erm it gave me a very immense voice about crowds , erm , very , very different from the front of the picture apart from the alarm registered in the eyes of the , of the old woman erm , this is called Even Paradise Has Its End , sorry Even Paradise Has Its Price , sorry Ours in the night laying between sleep and arousal held in balance , fragile as dust on a scale , night spirit 's sit easy , in no hurry , even paradise has its price , would you like me to read that one again ?
7 This is right , Ours in the night laying between sleep and arousal held in balance , fragile as dust on a scale , night spirits sit easy , in no hurry , even paradise has its price .
8 Next , in the leading case of Air Canada v. British Columbia , 59 D.L.R. ( 4th ) 161 , the question arose whether money in the form of taxes paid under a statute held to be ultra vires was recoverable .
9 The idea was they were after the records which the college held on all students .
10 I move the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on the twenty first of May 1991 be signed as a correct record .
11 I move that the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on the sixteenth of July be signed as a correct record .
12 Thank you Next item , Right agenda item three , notes of the Joint Consultative Committee held on the twenty-first of October , nineteen ninety-three , paper B. If I could just say a few words .
13 What follows is a meeting of the Wiltshire County Council 's Policy and Resources Committee held on Tuesday twenty-fifth January 1994 .
14 In November last year , at a conference held by the G M B we highlighted the priorities needed to deal with these regulations .
15 Following the est the establishment of the public services section , I was lucky enough to be a delegate at the conference held in April .
16 The international flavour of our work was much in evidence at the first Johns Hopkins ' International Fellow Inthralenthropy Conference held in London in July .
17 Parish post held by Mr Bumble in Oliver Twist .
18 The minutes of the meeting held on the first
19 Er minutes of the meeting held on the tenth of January were read and approved .
20 Item two , minutes of the meeting held on the eleventh of October .
21 As we received the Minutes of the Personnel Meeting held on the eighteenth of October , nineteen ninety-three .
22 Minutes of the meeting held on the seventeenth November .
23 Item twenty four meeting held on the eleventh of January are received those in favour please say aye .
24 The minutes of the meeting held on the twentieth of October have been er distributed .
25 The minutes of the annual general meeting held at Labour Club on Monday the seventh of December nineteen ninety two .
26 Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held in the village hall on Friday the fourteenth of January at seven thirty .
27 The minutes of the meeting held in January .
28 Each cage held at least one white rat .
29 at the analytical thinking seminar held in November .
30 As the court held with respect to the expression ‘ matters relating to a contract ’ used in article 5(1) ( see the judgments of 22 March 1983 in Peters [ 1983 ] E.C.R. 987 , and of 8 March 1988 in Arcado [ 1988 ] E.C.R. 1539 ) , having regard to the objectives and general scheme of the Convention , it is important that , in order to ensure as far as possible the equality and uniformity of the rights and obligations arising out of the Convention of the contracting states and the persons concerned , that concept should not be interpreted simply as referring to the national law of one or other of the states concerned .
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