Example sentences of "[noun sg] say [art] " in BNC.

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1 But workers against racism say a former prison is the wrong place .
2 Student leaders at Queen 's University say the acute shortage of student houses flats and bedsits has been caused by higher standards for accommodation demanded by the Housing Executive .
3 On the trains British Rail say no problems all doing find East Midlands Airport all okay as well let's listen for a space now with Annie Smith .
4 The magistrates in the case say the girl was n't locked up because she was n't driving the stolen car .
5 Sources close to the KIO say the civil suit in Britain has no bearing on separate , and so far unsuccessful , criminal cases against many of the same defendants in Spain .
6 The annual presentation of awards ceremony during the afternoon say a good turnout of supporters and distinguished guests in the Festival Hall .
7 I even 'eard Mum say the other day she was goin' over there to get a loan .
8 Labour say the authority will be hard pressed to keep the promise when 13 of the authority 's consultants have waiting lists of more than a year .
9 Labour say the government is set to lose the Euro debate by 10 votes .
10 The prison officers association say the strain is showing on staff .
11 Many district councils like the Vale of White Horse say the law is unclear and the penalties are n't a deterent , so they wo n't take it any further .
12 Members of the Savernake Fly Fishers club say the River Kennet in Wiltshire is teeming with trout because so many have escaped from a nearby fish farm .
13 Having youngsters on the same site albeit seperated would only be an experiment say the Home Office , and the long term policy remains to phase out mixed prisons in any form .
14 When we look at the open countryside it does n't really to my mind say a great deal about er what is what should be considered acceptable .
15 Many in the farming industry say the current system has survived well for seventy years and they see little reason for changing it .
16 The 26 environmental groups that make up the Everglades Coalition say the agreement does not go far enough , failing to tackle the problem of how to restore the natural rise and fall of water in the swamps , which has been disrupted by dikes , canals and other human intervention .
17 The people who organised the anti-FA-18 campaign say the aircraft is too expensive .
18 Opponents of the plan say the gravel pit is in a conservation area , and the houses would be too expensive for local people .
19 But opponents to the plan say the ban would be just unnecessary legislation and an infringement of freedom .
20 Many rivers in the region have dried up , and people in one village say the water authority is pumping out too much water .
21 The council say the development is essential to Swindon 's economy .
22 Forest of Dean council say the ramps were too steep , it 'll cost more than £3,000 to build a better ramp across the Palmers garden and regulations insist the Palmers must make a contribution .
23 But the county council say the project 's unlikely to go ahead , because of the impact it would have on the environment .
24 They say the centres are a lifeline for the disabled … the council say the charges would help them meet a two million pound shortfall in their budget .
25 Officers at Darlington Borough Council say the gloves are off in the battle for compensation over the town 's £12m Dolphin Centre sports complex .
26 Surveyors for Richmond Town Council say the wall is badly cracked in places and leaning by as much as 500mm .
27 Durham County Council say the increase in traffic would be minimal .
28 But the council say the school , which has only one full-time teacher , is too small to cope with the new national curriculum .
29 The conservatives on the county council say the budget approved , which is supported by Labour and the Liberal Democrats , has forced Poll Tax charges above the government estimate of £278 .
30 Pap say the rackets .
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